Bright Era

Chapter 552: Lingering

Supplement food and water. When he entered the Principality of Perrin, Lin Qi had already vacated a world ring, ready to search.

From the Western Continent to the East, if they follow the most conventional route, they must pass through the so-called Continental Bridge area. This is a special area connecting the East and the West, and a large number of nomads live in this long area. The people here are savage and brutal, the natural environment is changeable, and there are often unpredictable natural disasters.

Even if Lin Qi and his party have three sacred realm-level existences, the unfathomable but seriously injured donkey, plus Lin Qi and Arda who have just broken through the Saint Realm, want to traverse the vast and poor environment of the continent. The bridge is not too easy.

Food, drinking water, and various utensils must be stored carefully, and the larger the amount, the better. So Lin Qi prepared a large number of gold coins, ready to put everything he could buy into the World Ring.

The Principality of Perrin produces cows and related products, beef, cheese, yogurt, milk wine, and various leather products. Lin Qi was not short of money. He and Arda and the others split up and ransacked the towns and cities they had passed along the way, and bought everything that they liked. When passing through several commercial trading cities, Lin Qi even bought a lot of grain and grass. All kinds of crops, all kinds of animal feed, all kinds of veterinary drugs.

Lin Qi cleaned up everything that might be used in the Continental Bridge at all costs.

The nomads on the Continental Bridge are sturdy, savage and xenophobic, and are even more profit-oriented. No one can be their friend, even their own tribe cannot. The only way to have a good relationship with them is to tempt them with great profits. As long as they are given sufficient benefits, they can betray their fathers, sell their mothers, and let their daughters become slaves of others and they can be contented.

Lin Qi didn't want to clash with these difficult nomads, so he was always prepared to prepare more available materials.

And Lin Qi is more prepared to use these things to deal with Yunjun at certain appropriate times. For example, if Lin Qi and the others pass by a powerful nomadic tribe—for example, Longcheng once described Lin Qi as on the Continental Bridge. , A powerful nomadic tribe has built an empire of tens of millions of people!

If Yun Jun catches up with Lin Qi and others when passing by these huge forces, Lin Qi will not mind driving the wolf and devouring tigers, and lure those fierce and extremely vengeful nomads'heroes' into entanglement with Jun Yun. One or two. Maybe behind which nomadic empire has one or two powerful existences on par with Jun Yun? Or hundreds of thousands of catties of grain can make Yun Jun fall?

Who knows? Anyway, anything can happen in this world.

Therefore, Lin Qi and others spent several days of work before they have traveled halfway through the Principality of Perrin. They spilled a large amount of gold and silver coins, and bought all kinds of materials regardless of the traces. Lin Qi obtained a large amount of cash bets from the Yunlong clan. These gold ingots and gold coins are simply an astronomical figure. For the small four-rate power in the Western Continent, the Principality of Perland, the actions of Lin Qi and others have an impact on the economy of their empire. It caused a huge shock.

In just a few days, the supplies on the market in the Principality of Perrin have been reduced by half, and the national consumer prices have soared twice. Some deliberate forces have noticed the existence of Lin Qi and the group, and some people have begun to cautiously try.

But in a small country like the Principality of Perrin, the strongest fighter they can handle is only at the lower level. Take it to test Lin Qi and the others, the strongest is not at a lower level. Lin Qi and the others casually killed like this, and didn't give them a chance to confide in them.

So much so that Lin Qi and others ransacked the entire Principality of Perrin with gold coins and messed up the market order in the Principality of Perrin. The Principality of Perrin simply failed to understand what had happened. Whether it was the economic invasion of the enemy country or the deliberate suppression of the suzerain country, no one could tell the poor Grand Duke of Perrin what had happened, and the entire senior management of the Principality fell into anxiety.

Lin Qi and his party spent ten days in the Principality of Perrin, and then they left the Principality of Perrin as quickly as possible and stepped eastward into the Principality of Montenegro, which is famous for exporting various metal mines. As the name suggests, the territory of the Principality of Montenegro is full of stone mines. Except for mines with huge metal deposits, the Principality of Montenegro has no land for growing crops.

The Principality of Montenegro is also a wonderful work in the Western Continent. The metal ore produced by it accounts for 60% of the annual consumption of metal ore in the Western Continent, so it is a rich and oily country. But every year he buys a large amount of food, meat and alcohol from other countries, so the huge amount of money he earns from selling ore every year continues to flow out like the surging river.

