Bright Era

Chapter 318: Dark Flame Little Devil

The third chapter of Saturday. Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendations!

At eight o'clock in the evening, channel Y 2935 is here or there!

Zhutou went to dinner, and continued to code after the meal, 8: Go online on time!


"Quack! I like this!" Lin Qi waved the huge and sophisticated battle axe, and severely chopped off the hind legs of a centaur from behind. The centaur who was swinging his battle axe trying to smash a monkey man let out a miserable cry. His huge body slanted backwards, his body convulsed with pain, and blood spurted out like spring water.

The monkey man who was nearly killed gave Lin Qi a grateful look, yelled "Thank you, brother", then waved the short javelin in his hand, and slammed it into the centaur's eye socket. The remaining members of the long-range team swarmed up, they swung their javelins into the centaur's neck and waited for the vital points, and quickly stabbed him to death on the spot.

A majestic tiger man snatched it and snatched the battle axe from the centaur. He looked at Lin Qi, gestured a thumb, and then bravely waved his tomahawk to meet another centaur. There was a loud bang, and a faint blue halo flashed across the tiger's body. His muscles suddenly swelled to twice the size, and he blocked the centaur back.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the tiger man's mouth, but he still stood still and did not step back. He shouted excitedly: "Brothers, these guys use excellent metal weapons! Be them, grab them!"

While squirting blood and shouting frantically, the tiger staggered and chased the backing centaur. The other hunting team members—except for those newcomers from the rookie team, everyone rushed to them like crazy.

In the lowest level of Heiyuan Divine Prison, it was too difficult and too difficult to obtain a metal weapon. The **** clubs above will not allow them to get too powerful weapons. The heretics who were imprisoned will keep all their belongings because of the agreement between the king and those **** clubs, but now the king is dead, those **** clubs must be Will strip off all the oil and water on all newcomers.

Even if the king is not dead, which newcomer will bring in a lot of weapons?

There are many heretics who are eligible to be imprisoned. They carry all kinds of weird classics or drugs. Even if several newcomers with outstanding force are imprisoned, one is that their portable weapons must be used by themselves, and the other is that no one can **** their portable weapons from them, so in the Black Abyss God Prison, they want to get Metal weapons are not easy.

Even if a group of dwarves are working hard to find the molten metal in the lava to cast weapons, the quality of purely cast weapons is not generally bad. After all, there is no stable fire here, there is not enough auxiliary materials, it is extremely difficult to forge a good weapon.

But these centaurs have great dwarven battle axes, which are worth the hard work!

Such a big axe is probably the price of more than a hundred gold coins in the outside world, but it is worth at least the core and blood of fifty rock lizards! But if you are outside, the magic core and blood of a rock lizard are worth millions of gold coins. One can imagine how much a good weapon is worth here!

The hunting team rushed forward frantically, but Lin Qi suddenly felt a scorching breath coming toward him.

Lin Qi's heart was beating violently, his heart seemed to feel the danger of an attack, and he was giving Lin Qi an urgent warning. Lin Qi turned his head in panic and saw a black fireball three meters in diameter screaming at him.

This fireball exudes a terrible high temperature, and the black light makes the surrounding area dark. This light ball seems to be able to absorb the surrounding light. There is only pitch black in front of Lin Qi, and the red light released by the nearby magma sea has disappeared. Without a trace. Lin Qi's pores were venting cold, and the power of this fireball was extremely terrifying. Lin Qi faintly felt that if he was hit by this fireball, he would definitely be burned to ashes.

But Lin Qi's heart was beating violently, and an unthinkable thought suddenly poured out of his "heart"-maybe he didn't need to be afraid of this fireball, maybe this fireball would not cause him any harm. His breathing power is ten thousand times that of this fireball. This small fireball is only good for barbecue!

Lin Qi shook his head quickly. This idea definitely did not belong to Lin Qi, but an instinctive reaction from Lin Qi's body!

Lin Qi's body is telling Lin Qi, don't be afraid, you must be able to withstand the fireball's attack!

The fat bear wielding a long sword and fighting two centaur fiercely on the side turned around, and he roared: "Lin Qi, are you crazy or stupid? Get out! This is the bursting fireball of the Dark Flame Demon, don't let it go. This fire hits your body!"

But Lin Qi didn't move, he raised his battle axe, followed his body's instinct, and slammed the axe down at the fireball. With a loud noise, the battle axe tore the fireball into two pieces, and two terrifying black flames hit Lin Qi's body heavily.

The terrible high temperature instantly covered his whole body, and Lin Qi felt like a big fireball, spitting out endless heat from his belly. He has an illusion, it seems that his body has become gray, has become fire, has become light. But this illusion disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, and his body absorbed all the flame essence in this fireball!

