Bright Era

Chapter 553: Child, face the cruel world

As the sun was shining brightly, Lin Qi and his group wrapped in black cloaks and left the rented courtyard, slowly walking towards the only gate of the Forge Castle.

The hordes of dwarves and goblins on the street were running rampant. They raised their hip flasks and waved their sturdy arms and screamed. This was a group of miners and blacksmiths who had just left the job. For these rough characters, digging ore, smelting steel, and then pouring ale to their heart's content, this is their life, this is their ideal, this is the life they dream of.

Avoiding these bold characters, Lin Qi and his team walked out of the lava castle slowly.

The powerful mental power covers the space within a radius of several miles, and Lin Qi can clearly perceive that nearly a hundred goblins are adorning him far away along the dozens of small alleys nearby. They didn't know what means to echo each other, forming an invisible big net to control their party at the core position. The sleeves of some goblins are bulging, and occasionally when they move, the cuffs will reflect the cold light of arrows.

Obviously, these guys have small arm crossbows tied to their arms. This kind of thing is strictly controlled and prohibited in various countries in the mainland. It is not known where these goblins got this close-range killing weapon.

There were also dozens of dwarves with gloomy faces and heavy plate armor behind them. They held the jug in one hand, pouring the spirits with a big mouth, and carried a heavy axe in the other. Along the way, they came across several patrol guards from the lava castle, but these guards turned a blind eye to the arrogant behavior of these dwarves.

"Very interesting, I was surprised by the power of the Assassin's Union in the Principality of Montenegro!" Lin Qi curled his lips gently.

The donkey, who was draped in a black cloth, blocked the terrible wound that was slowly healing on his body, looked at Lin Qi in surprise: "Your uncle, don't you know that the Principality of Montenegro has another name called'Assassin's Lair'? The largest training camp of the Assassin’s Union is in the mountains of the Montenegrin Principality. Of course, even I don’t know where that training camp is.”

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows, what else is there to say?

The Principality of Montenegro is full of mountains, and there are rugged and steep mountains everywhere. The terrain here is complex, and many places are dangerous and desperate, and ordinary people will die if they get closer. The complex topography is indeed the best place for various training and exercises for the assassins. The Assassin's Union has placed the largest assassin training camp in the Principality of Montenegro, which obviously makes sense.

But this is not good news for Lin Qi and the others. They plunged into the important stronghold of the Assassin's Union. God knows how many assassins have laid nets at this time. Lin Qi didn't know how efficient the Assassin's Union was, but he knew he had only one choice-to leave the Principality of Montenegro before Jun Yun arrived.

Striding out of the main entrance of the lava castle, Lin Qi and his team walked down the mountain city along the winding Panshan Avenue, and then randomly chose an avenue to head east. Arda and Bilibili lifted Xiong Wanjin, and the group marched eastward at the fastest speed. The group of people even brought a twisted afterimage in the air. Ordinary pedestrians on the road could only feel a violent wind passing by, but could not see who was passing by.

The Principality of Montenegro is full of mines, and there is no land suitable for farming. Therefore, the people of the Principality of Montenegro live in cities, and there are no villages and towns outside the city. Thirty miles after Lin Qi and the others left the Forge Castle, no other pedestrians could be seen on the empty avenue. Lin Qi, who had the best eyesight, looked around, and no one could see any people from near or far.

Moving forward for ten miles, a row of werewolf soldiers in heavy armor stopped in front of everyone.

These werewolves are black-haired, two meters tall, and their heavy armor is very good. All werewolf soldiers have a **** mark the size of a thumb on their foreheads—in the Western Continent, this twisted and snake-like mark represents the identity of slaves, a group of slave soldiers.

A whole thousand werewolf slave soldiers stood silently in front of Lin Qi and his group. A team of two hundred werewolf slave soldiers in the forefront held heavy shields. The two-meter-high square heavy shields were interlocked with each other with bolts and iron chains, forming a solid wall. Behind them were six hundred werewolf slave soldiers armed with powerful crossbows, and at the end were two hundred sturdy slave soldiers who were extraordinarily sturdy and clasped in their hands.

Lin Qi and others stopped a hundred meters from the thousand werewolf slave soldiers. Looking up and down these slave soldiers, Lin Qi couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's such a big hand, did the Grand Duke of Montenegro allow the Assassin's Union to mobilize troops in his country?"

The sound of low footsteps came slowly, and two teams of dwarf warriors from the left and the right were slowly approaching from a distance. These dwarf warriors, wearing heavy armor and holding warhammers, were constantly pouring spirits into their mouths, gasping for breath, and staring at Lin Qi and his group with a grinning smile.

The people on the mainland have the impression of the dwarf that this is a race that is occasionally rough, a little greedy for gold, but has a bold personality, can be trusted, can socialize, can become friends and even comrades in arms. But the dwarf warriors in front of them can't see any advantages of dwarves from them. Their faces are twisted and hideous, their eyes are fierce and brutal, just like a group of perverted murderers, and their pores are filled with blood and murder.

