Bright Era

Chapter 317: War horseman

Today is Saturday. Let’s take a rest. How many consecutive days have been updated with more than 10,000 words.

Today we update two or three chapters to see the spirit and motivation.

In the evening on Channel Y 2935, let's fudge together.


Centaur, also called horseman, is a kind of beast with a four-hoofed steed on the lower body and a human on the upper body. Although they have a human upper body, they are more proficient in using various human terms, but human beings—no matter which continent they are, no matter what color they are, no matter what language they use, all human beings agree that this is A kind of warcraft.

It is about four meters high and its body is dark like coal. This is the Abyssal Centaur, the most brutal, bloodthirsty, and lowest IQ of the Centaur race. If other centaurs born on the surface can barely coexist peacefully with other races, the biggest preference of this abyssal centaur is to torture and kill all weak people who are not of their own race.

But correspondingly, because of their stupidity and cruelty, they have become one of the most favorite mounts of some powerful demons. It's like a demon riding on one of the centaurs. Obviously, this is a demon who has been unfortunately transported here with his own private property.

Eight thick javelins roared, and the three rookie team members were pierced through their chests. They were made of dark green wood. Apparently poisonous javelins shot these three unlucky ghosts and plunged into the back. The magma sea. But the remaining five javelins failed at the same time because they chose the wrong target. The old players of the kill team and the long-range team were not so easily killed.

But there was still a monkey man from the long-range team killed because he was hit by the flames shot by the demon.

A human-shaped fireball suddenly lit up, and the monkey man just let out a miserable cry, and his whole body collapsed suddenly, like a burnt down house. His flesh and blood and internal organs turned to ashes in an instant, leaving a clearly visible black figure on the ground.

The clouds and fog above my head no longer rained down, although the strong wind remained the same, but the line of sight was much clearer.

Eight huge centaur horses hooves thunderously rushed here, and they drew out huge battle axes more than two meters long and slashed towards the hunting team. And the demon riding on the centaur, with a bloodthirsty grin, waved his hands and shot dozens of fist-sized black fireballs randomly.

Fat Xiong's experience is extremely sophisticated, he immediately yelled: "Avoid these fireballs, long-range attacks, long-range attacks, don't fight with them!"

Before the words were finished, a loud noise came, and a Leopard from the slaying team had raised a large axe made of stone and smashed a centaur into a fierce encounter. The stone big axe collapsed suddenly, and the centaur grinned and smashed the big axe severely, splitting the leopard man into two pieces.

Afterwards, the centaur grabbed it very lightly, and half of the Leopard's body was stuffed into his mouth and chewed. Blood and minced meat continued to spurt from the corner of his mouth, and the centaur's eyes suddenly turned red: "It's delicious, come again! Kill!"

These abyss centaurs with low IQ can speak such simple sentences, but this guy's eating appearance obviously stimulated his companions, and they raised their axes and smashed them down at the hunting team here.

These guys are too big, with an average height of about four meters, and the Western Continent has the most direct standard for measuring the size of strength-the greater the strength, the larger the size of the creature, so the strength of the eight centaur is far beyond Everyone present, even the handsome bear who is more than three meters tall will not be their opponent.

With a ‘wow’, the members of the three long-range teams were swept by the battle axe, and six corpses flew up with blood in the sky. Then the two members of the kill team teamed up with a centaur. In the loud noise of the ‘Dang Cang’, the two stone axe was smashed to pieces, and the two staggered backwards. But these two men were obviously strong to a certain extent, and the centaur was also shaken back several steps.

On the contrary, the black fireball emitted by the demon didn't hurt anyone. Because of the tragic death of the monkey man just now, everyone was careful to avoid these fireballs. These high-temperature black fireballs screamed and ripped the air apart, falling far to the ground, burning sod and mud ‘pop’, but failed to hit a target.

The demon screamed unpleasantly, and he raised his hand and began to mutter the mantra.

Lin Qi followed Shuai Xiong in embarrassment and avoided the bombardment of a few fireballs. Lin Qi, whose scalp was numb, shouted, "How come there are demons here? How come there are demons here?"

Shuai Xiong shook his fat **** while avoiding it, while waving his huge stone spear indiscriminately: "Of course there will be! Since there are six-legged barbarians and rock lizards, there will naturally be demons! This **** formation, the legend is The gods of the church have been set up to suppress some ancient evil formations in the underground abyss! Below our layer of black abyss, in the deep and deep underground, there is still a huge space!"

With a roar of anger, Shuai Xiong saw that some of his rookie team's subordinates were about to be overtaken by the centaur. He shook his huge body and rushed forward, and then hit the opponent with a stone spear. . With a loud noise, Shuai Xiong's stone spear was split into a huge gap, but the Centaur was also shook back by Shuai Xiong.