The huge mineral resources make the people in the Montenegrin Principality have a strong atmosphere like iron ore. Miners and blacksmiths are almost the ancestral professions of all the citizens of the Montenegro Principality. They have endless minerals, but they long for fertile and fertile plains that can provide the same endless food. Therefore, the relationship between the Principality of Montenegro and other nearby countries has always been tense. Many times, the Principality of Montenegro deliberately provoked wars with neighboring countries, but each time it suffered a big defeat due to the cut-off of food and grass.

Because he wasted a little time in the Principality of Peran, Lin Qi feared that Lord Yun would catch up with their clues, so they did not stay too much in other towns in the Principality of Montenegro, but went straight to the Melting Pot, the capital of the Principality of Montenegro.

This is a mountain city built on more than a dozen heavy metal peaks. It is known as the city of ten thousand furnaces on the western continent. In other words, this furnace castle has more than ten thousand smelting metal ore and rough processing of metal ingots. Melting pot. It was the metal ingots forged from these furnaces that were transported to the western continent countries like flowing water, bringing huge wealth to the Montenegrin Empire.

After paying the insignificant city gate tax, Lin Qi and his group stepped into the Forge Castle.

The rough and wide streets, the sturdy and obscure buildings, the miners with thick arms and legs walking in the streets and alleys, and the citizens howling loudly. This is the Forge Castle, a metal city where 90% of the residents are miners and blacksmiths.

Dust is floating in the air here, it roars day and night, the air here is hot and hot, this is a paradise for miners, this is a paradise for blacksmiths, and more than half of the residents here are dwarves and goblins. Some people say that the air in this city is full of metallic atmosphere. This is an extreme city with metallic colors shining everywhere, without a trace of green.

After entering the city, Lin Qi distributed a large number of gold and silver coins to Alda, Bilibili and others.

"Metal, all kinds of metal ingots, I only need all kinds of common metal ingots that can be processed into weapons!"

Lin Qi gave an order to Arda and the others-to make a new look, to search all the metal ingots in the city as quickly as possible without attracting outsiders' attention. The nomads of the Continental Bridge lack all kinds of metals, and the metals that can forge weapons and armor are more expensive than gold in them.

Whether it is used to trade with those nomadic tribes, or used to buy them as thugs to kill Yunjun, the value of metal ingots to those nomads far exceeds the various animal feeds prepared by Lin Qi. According to the market quotes from the young man more than ten years ago, please mobilize a nomadic tribe of 100,000 people to dispatch all the soldiers to fight for you for a month, which is about the price of 100,000 catties of ordinary steel.

Lin Qi haunted the large and small business houses in the Forge Castle with a strange smile. He threw out boxes of gold and silver coins and swept away all the stock in the business. Ordinary black iron, green steel, precious red iron, wind milled copper, more expensive black tungsten iron, cold iron, flame steel, etc., Lin Qi sweeps away these common metals that are not expensive but large in quantity And empty.

Lin Qi also bought a lot of metal materials that are more precious than metal materials such as black tungsten iron and cold iron. Those ordinary metal mines can be used to buy ordinary small and medium tribes to work for him, but he wants to impress those on the mainland bridge. Really big powers have to use more advanced metal mines.

Anyway, Lin Qi's wishful thinking is that if Jun Yun is really chasing after him, then he will use gold and silver coins to kill Yun Jun alive.

Today Lin Qi is a truly rich and adversary country, and it is the sum of the coffers of several empires that can be compared with him alone. Although Jun Yun is powerful, as long as Lin Qi is willing to throw money, Jun Jun's final fate is really hard to say.

If he could kill Jun Yun on the way, Lin Qi would definitely not be stingy with those golden hoops. If you can't kill Yun Jun halfway, then you have to kill him half and half, and then take him to the Eastern Continent for a walk. When he got there, Lin Qi couldn't help laughing happily when he thought of the evil spirits in Abyss World.

A group of people spent three days looting the ready-made metal ingots in the Forge Castle, and Bilibili found Lin Qi.

"Great and terrifying master, when your most pious servant Bilibili was buying these metal bumps, he found someone following me!"

Afterwards, Arda hurried back with Xiong Wanjin, and Arda also found that several goblins with not weak cultivation base were sneakingly following him. But Arda had an instinctive resistance to beating a group of dirty goblins, and he didn't catch these unlucky ones to torture the confession. If it was not a few goblin miners who followed him, but a few demon and exquisite people, he would have taken the initiative to provoke trouble.

The long ears of the donkey standing next to Lin Qi dangled. He looked around and muttered in a low voice, "Come on, I can smell them. Assassins from the Assassins Guild, only these sneaky guys are on them. With such a smell of thief that cannot be concealed!"

Lin Qi sighed heavily.

The assassin of the Assassin's Guild has appeared, will Jun Yun be far from here? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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