Bright Era

Chapter 315: Hard beast

This is a magnificent, semi-artificial and semi-natural underworld.

Under the cliff as deep as two kilometers, there is a piece of magma with a radius of thousands of miles, and the boiling magma is constantly ejecting endless light and heat. Like a knife-cut cliff, it stretches straight to the left and right for more than a hundred miles. The cliff grows dense vegetation, including a lot of rare and rare objects on the ground. Deep underground, there is no sunshine forever, but the light and heat of the magma sea provide the energy needed for growth. This cliff has bred a large number of plants that require extremely harsh conditions to grow.

Above this huge piece of magma, a magnificent three-dimensional array is slowly rotating.

There are nine floors in total, with the upper part small and the lower part big, distributed in a pyramid shape. The golden divine formation centered on nine thirty-six-pointed star formations, supplemented by three hundred and sixty twelve-pointed stars to seal the big formation, completely suppressing this void. The divine formation was condensed and not scattered. The nine-layer divine formation looked like it was made of gold, without the illusion of the flickering light and shadow of the common law formation.

This sacred formation did not know what it was used to suppress, anyway, it appeared here, and it gave people a very strange feeling.

On the edge of the magma sea, on this cliff of two kilometers high, is a plain with a radius of hundreds of miles. Because of the heat and light provided by magma, an underground grassland has actually formed here! What is even more incredible is that there are dozens of streams and small rivers running through this grassland.

These waterways don't know where they originated. They flowed through the grassland and directly turned into hundreds of large and small waterfalls along the cliffs and tilted toward the magma sea below. But the magma below has infinite heat, the waterfall pouring down, and hundreds of meters away from the magma is evaporated into water vapor. The tumbling heat drove the water vapor to rise, nourishing the vegetation on the cliff, making these plants more fertile and strong.

Even because of the water vapor tumbling upwards, it actually condensed into a mist of water on this underground grassland, and then turned into a large group of clouds that are only a few hundred meters above the ground. When the water vapor condensed to a certain level, heavy rain poured down.

It is a miracle to see heavy rain in places thousands of meters deep underground.

Lin Qi erected a stone spear on the edge of the grassland and stab the hexapod monster in front of him. He exhausted all his strength and tried his best to stab forward. The stone spear pierced the air, making a sharp cracking sound, and even a white vigor appeared in front of the stone spear. This was an anomaly caused by the air being greatly compressed and shocked.

The Fat Bear, who was nervously mobilizing two elite teams to reinforce the rookie team, happened to see Lin Qi's energy and spirit approaching perfection. He slapped his palms and smiled, "Okay, Fat Bear has gotten another good hand! What a pity, Which **** had a private vengeance with this kid, and ruined his vindictiveness? Otherwise, I have another top expert!"

In the fat bear's admiration, the stone spear slammed heavily on the monster's muscular chest.

The six-legged monster shaped like a galloping horse gave a deep roar, and its muscles all shook suddenly, and its black scales stood up at the same time, like countless small knives. Lin Qi only felt his hands shook, and the stone spear let out a groan, and then the sharp tip of the spear pierced the monster's scales and pierced into the monster's muscles driven by Lin Qi's strange power.

With a loud bang, the stone spear pierced into the monster's chest half a foot deep and then stopped moving. This monster has ribs on its chest, but its ribs are not fence-like like humans, but a whole thick bone plate. Lin Qi never dreamed that the bones of the monster would be generated like this. His forward strength was exhausted, and his stamina was too late. The monster pushed forward desperately, and Lin Qi was knocked back a dozen steps backwards. far.

A small but two-meter-high monster rushed over from the diagonal thrust, as if a violent wind rushed to Lin Qi's side, erected two front hooves and kicked Lin Qi's chest fiercely. Lin Qi only felt that his chest was stuffy, and the stone armor he was wearing was broken into a dozen pieces. The stone splashed and scratched the faces of the two newcomers around Lin Qi, and blood shot from their faces.

"Asshole, what the **** is this?" Lin Qi's body is so tyrannical now that he was kicked by this monster and his chest became stuffy and almost didn't vomit blood. Angrily, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the front hooves of the monster, and then pressed both hands. The six-legged monster, which was about two meters high and four meters away, was abruptly waved by him.

The monster with Lin Qi's stone spear in its chest swung its body and threw the stone spear out a long way. It roared lowly, and also ran towards Lin Qi with its head down. But Lin Qi shook the screaming monster in his hand and threw it down with all his strength.

With a loud noise, Lin Qi's arm shook violently, and the joints all over his body were shook with a bang. The huge bodies of the two monsters collided, and they stunned both monsters. Lin Qi yelled and took a dozen steps back. The stone armor on his body was broken to the ground, and the coarse cloth was torn apart by the scales on the monster's body. His strong muscles were exposed, and his belt was smooth and clean. Under the gloomy skin, blood vessels protruded like earthworms, and the hot air continued to diffuse from his body.

