Bright Era

Chapter 316: Half-blood demon

The blood sneered, perhaps because Lin Qi released a trace of coercion that only a close-range rock lizard could detect. The blood spray in this hapless guy's body was astonishingly fast, and Lin Qi's body It was as if there were a thousand legendary blood-sucking demons lurking, and the blood of this rock lizard lock industry was sucked clean in just a dozen breaths.

The impact of the joints was like a knock of gold and iron. Lin Qi shook his body gently. He felt that the strength of his bones should be equivalent to that of fine iron that had not been tempered! This is terrible. Now Lin Qi has a feeling that he can completely suppress the lower-tier knights in the pure power without using any grudge.

Just let him recover a little bit of grudge. . .

With a weird laugh, Lin Qi even felt that even if Blackbeard was in front of him, he would dare to challenge Blackbeard. Of course, Aunt Lily’s kind of pure monster aunt will forget it. Faced with the terrifying creature that can crush the entire Black Tiger family's male celestial position in strength, Lin Qi feels that he is still waiting for his vindictiveness to have the celestial position. Think about it again.

The joints clashed lightly, and the ‘ding ding’ was so clear and sweet. Lin Qi's muscles beating like a bowstring, making a hum that only he can hear. As for his internal organs, they were squirming vigorously. Lin Qi heard a faint sound like thunder.

The internal organs roar like thunder, this is a vision that only exists after the fighting qi cultivation base reaches the heavenly position and the body functions are greatly enhanced. The internal organs are squirming like thunder, which proves that the function of the internal organs has been strengthened hundreds of times. A heavenly knight can eat a hundred times the food of ordinary people in one meal, and they can also maintain vitality without eating any food for a long time.

It was like the first time Lin Qi encountered Dragon City, he killed dozens of catties of raw fish in one meal; it was as if Dragon City had been sealed in an iceberg for more than half a month, but he still woke up alive and kicking.

Lin Qi's current grudge has not even recovered a bit, but his body has been strengthened to this degree, which really makes Lin Qi overjoyed. When he re-cultivation of fighting qi, re-cultivating fighting qi to a high level, or even breaks through to heaven, his body will be strengthened and tempered in all aspects, and his body will really be higher than those. Tier Beast is even more terrifying.

Maybe it can really reach the level of a dragon!

Lin Qi smugly stroked his sturdy body without a trace of cellulite, and suddenly sighed with a vague sigh: "I'm thin, I've only been thin in just a few days! I have to be as strong as my old man, so look at it. You look thin, not rich enough!"

Shaking his neck and thigh, Lin Qi checked his body. The body that had been wounded by the rock lizard just now has all recovered, and it is stronger, tougher and stronger. Lin Qi glanced at the rock lizard that had lost its breath of life, raised his fist and slammed its strongest forehead.

With a ‘click’, Lin Qi’s fist sank into the rock lizard’s head, and penetrated a full three inches deep.

In terms of physical strength, Lin Qi has already surpassed this rock lizard. Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction, pulling the tail of the rock lizard and walking towards the fat bear. The six-legged barbarians over there have been completely wiped out, except for a dozen lucky ones who were imprisoned by the big net, the other six-legged barbarians have all been killed.

But Fat Bear’s rookie team also suffered heavy losses. At least two dozen unlucky ghosts who joined the hunting team were brutally killed by the hexapods. Several others had their arms and thighs broken. Fat Xiong and others were standing beside them helplessly, discussing something in a low voice.

It didn't take long for a gray elf with red pupils to come out. He drew a dagger made of stone and gently wiped the necks of these maimed companions. Blood spurted out, Fat Bear and others stood up at the same time, chanting the unknown Requiem prayer in a low voice. Afterwards, the bodies of all the dead in the hunting team were thrown into the magma sea and burned into blue smoke in the blink of an eye.

Lin Qi's heart suddenly chilled when he saw the gray elf killing several people whose arms and thighs had been bitten off expressionlessly. This is Heiyuan, and this is Heiyuan's rules. If you are disabled, you can't do things to feed yourself. Instead of letting you linger and suffer, it is better to free you directly.

This is different from the Black Tiger family. If the Black Tiger family fights with others and has disabled companions, they will all be well taken care of. At least it is not a problem to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime. But in Black Abyss, the only end of losing combat power is death! Fortunately, people like Lin Qi whose limbs are intact and can be rescued with the blood of a rock lizard. Those whose limbs have been bitten off and have completely lost their combat power can only send them on the road.

Lin Qi dragged the rock lizard back to Fat Xiong, staring blankly at the hunting team members who were lifting the corpses of their companions and throwing them into the magma.