Light, deliberately heavy footsteps came from behind everyone.

Lin Qi knew that this was a group of dark elves without looking back. These dark darlings were born handsome and beautiful. They were dressed in soft black leather armor and armed with swords, scimitars, longbows and other weapons that the elves were good at. They deliberately stepped down from behind everyone. They moved extremely fast, and each of them brought up two or three looming afterimages as they walked. Undoubtedly, being targeted by a group of dark elves is a very sad thing, and ordinary people can't escape their pursuit.

There was a beast cry from high above, and more than a hundred black eagle-headed beasts waved their huge wings and slowly hovered down from the sky. These giant beasts with a body length of more than three meters and a wingspan of more than six meters sit on their backs with two or three black-clothed mages.

These wizards were holding wands, and their robes did not have the emblems and logos of wizards that are common in mainland China. Therefore, Lin Qi could not tell which line of magicians they were. But the turbulent magic power emanating from them can be felt, and among them there are at least two black magicians in the realm of saints.

Two black magicians in the holy realm, this is extremely amazing. Black magic is known for its weirdness and brutality. If a saint-level black magician imposes a conspiracy, even other Saint-level magicians may be killed by them. In addition to hundreds of other celestial and status magicians, this magical power can only be described as "luxury", and the palace magicians of some weaker kingdoms do not have such a scale.

These eagle-headed beasts are pitch black all over, as black as the deepest night. Among these dark eagle-headed beasts, there is a eagle-headed beast that is more than five meters long with magnificent purple hair, and a black halo surrounds this huge monster.

A handsome young man in his early twenties, dressed in a purple robe, stood on the back of this exceptionally outstanding eagle-headed beast, looking down at Lin Qi and his group. Looking at this young man, Lin Qi instinctively thought of Jun Yun, who was arrogantly suspended in front of him.

The face of this young man was 90% similar to Jun Yun, and he was the same arrogant and unworthy, and he had more immature arrogance and arrogance than Jun Yun, and more spoiled domineering and unruly. He put his arms around his chest, looked down at Lin Qi and his group with a contemptuous smile, and suddenly sighed heavily.

"It's you, is it worthy of your father to issue a killing order?"

Lin Qi looked at the purple-clothed youth in surprise: "You mean, father? Your father, is Jun Yun?"

The purple-clothed youth straightened his chest. He nodded heavily, and said proudly: "I am the son of my father's one thousand and eighty! Remember, it was the first genius Yunxiaojun in the Acacia family who took your life today. !"

Jun Yun's one thousand and eighty prostitutes! Lin Qi was silent, the donkey was ashamed, Alda was envious, Xiong Wanjin was amazed, and Bilibili was at a loss!

"The first genius of the Acacia family!" Lin Qi sighed heavily: "Dare to ask you, this year, Guigeng?" Lin Qi used the lingua franca of the eastern continent. Facing Mr. Yun Xiao, Lin Qi felt that it would be more appropriate to use Eastern Common Language.

Jun Xiao stepped out and slowly landed from high altitude. Circles of gentle wind surrounded his body, and he slowly fell to the ground, as if a **** descended. He stood proudly less than three meters away from Lin Qi, and sneered with his head held up: "My son...years...three-eight! But I am already a lower-level saint, based on my age. , With such a cultivation base, am I not considered a genius?"

Lin Qi is shocked, thirty-eight years old? Twenty-four is the next step of the saint? This Yunxiaojun really has arrogant capital.

But the donkey on the side suddenly laughed weirdly: "Grandson, I'm **** your uncle. Are you three-eighth this year, are you three-eighty-two-four, or thirty-eight years old? Hey, if you are two At fourteen, you can brag about it, but if you are thirty-eight..."

Jun Xiaojun's face became distorted. He gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face: "I am thirty-eight years old, so what?"

The donkey let out a long sigh. He threw away the black cloth covering his body, and the sluggish man stood up: "Thirty-eight-year-old grandson, please face this cruel world! Even if you think you are a heavenly character in your heart Genius number one, but you shouldn't stand so close to us!"

Before Yun Xiaojun came back to his senses, Lin Qi, the donkey and Alda had already rushed forward together.

Lin Qi grabbed Yun Xiaojun's neck as soon as he grew tall.

The donkey slapped Yun Xiaojun's face with a heavy hoof, and his nosebleeds splashed and his teeth flew around.

Arda pinched Yun Xiaojun's lower body in a very wretched manner. Yun Xiaojun hissed in pain, his whole body instantly collapsed, and he couldn't afford any more strength.

Bilibili got out of Lin Qi's crotch a long time ago and slammed his dagger on Jun Xiaojun's **** fiercely.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, and puff, two **** arrows shoot out from Jun Xiaojun's ass. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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