The dragon power essence roared in Lin Qi's body. Part of the dragon power essence quickly merged with Lin Qi's body under the stimulation of the high temperature of the fireball, and Lin Qi's physical strength was improved again. And the essence of the gods leaped into Lin Qi's soul and poured into his body.

The range that Lin Qi's mental power can cover suddenly expands by twenty meters, which proves that his soul has greatly benefited from his divinity, and his soul has been strengthened! There was a howling flame flowing in Lin Qi's body, from the center of the eyebrows to the chest, from the chest to the dantian, and then flowed endlessly along all the meridians in the body.

The fireball exploded, and the fat bear wailed in his voice, "Damn it, I just got a good hand, and it's over again!"

Then Lin Qi rushed out from the place where the fireball exploded against the sky of flames. The black flames spattered, covering a radius of more than ten meters, but the essence of these flames had been sucked out by Lin Qi. The black flames only floated on the ground and burned for a short time before extinguishing quickly.

Lin Qi, who was terrifyingly hot, rushed out with his big scarlet axe. He stared at the demon sitting on the centaur with his eyes straight, and rushed over like a gale.

Lin Qihuai's feeling of being soaked in hot water just now makes Lin Qihuai extremely comfortable. So Lin Qi rushed straight towards the demon, and let this fireball be fired again! Is it called Burst Fireball? One more shot, another shot for the uncle to enjoy!

Lin Qi had a faint intuition. He had the divinity from the Flame Temple and absorbed the dragon power essence of the ancient dragon. His body should have an inseparable relationship with the fire. Maybe in the future, if his body wants to increase its strength, it will be inseparable from the flame. Maybe in the end, he can soak his body in magma to refine himself?

Thinking of this, Lin Qi couldn't help but spit on the ground!

Are you kidding me, soak your body with magma? Apart from the legendary lava giant, who would dare to do this?

Shaking his head, Lin Qi had already rushed to the demon in three or five steps. He raised his axe and jumped up into the air, slamming the axe at the frightened demon, "Asshole, another fireball? You? Almost killed me just now, you bastard!"

The Fat Bear and the others on the side saw Lin Qi being blown up by a bursting fireball, and they were able to rush out vigorously, and they could not help but let out a cold sweat. "This fateful kid, this, this!" Fat Xiong couldn't help but shook his head: "I picked up an amazing little guy on the street this time, hehe, this is a good thing!"

Spouting his tongue triumphantly, the fat bear shook his fat body, gritted his teeth and slashed at the centaur in front of him, forcing the two centaurs to retreat again and again. Don’t look at Fat Bear’s body fat to this level, but his movements are extremely brisk, as agile as a ground mouse. The two centaurs are approached by the fat bear, and he cannot use his own methods at all. This distance is not easy to use, they can only keep backing back and roaring.

At this moment, when Lin Qi's axe was less than three feet away from the demon on the horseback, the demon suddenly jumped down crying. He knelt on the ground with a'gudong', and raised his hands high: "Terror and powerful man, don't kill the poor Bilibili! I'm just a poor little devil, I'm just a Poor grazing bug! You can spare me!"

With a bang, Lin Qi's big axe slammed the half-head of the unprepared centaur down. I have to say, holding a big axe, Lin Qi's combat effectiveness immediately rose by two levels. He was born with a big axe from his childhood!

The centaur's blood spurted out, spraying Lin Qi and the demon who claimed to be Bilibili.

The devil screamed with fright. He knelt in front of Lin Qi tremblingly, and shouted hoarsely: "Forgive me, forgive me, I can be your slave, be your servant, and I will do it. Many things, I can do laundry, I can wash dishes, I can sweep the floor, I can do many things!"

Seeing the demon kneeling to the ground crying and crying, the four centaurs with combat capabilities stopped at the same time and looked at this side blankly. I have to say that these guys' IQs are really not very good, they As soon as he stopped his hands, dozens of big nets spilled over and caught them all.

Lin Qi tilted his head to look at the four-foot-tall demon, and kicked him to the ground.

"Boss, can you take demons as slaves?" Lin Qi turned to look at Fat Bear. If there is such a slave, it would be a good thing to wash and bathe with a fireball every day!

The Fat Bear panted and swayed his huge body and walked to Lin Qi's side. He glanced at the crying demon lying on the ground and couldn't help laughing.

"Good luck, it's not the real Dark Flame Demon, it's just a little demon. The fireball just now should be released by some one-time item he used! Hey, it's also good to take a demon as a servant, but ask him to take his soul Hand it over!"

Lin Qi immediately stepped on Bilibili's body.

This guy was crying, obediently squeezing out a small twisted figure from his eyebrows. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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