Fat Xiong turned his head and patted Lin Qi's shoulder vigorously: "Rookie, pay attention, don't get hurt in Heiyuan. A little bit of internal injury and other problems is fine, you can't break your arm or leg, or you will die!"

His hands formed a very weird handprint on his chest, and the fat bear whispered to himself: "My mother is kind, she taught me not to eat people like my dead father, so now the hunting team is not eating people. If it were the old man who was still there, the brothers who died would be dragged back to make the soup."

Lin Qi looked at Fat Bear in amazement, and then he suddenly found a strange natural blue trace on Fat Bear's neck.

In the library of the Lian family, Lin Qi has seen similar patterns. This is a natural magic pattern that can only be found on an extremely rare ogre! But the magic lines on the ogre's body are all over the body, and the fat bear only has such a small patch on the neck. Lin Qi said in amazement, "Boss, who is your father?"

The fat bear patted his stomach hard, and smiled triumphantly: "Look at me, my father, but a pure-blood ogre! It's a pity that he was sent over by a darkfield assassin and a eater eight years ago. The heart demon was killed by teamwork. Tsk, my mother is a pure human, I really don’t know how they gave birth to me."

Lin Qi silently, he is also very surprised about this problem. A pure-blooded ogre is at least three meters tall. Unless the fat bear’s mother is also a talented and strong woman with a height of two meters away, the male ogre and female It is impossible for humans to unite, but the reverse is possible.

I really don't know what kind of weird Fat Xiong's mother is. Lin Qi racked his brains, but still did not imagine what Fat Bear's mother looked like. But think about it, if you expand Aunt Lily one more circle, it should be the same, right?

Fat Xiong glanced at the rock lizard behind Lin Qi and nodded in satisfaction: "Very good. It is good to be able to kill a rock lizard alone."

At this point, Fat Bear suddenly woke up. He hissed at Lin Qi like a ghost: "Damn, you killed a rock lizard alone? The old man believes in not knowing which messy cannibal **** is on top. , How did you kill it? This is a rock lizard, not a hexapod!"

Lin Qi stared at Fat Bear blankly, is it hard to kill this thing? Of course, it is difficult to deal with, but Lin Qi seems to have paid the price of severely wounding his bones and internal organs and then killed him? Of course, in fact, the first blow of this rock lizard severely damaged Lin Qi, and it is certain to die if someone else is replaced, but there are divine essence and dragon power essence in Lin Qi, which is enough to ensure Lin Qi is injured while Healed!

Looking at the fat bear naively, Lin Qi said in amazement, "Is it hard to kill? I just blocked his mouth, and then he died?"

Shuai Xiong, the tiger man and the lion man all approached and looked surprised at the rock lizard dragged by Lin Qi. They all smelled the meat scent from the rock lizard's head, and did not doubt Lin Qi's statement. After all, it is impossible for humans to defeat a rock lizard alone, even if they are handsome bears, if they are hit by the rock lizard, they will be seriously injured and dying.

None of them saw the terrible scene of Lin Qi carrying the rock lizard hundreds of times with his body. If they saw this scene, they would have been scared to death long ago, or they would have suspected that Lin Qi's body had a ghost. But they didn't see it, so they just thought that Lin Qi used some wonderful means to plug the rock lizard's mouth.

Fat Xiong laughed happily, and he punched Lin Qi hard in the chest: "Good guy, good brother, don't be in the rookie team, follow Poshan to enter the team, we just need such a good guy. I said earlier, the magic core is yours, and a thousand catties of lizard meat is also yours! Now hurry up and help your hand and bring all these six-legged guys back!"

The lion man on the side roared to the sky, and he also punched Lin Qi fiercely, making a dull noise.

"I am Broshan, the leader of the kill team, Lin Qi, you will follow me from now on!"

Before breaking the mountain, Shuai Xiong kicked his belly fiercely and kicked the mountain out.

"Go! My rookie team finally got a master, and you want to take it away? Leave me a good player this time! I need the help of a master like Lin Qi, otherwise you want the rookie team to lose dozens of people every time Huh? Is it so easy to recruit new people now? You can't always let the boss go to the street to pick up the rags?"

Lin Qi's face is dark, is he one of the tatters that Fat Bear picked up from the street?

At this moment, the divine formation on the side turned silently, and several black lights suddenly flashed from the side of the hunting team.

A low horse hiss sounded, and eight black centaurs with a height of four meters up and down suddenly emerged from the black light. They looked around and threw a huge spear at the hunting team without saying a word.

What's even more palpitating is that on the back of one of the centaur sits a demon who is about four feet tall and entangled in black air.

Pure, devil!

With a shriek of laughter, a black flame burst out of the demon's hand.


Tired, let's change a chapter first, and continue the rest of noon and afternoon!

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