Correspondingly, Shuai Xiong was also hit by the high-speed impact centaur back and forth again and again, almost overwhelming Lin Qi to the ground.

Lin Qi firmly held Shuai Xiong's body, he shouted: "Use vindictiveness, handsome beardedness, vindictiveness!"

Watching the handsome bear fighting for so long, Lin Qi found that this guy had been using brute force to fight hard against others, he didn't use grudge at all! We must know that the bear people are the main combat unit of the orc clan, and the bear people who have cultivated their fighting spirit to the heavenly level can at least contend with three or five human heavenly positions of the same level. If Shuai Xiong can use grudge, at least he can sweep half of the group of six-legged barbarians just now.

"I don't know how to be angry! My father is dead before I was born! I can't **** be angry!"

Shuai Xiong turned his head angrily and roared at Lin Qi: "I only have an old lady who can't speak human words! She is a pure Abyss Demon Bear, she can't speak human words, she can only use the Abyss Demon Bear's ethnic magic , I **** have no magic qualifications, where the **** should I learn from the bear man? I am the only royal bear man in the lowest level of the Heiyuan Hell, where do I go to learn from the royal bear man? ?"

The wailing strange yelled, Shuai Xiong raised the stone spear, rushed upwards again, and smashed a centaur. This time Shuai Xiong was shocked to take a dozen steps backwards, but the centaur was also beaten to a staggering body and almost didn't fall to the ground.

Lin Qi fainted in his head, looking at Shuai Xiong in shock.

What stuff, what? The handsome bear is a royal bear? This is the most noble and most powerful existence among the bear people, and his position in the orc tribe is comparable to the royal family of the Gaul Empire. But since Shuai Xiong is a royal bear, his father must be a royal bear. But his wife is an abyss demon bear? What's the mess of this?

Is it possible that the lowest level of the Hei Abyss Divine Prison was the only bear person who had handsome bear's father, so he, he, he found an Abyss Demon Bear to succeed him? Too powerful, too powerful! Lin Qi shivered all over his body, which was too bad.

Just when Lin Qi was in a trance, dozens of fireballs suddenly poured down here. Lin Qi screamed in fright. He hurriedly picked up a stone spear from the ground and rushed out behind Shuai Xiong. The fireball rubbed Lin Qi's scalp and landed on the ground, and then exploded quickly, blasting Lin Qi forward more than ten meters. But Lin Qi was lucky, because there were several rookie teams who were slow to respond, and they just got bombed to no bones.

"Didn't your father leave you a classic of vindictive cultivation?" Lin Qi followed closely behind Shuai Xiong, shouting loudly.

"My father is illiterate, he **** illiterate!" Shuai Xiong glared at Lin Qi with a gloomy look: "When you are desperate, don't ask if these messy things are okay? Go hard!"

With a scream, Shuai Xiong rushed forward bravely, and violently collided with a centaur across his shoulder.

Lin Qi picked up the stone spear and went under the hip of Shuai Xiong with an extremely damaging effect, and then rushed to the belly of the centaur against the ground. The stone spear viciously slammed into the middle of the half of the centaur's legs. Lin Qi tried his best when swinging the stone spear, because he used too much force, he even faintly felt that the stone spear had bent out of an arc.

The stone spear stirred the air and brought up a white curtain, which slammed heavily on the lower gear of the centaur.

With a muffled sound, the unlucky centaur dropped the big axe in his hand, and had four hooves together, and his hands tightly covered his mouth, and he made a sharp sound that didn't know if he was crying or laughing. , The huge body jumped up to more than 30 meters high. A lot of blood sprayed from his lower body, spraying Lin Qi and Shuai Xiong all over his face.

Shuai Xiong ‘Quack’ laughed loudly, and he made a fist at Lin Qi: "Good job, keep coming like this!"

Then Shuai Xiong was very nasty, and he stuck his huge stone spear to the ground, aiming it at the belly of the centaur at an altitude of 30 meters.

Lin Qi ‘haha’ smiled, he flew out and **** the big axe dropped by the centaur.

It is two meters long, and the handle of the axe has the thickness of a small sea bowl. The entire axe is about 1,500 catties. The current Lin Qi is still too light to use, but the quality of this axe is good. Look at this integrated axe, look at the thin water pattern like snowflakes on the axe blade, this is clearly a boutique made by the **** dwarves!

"Developed!" Lin Qi screamed and rushed towards the other centaur while holding the big axe tightly.

With a ‘pouch’, the hapless guy who fell from a high altitude bumped into Shuai Xiong’s spear. The thick spear pierced his stomach and came out abruptly from his back!

The demon had noticed the brave Lin Qi and Shuai Xiong, he screamed, and put his hands together, and smashed Lin Qi with a large fireball with a diameter of three meters. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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