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At this moment, Fan Tianlei, who was observing He Chenguang from a distance, saw He Chenguang, who was subdued by a photo, and the whole person was stunned.

An unexpected figure suddenly appeared, still a master, you must know that He Chenguang is a dark master.

“Go check the identity of that young man right away.” Where can Fan Tianlei control others at the moment, Ye Ming’s appearance is definitely a super windfall, the most important thing is that Ye Ming is so young.

But Fan Tianlei also knew that this scene should end.

When He Chenguang carried the backpack with the bomb, this test of He Chenguang was over.

And at this moment, three people in the square.

When He Chenguang shouted out the bomb, Ye Ming also let him go, because he found that a large number of armed special police around him had surrounded him, and this farce should also end.

And He Chenguang saw these special police officers, but still ran wildly, this time Ye Ming did not stop it.

The special police who surrounded him, so that the group of people who had gathered around to watch the excitement suddenly scattered, and only one sister paper remained, looking at He Chenguang who was abandoned, with a worried look.

Wang Yanbing got his mobile phone, but found that Nima’s mobile phone had broken, it turned out that when He Chenguang instinctively resisted just now, he used too much force and directly crushed the mobile phone case.

The unwilling Wang Yanbing couldn’t care about Ye Ming and chased after He Chenguang.

Only Ye Ming stood quietly in place, and then two special police officers came over and took Ye Ming away in the name of assisting in the investigation.

Ye Ming did not refuse, he knew that Fan Tianlei would definitely set his eyes on him.

And that’s what he’s for.

After arriving at the nearest police station, Ye Ming was not locked up in the number, but was taken into a lounge, where there was no shortage of tea or anything, and someone brought a box lunch at noon.

Ye Ming was not polite and ate with peace of mind inside.

Through the map, Ye Ming also saw that He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, the two people who loved and killed each other, had been put into the number.

Then there was Fan Tianlei, also in the police station, who seemed to be looking through the documents in his hand.

The system map can indeed allow Ye Ming to see everyone on the map, even if this person stays in a closed space, he can’t stop the system map.

But in the map, in addition to people, you can only see what things are and what is on the surface, and as for what words or contents are inside, Ye Ming can’t see them.

It’s as if Ye Ming can see people, but he can’t see the body under people’s clothes.

Of course, if it’s in the pocket, you can still see it.

The function of the system map is still a bit limited.

Otherwise, if even the documents and books can be seen, then for Ye Ming, there will really be no secrets in this world.

Of course, that’s just not the content, but if someone opens it, he can still see the text on the surface.

It was as if now, Fan Tianlei was flipping through the archive, and Ye Ming saw his own photo on the archive.

Obviously, Fan Tianlei was investigating himself.

However, after Ye Ming saw all kinds of top-secret tips recorded on his file, the corners of his mouth slowly turned up.

At this moment, after looking at the identity information of Ye Ming that was investigated, Fan Tianlei’s whole person was a little confused.

Ph.D. in Physics, Ph.D. in Computer Science, Ph.D. in Genetic Genetics, Shuimu University.

Below there are also masters in chemistry, medical masters and masters in history.

What shocked Fan Tianlei the most was that Ye Ming’s file also had a doctor of flight science from the Flight School of the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a guy with a professional flight certificate, and the kind that could fly a fighter.

Ye Ming also has a comprehensive understanding of the world’s degrees and various certificates, and certificates are difficult for ordinary people to obtain, especially many advanced certificates.

But for Ye Ming, it’s really a bit simple.

The reason why he is willing to go to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics is because in this world, ordinary people can also get a flight certificate, and even a fighter flight certificate can be obtained.

And this kind of flight certificate can also be obtained in the official civil flight training camp of Yanguo.

Of course, if you want to get the final fighter flight certificate, the cost is not cheap.

This is also a place in the Yan Country that is different from Ye Ming’s original world, that is, to vigorously encourage the people to learn to fly.

Therefore, in every big city, there are professional flight training camps.

There are professional trainers and coaches, as long as you are willing to pay, you can go to learn.

Generally, if you just fly an ordinary small plane, such as an agricultural aircraft, the price is not very expensive, just like taking a driver’s license.

In Yanguo, if you want to apply for some private routes, it is relatively simple.

Of course, these certificates are just like university diplomas, and ordinary civilian flight training camps come out, at most flying ordinary agricultural aircraft.

On the side of the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as long as you have the ability, the third-generation fighter can fly, but if you want to get a fighter piloting certificate as an ordinary person, it is no less difficult than the champion of the college entrance examination.

That’s why Fan Tianlei is so shocked, he has only one voice in his heart at the moment, that is, to do everything possible to pull this person to the wolf’s tooth special combat brigade, this person is really too good.

Even if Ye Ming’s identity information is still a lot because of top secret, he can’t check it, but he can’t care about it anymore.

The most important thing is that Fan Tianlei already knows that Ye Ming signed up for this issue of recruits, and he just went to the Armed Forces Department to sign up in the morning.

And the information he saw was still some information that Ye Ming had only opened to the troops because he signed up.

Otherwise, Fan Tianlei can only check Ye Ming’s information, and he may not even be able to find anything.

As for what secrets Ye Ming still hides in his information, even Ye Ming himself is not very clear.

If Ye Ming hadn’t used the system map scan to see the top secret on Fan Tianlei’s Chinese, he wouldn’t even know that his identity information in the Yan Kingdom had such a high level of secrecy.

However, Ye Ming didn’t care very much, in his opinion, it was possible that the president of the National Defense University got it.

That person, like Qin Jianjun, had his eyes shining after comprehensively testing Ye Ming. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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