Bright Era

Chapter 292: Blackbeard's efforts

Continue to ask for recommendation tickets and various ticket support!

It's so hot outside, the pig head is already sweating when he goes out!

At eight o'clock in the evening, I will open Flicker on channel 2935 of Y on time. Those who are interested, come together!


Leaving the tower where Lin Qi was imprisoned, Blackbeard returned to the prison guards' dormitory. A big man with a tall stature and a beard all over his face, who looked three to five points similar to the black beard, was waiting there. Blackbeard returned his uniform and leather armor to the big man, and left Thunderforge along the jailer's dedicated passage without saying a word.

Followed a secluded path to a small flat field behind Lei Yabao, a black carriage was already waiting here.

Blackbeard stepped onto the carriage. A middle-aged man with a slick-mouthed monkey cheek was sitting in the carriage. Seeing Blackbeard got into the carriage, the middle-aged man smiled and stretched out his hand to Blackbeard: "You see Who do you want to meet?"

Blackbeard took out a gold ticket with a denomination of 50,000 and placed it in the opponent's hand. He sat down heavily on his seat and said in a deep voice, "Yes, the conditions in Lei Yabao are much better than I thought. But see. It costs fifty thousand gold coins for one side, which is really not cheap!"

The middle-aged man quickly stuffed the gold ticket into his pocket, and then sighed heavily: "Yes, it's not cheap, but it's not easy for anyone in this world! Our Legal Department is the least oily department in the entire empire. , Although I have collected 50,000 gold coins from you, there are not many that I can get."

He lifted the window curtain and pointed out. The middle-aged man looked at the black beard with a sad face and sighed: "Look, you didn't bump into anyone when you went in, and you didn't bump into anyone when you came out. There is a person who looks similar to you waiting for you. All of this will cost money, and it will cost money!"

He patted his pocket hard, and the middle-aged man looked at Blackbeard very seriously: "To tell you frankly, I can only get three thousand of these fifty thousand gold coins, and I will pay the remaining 47,000. Go out. But your fifty thousand gold coins are worth it, aren't they?"

Blackbeard smiled, he nodded heavily, and said vaguely: "Yes, it's worth it!"

The middle-aged man smiled triumphantly: "So, if you go to meet the person you want to see, we will earn a little relationship fee. This is a good thing for both parties. Of course, you saw the noble person in it today. It can go smoothly... I mean, if he can return to his original position, I need to take care of us!"

Blackbeard understood what the middle-aged man meant, and he nodded again and promised.

The carriage started and drove quickly in the direction of the imperial capital, and neither the black beard nor the middle-aged man said anything. Blackbeard squinted his eyes to calm his mind, while the middle-aged man was constantly pinching his fingers to calculate what, his hand stroked his pocket from time to time, it seemed that he was calculating how the gold coins should be distributed, to see if he could Take thirty or fifty gold coins from it.

The speed of the carriage was very fast, at least a lot faster than the prison car that Lin Qi took when he arrived, which was about two hours, and the city walls of Berrely could be seen in front. At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly, and the carriage shook violently for a while. The two horses pulling the carriage made a sharp cry, and then the carriage driver yelled in horror, but soon there was no more outside. sound.

The middle-aged man was taken aback. He opened his mouth and was about to yell. The curtain of the car window suddenly moved slightly. Two dark shadows swept in from outside, and sat next to him, one left and the other right. A sharp dagger was placed on his Adam's apple, and the other dagger was simply placed near his left rib. From here, with a light stabbing, the dagger could be inserted into his heart.

Blackbeard opened his eyes and slowly took back the gold ticket of fifty thousand gold coins from the middle-aged man's pocket.

The middle-aged man was anxious. He looked at Blackbeard in irritation and was afraid and angrily: "Your Excellency, you broke the rules like this!"

Blackbeard took out a cigar and put it in his mouth, lit the cigar with a match and took a heavy sip. A thick smoke sprayed from the black beard's mouth, which happened to be sprayed on the face of the middle-aged man, and the black beard grumbled and said: "Stop talking nonsense, your rules are not **** in my opinion. You can die. , You still have a good opportunity to make big money. Take me to the confidential room of the Legal Department. I can give you two hundred thousand gold coins!"

The middle-aged man looked at Blackbeard in horror: "You are crazy! You must be crazy! How could I enter the confidential room of the Legal Department?"

Blackbeard reached out and slapped the middle-aged man’s face with a slap in the face: “Stop talking nonsense, don’t think I don’t know who you are, Mr. Yato, the pimp of Ley Yabao? You are not the private clerk of the Minister of Justice, Patou Huh? Either take me to the confidential room or..."

Blackbeard raised the curtains and asked in a low voice, "Is the pit dug?"

