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Facing Ye Baoguo, the commander of the air force, wooed.

Ye Ming was really a little moved, but he knew better that the system was fundamental, not to mention that this was the world of special forces, and he went to the Air Force, so what was going on.

Therefore, he could only refuse the generous conditions given by Ye Baoguo.

Qin Jianjun was not surprised at all, geniuses are always a bit maverick, but he was also very curious and asked:

“I pushed you to the National Defense University, I remember that you also went to the National Defense University for half a month, I thought you had already entered the National Defense University, did you also use this reason to refuse?”

Hearing this, Ye Ming nodded and said: “Yes, I also told the president at that time, even if I want to enter the National Defense University, it will have to wait until I have a military career first, what I really like is special operations, so I take the lead in making myself a special soldier.”

The president also agreed with my decision, so I retained my student status at the National Defense University, and when I wanted to enter the National Defense University, I could call him at any time and he would arrange it. ”

Hearing Ye Ming’s words, even Ye Baoguo was a little speechless, you went to the National Defense University and walked out again, what is this called.

Now he didn’t wonder why Ye Ming would reject himself.

Those who can refuse the special recruitment of the National Defense University and let the president prescribe privileges are really extraordinary.

It’s just that he can’t understand that Ye Ming is so young and what secrets are hidden, so that places like the National Defense University are willing to give him privileges.

Qin Jianjun understood a little, at least he knew that Ye Ming was also a high-level key training object at the National University of Defense Technology.

“So which unit are you going to go to?” Qin Jianjun asked curiously.

“I will sign up for this year’s recruits and go to the Iron Fist Regiment in the Southeast Theater.” Ye Ming said.

When Ye Baoguo heard this, he shook his head very helplessly, his own dignified air force lieutenant general, went to woo a young man, but as a result, people did not come to the air force, they were going to the army, what is this called.

He said very unwillingly: “If you don’t want to stay in the army, give me a call, the conditions I just opened are valid at any time, and I always welcome you in the Northwest Air Force.” ”

After speaking, Ye Baoguo gave his personal phone to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming thanked Ye Baoguo’s phone.

Ye Baoguo, who left the phone, took his leave and left.

In the lounge, there were only two people, Qin Jianjun and Ye Ming, Qin Jianjun took out a few certificates, put them in Ye Ming’s hands, and said: “I know that you live in aerospace, your doctoral certificate, at the grassroots level of the army, do a good job, I will always pay attention to you.” ”

“Thank you Dean, you also take care of your health.” Ye Ming nodded movingly, knowing that his dean was not an ordinary person, a proper boss.

Then the two exchanged pleasantries again, and Qin Jianjun also left.

Then when Ye Ming walked out of the lounge, the staff waiting outside also took Ye Ming to Liu Ang’s office.

Liu Ang, the general manager of the airline, personally sent Ye Ming a reward of 10 million, and even gave Ye Ming an extra car.

Ye Ming then met with all the crew of 863, and in their thanks, Ye Ming left the airport.

The tour plan for La City has definitely been canceled.

Looking at the Mercedes Big G that Liu Ang prepared for himself, Ye Ming got in the car without waves, drove the car, and left to start a self-driving tour towards the southeast region.

A month later, Ye Ming stopped and walked all the way, admired the great rivers and mountains of the Yan Country along the way, and also understood a little bit of the unusual places in this world, and finally arrived in the southeast region.

After checking the time of signing up for the army on the Internet, he went to the local armed forces department to register.

Because Ye Ming’s household registration is in the southeast region, plus he still holds the graduation certificate of Shuimu University, the registration is very smooth, and even attracted an interview with the head of the Armed Forces Department.

By the time Ye Ming left the Armed Forces Department, it was already noon that day.

Just when Ye Ming was about to go back to the hotel where he was staying to eat something.

On the square opposite the entrance of the hotel, Ye Ming paused, and two people, a man and a woman in front, were on the side of an airsoft stall in the square, and seemed to have a little conflict with the owner of the stall.

At this moment, the stall owner’s mobile phone rang.

Opening the system map, Ye Ming immediately found Fan Tianlei, who was hiding not far away.

And there are some armed SWAT officers nearby who are on standby.

This made Ye Ming suddenly a little speechless, which was a bit of a coincidence, and the plot had just begun.

Seeing that He Chenguang had found the backpack containing the fake bomb, the corners of Ye Ming’s mouth slowly turned up.

Just when He Chenguang picked up his backpack and was about to run to an unoccupied place to throw it away, Ye Ming had already stopped in front of him, pointed to Wang Yanbing who was chasing after him, and said: “Buddy, you still rob your mobile phone!” ”

He Chenguang looked anxious, thinking that he was still carrying a backpack that would explode at any time, he didn’t have time to explain, reaching out to open Ye Ming, who would have thought that people were faster than him.

He Chenguang’s hand has not touched Ye Ming, between Ye Ming has grabbed his wrist, directly twisted, He Chenguang instinctively wanted to exert himself, he felt his arm numb, his body turned, the other hand wanted to resist, was also grabbed by the other party, his knee was also numb, and he knelt on one knee and fell to the ground.

The handover process was only a short moment, and He Chenguang’s hands were already grabbed behind Ye Ming, and one hand was pressed. On his shoulders, no matter how He Chenguang struggled, he couldn’t get up.

“Brother, I have a bomb in my backpack!”

He Chenguang had already used all his strength at this moment, and he didn’t even care about anything else, even the dark energy was used, and he found that the guy who restrained himself was actually unmoving.

He instantly understood that he had met a real master, so he hurriedly explained.

Ye Ming had long seen from the system map that in He Chenguang’s backpack, there was only a fake bomb and a simple timer, and there were no explosives in it at all.

At this time, Wang Yanbing ran over and thanked Ye Ming while saying, “Thank you brother, this guy also robbed my mobile phone.” ”

He Chenguang heard the ticking sound coming from the backpack behind him, and became even more anxious, and said: “Two, there is really a bomb behind me!” “_

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