The fat bear danced happily: "Okay, Lin Qi! These two six-legged legs are pretty much yours. It's a full two hundred catties of good meat, enough for you to eat for a month! Brothers, work hard, Quite killing these six-legged group, enough for us to drink spicy food for two months!"

Before the words were over, the three heads and six legs rushed out wildly, they swept the rookie team like death's sickles, and the two kobolds howled miserably and were trampled on their heads by the six legs. Their heads were smashed like rotten tomatoes. It had to be smashed, and then another sheep-headed man fled back a dozen steps, but was chased by a six-legged head, and opened his mouth to bite his head into two pieces.

Just when Lin Qi gasped, Shuai Xiong picked up his huge stone spear and rushed out again. He swept wildly with a spear. This time he was wise not to attack the heads of those six-legged barbarians, but Squatting on the ground and swept toward these relatively fragile hooves of the six-legged group.

The thick spear swept over dozens of hooves running wildly, and the stones collided with the hooves, splashing large swaths of sparks. More than a dozen hexapods fell to the ground with a miserable howling, and Shuai Xiong also staggered, retreating several steps embarrassingly. Lin Qi saw three black scales on Shuai Xiong's face. He didn't know when six legs broke free and the scales shot on Shuai Xiong's face.

"Be careful of these animal scales! Don't be shot in the eyes by them!" Shuai Xiong raised his stone spear and roared loudly.

The two elite teams on both sides are ready. The grid-killing team roared and swung a large axe and rushed into the herd to hack and slash. All of them who can be selected into the grid-killing team are physically strong and powerful. The big guys, they also have a not-so-weak vindictive cultivation base. Although their physical bodies are far inferior to Lin Qi, they have a vindictive bonus, and their axes are sharply polished. These six legs are pretty one after another. Fell to the ground.

The long-range team quickly opened the big net and cast it out, and the six-legged one after another was quite trapped in the big net. No matter how hard they struggle, these big nets are extremely tough and can't break free.

Seeing that this group of nearly a hundred six-legged barbarians was about to be swept away by a single net, a tiny golden light flashed across the magma sea, and a small twelve-pointed star seal array suddenly turned.

The golden light flashed on the grassland, and a rock lizard nearly 30 meters long sprayed out Mars suddenly, dying, this rock lizard happened to appear in the chaos of the rookie team. The rock lizard was stunned for a while, and quickly turned his head to the left to look at the right. It seemed that he was a little puzzled about his sudden appearance here, and then a dark red sand stream suddenly spouted from its mouth.

It was a sand stream formed by a mixture of half-melted sand and a raging fire. The members of the seven or eight rookie teams were sprayed into their bodies by the sand stream. Their bodies were burned to the ground. The sand stream also contained strange toxicity. The expressions of these people quickly changed. Hei quickly fell to the ground motionless.

Shuai Xiong was beating a six-legged barbarian with a stone spear, and the violent rock lizard appeared. He looked back hastily and immediately cursed. The rock lizard turned around, his tail twitched fiercely, and directly hit the handsome bear on the back. Shuai Xiong let out a miserable cry, and there was a sound of broken bones on his back, and his huge body was blown away by the rock lizard, vomiting blood and fell on the ground without moving for a long time.

The fat bear looked back at the rock lizard, and he roared angrily: "Damn, why is there a new guy being passed over at this time? On top, on top, who can hold this big guy, its devil? The nucleus is his! Its blood is his! There is also a thousand catties of rock lizard meat, whoever can top it! Just a quarter of an hour!"

No one in the hunting team said anything, and even the lion man and tiger man with the strongest combat power showed horror on their faces. Rock lizard, this is a high-level existence comparable to the heavens, and its brute force is extremely amazing, and it is also thick and thick. The defensive power is amazing. The sand stream that emits contains extremely terrible fire poison, which is the most terrifying in this underground world. One of several monsters.

Usually, to hunt a rock lizard, you have to prepare a lot of things in advance, and ambush a large number of people to introduce it into the trap. Who can handle it like this?

Only when Lin Qi's eyes lit up, he yelled, "Let me go", then he took off his clothes and boots, and rushed towards the rock lizard naked. Reaching out and hugged the giant tail of the rock lizard, Lin Qi raised all his strength and screamed and dragged the rock lizard back more than ten meters.

The Fat Bear looked happily, he yelled with his thumb up: "Lin Qi, great! Hold this beast, I will help you right away!"

Solemnly drew out a metal forged sword, and the fat bear screamed and rushed into the six-legged man.

The rock lizard that was dragged backwards by Lin Qi for more than ten meters turned back fiercely, and stared at Lin Qi with big eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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