The **** face of the hammer, which is definitely not handsome, blocked the entire car window, and he said with an urn: "After the digging is done, it is completely possible to bury two horses, two people, and a carriage in it! Lord, let's dig in. This pit is a waste of much energy!"

With a pale face, Bai Tu looked out from the gap in the car window, right on the edge of the avenue, in the bushes, and a huge hole was dug. The Hammer also said too modestly. This pit is enough to bury a dozen horses and three or five carriages. It is definitely not difficult to bury Pato and a carriage driver.

Swallowing dryly and spitting, Bai Tu took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and said, "The city gate is about to close in half an hour. We have to enter the city as soon as possible. Your Excellency, you can follow me to the Legal Department. , But I don’t want bloodshed!"

The black beard poked his finger heavily on Pato's chest, and he said in a urn: "Don't worry, if there is bleeding, it won't be your blood!"

Baito yelled in pain, he glanced at Blackbeard faintly, and closed his mouth obediently.

The carriage continued to move forward. But this time, following dozens of riders in front of and behind the carriage, everyone was wrapped in black cloaks with wide-brimmed cylindrical hats, and no one could see their faces clearly under the cover of night. Their dress is somewhat similar to the brass hats of the Garrison that perform special tasks.

A group of people rushed into the imperial capital before the city gate closed, and then drove along the street towards the Victory Palace.

The imperial capital Berrily is a city with a lot of water. In addition to the river Seine, which flows to the north, there are several small rivers that cross the city and join the Seine River. The Ministry of Justice of the Gaul Empire and the Victory Palace are separated by a fifty-meter-wide river. But unlike the magnificent glory of the Victory Palace, the Ministry of Justice has a simple and heavy building, like a heavy seal lying on it. In a green shade.

Under Baito's guidance, the convoy came to the back door of the Legal Department, where there is a special passage for the officials of the Legal Department to enter and exit. It was already night, and there was no one in the Legal Department except the night guard. Although the Ministry of Justice is extremely powerful in the empire, there is nothing worth looking at in the Ministry of Justice, so there are not many guards here at night.

Under the leadership of Bai Tu, Blackbeard led a group of family elites and drove straight in, and went deep into the office building of the Legal Department along the dedicated passage. There is a concierge at the end of this passage, and two lazy guards sit in it and drink secretly. Seeing that it was Bai Tu leading people in, the two guards nodded and bowed to help Bai Tu open the door at the end of the passage, without asking why Bai Tu had to return to the office at night.

But Pato was a little guilty. He explained to the two guards with a smile, "I forgot a file in the office. Well, is there anyone in there?"

The two guards shook their heads. Although the Ministry of Justice is highly powerful, the affairs of the week are very leisurely. Unless there is a case such as a noble rebellion, there are very few things that require the Minister of Justice to be dispatched. So when the night falls, the officials of the Legal Department have already ran away. Where will anyone stay in the building?

Baito sighed with satisfaction, and walked into the dark building with a black beard.

Soon Pato came to the confidential room of the Legal Department with a black beard. This is also the only important place in the Legal Department. Some important files and some official documents are stored here. In order to ensure the safety of this place, it is confidential. The walls of the room are made of magic metal up to two feet thick, and its door is a mechanical code door protected by a magic circle.

There are three head-sized gears on this mechanical code door, corresponding to three sets of numbers. You must follow the correct sequence and enter the correct password to open the door. Once a number is entered incorrectly, this door will activate the magic circle inside, and the warning message will be immediately transmitted to the guard hall of the imperial capital. A dragoon of 1,000 men will be stationed in the guard hall close at hand. Came here in three minutes.

"I know the order of entering the password, first the bottom one, then the top one, and then the middle one!" Baito looked at Blackbeard helplessly: "But I only know the first and second sets of passwords. ,I..."

Pato couldn't finish his words, because a short and shriveled old man behind Blackbeard in his shocked gaze had already stepped forward, swiftly entered three sets of codes, and then pushed open the confidential room. door.

"It's impossible!" Baito exclaimed in shock.

"Nothing is impossible!" Blackbeard gave Pato a cold eye: "The designers and builders of this door are dwarves, but you know, as long as you give dwarves gold coins, they will tell us many things happily, such as this A universal code for the'Guardian's three iron wall door'!"

Pato opened his mouth and rolled his eyes feebly.

Blackbeard strode into the confidential room. He rummaged in the confidential room with a huge candlestick, and then from a thick pile of blank documents, he pulled out a few blank handover documents from the Legal Department.

Bai Tu opened his mouth in surprise. He looked at these blank documents and suddenly smiled excitedly.

"You want to bring the prisoners directly from within Fort Leigh? Then, with 1 million gold coins, I can help you to forge the documents without any flaws! You know, I am the only one who can copy the Minister of Justice. People with handwriting!"

Blackbeard opened his mouth, and then he laughed happily and patted Pato's shoulder hard. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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