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“Ten sons are connected, ten bullets perfectly pass through the same bullet hole.”

Gong Jian said while setting his eyes on Ye Ming’s body in shock.

Such marksmanship, not to mention sharpshooters in the field troops, even those top shooters in the special forces, those guys who have to destroy several rifles a year, it is extremely difficult to achieve such an effect.

What shocked Gong Jian the most was that the bullet hole on the target in front of him was still very regular and circular.

In other words, the ballistics of the ten bullets that Ye Ming shot were almost completely overlapping.

The only thing that can be determined is that this bullet hole has become relatively large because it has been penetrated by ten bullets in a row.

If you hadn’t seen Gong Jian with similar marksmanship, you wouldn’t have dared to believe that this Ten Sons Link Heart was real, and it was still a recruit.

“Instructor, this is just a normal operation with a little luck.” Ye Ming smiled slightly and said indifferently, looking light and light.

Ye Ming’s modest appearance, how did Gong Jian feel that he wanted to hit someone, and said unhappily: “You kid can die if you don’t brag, what, do you want us to see your more powerful marksmanship!” ”

Hearing Gong Jian’s words, Ye Ming shrugged, he wanted to join the fourth company of sharpshooters and complete the sign-in, naturally he had to show his strength.

What’s more, joining the recruit company, although Ye Ming has never been serious in peacetime, but because he has no object to make himself serious, he is not here to pretend to be low-key in the army.

In the army, strength is king, and Ye Ming knows this better than anyone.

“Then instructor, how do you want to play?” Ye Ming said lightly, the meaning beyond the words was very clear, that is, the instructor, draw the line, I will continue.

“Hehe, it looks like we’re going to open our eyes today.” Gong Jian nodded and ordered Lao Hei: “Lao Hei, gather all the recruits.” ”

With a sound of assembly, all the recruits came to assemble.

Ye Ming, the recognized recruit king, played ten sons and hearts, which has shocked everyone, and when they heard that Ye Ming was going to perform more difficult marksmanship, the recruits present were all very much looking forward to it.

Gong Jian felt the wind speed here at the shooting range and asked Ye Ming, “How many meters do you want to hit?” ”

“The effective range of the Type 95 assault rifle is 400 meters, so I don’t know what will happen if you hit 600 meters!” Ye Ming said calmly.

“Okay, Lao Hei, go and prepare a target of six hundred meters.” Gong Jian didn’t give Ye Ming a chance to change his words at all, and directly ordered Lao Hei to prepare.

When Lao Hei heard that Ye Ming was going to hit six hundred meters with a Type 95 batter rifle, he suddenly thought of the black line in his head, muttering “foolishness” while going to prepare.

Soon on the shooting range, the shooting position of six hundred meters, that is, this side of the sniper range.

Ye Ming walked to the firing position, but did not shoot from a lying position.

Lying down shots are better rifle shots, but for him, there is no difference.

Shooting directly from a standing position, the Type 95 assault rifle in his hand, Ye Ming also re-calibrated the center, and the magazine was also loaded with ten rounds.

Gong Jian, who was walking beside Ye Ming, saw Ye Ming adjust the alignment of the rifle and the aiming at the door, so he said: “Shoot when you are ready.” ”

Ye Ming did not answer, the butt of the gun was against the shoulder, three points and one line, to his eyes, a mosquito six hundred meters away could see clearly, and the target was naturally not to mention.

At this moment, all the recruits lined up behind, as well as the veterans who were responsible for the shooting range work on the side, all focused on Ye Ming, no one spoke, and even their breathing became very quiet, for fear of disturbing Ye Ming.

“Bang bang…”

Shot, very fast, although it was still pointed, but Ye Ming finished ten bullets, no less than the speed of three consecutive shots.

“What are you doing?” Gong Jian saw Ye Ming finish the bullet quickly, and immediately thought that Ye Ming was messing around, but when he picked up the telescope and saw Ye Ming’s target, the whole person was dumbfounded again.

On the fixed target of sniper six hundred meters away, there is only one bullet hole, but there are several irregular semicircles on the side of this bullet hole.

Although it is not as perfect as the ten sons of the heart just now, it can be regarded as a ten-son link.

You must know that the effective range of the Type 95 assault rifle is four hundred meters, that is, the accuracy can be guaranteed within four hundred meters, and when it reaches four hundred meters, the bullets have begun to float.

Not to mention the use of Type 95 assault rifles, even if it is the best sniper of the fourth company of sharpshooters, it is difficult to shoot such a ten-child chain with a sniper rifle.

“It’s really hell, this is a recruit, and the immortals are about the same.” Gong Jian really has an MMP to say in his heart at this moment, if this is a recruit, then doesn’t it mean that everyone is a recruit, even the instructor who came out of his special combat brigade needs to go back to the furnace.

A hundred meters fixed target ten sub-chain, when the environment permits, some superb sharpshooters in the special forces can be hit.

And six hundred meters, that’s just a joke.

You must know that the target six hundred meters away, to the naked eye, is smaller than an ordinary dime coin.

And to find a small eye as thin as a hair on such a coin, it is even more difficult.

Don’t say anything about continuous shooting, know the recoil of the rifle, each shot will make the muzzle deviate.

Uncontrolled continuous fire, the only result is that the bullets do not know where to go.

“Instructor, how is it.” Ye Ming put away the Type 95 assault rifle and asked Gong Jian.

However, Gong Jian is not an ordinary person, with a calm look, he said: “It’s okay.” ”

Lao Hei on the side, put down the telescope in his hand, heard his instructor’s words, the corner of his mouth twitched, this is okay?

Lao Hei knew that his instructors had also been hit.

Because the entire Iron Fist Regiment has one count, after seeing Ye Ming’s such a frightening marksmanship, no one will not be hit.

Soon the target was brought to all the recruits, and when they saw that there was only one bullet hole on the target that looked a little irregular, they were really frightened.

They are recruits, but they have also been trained for some time, and they do not understand anything.

“Come, give our newcomer king a little cheer, croak.” Gong Jian took the lead and applauded, and immediately all the recruits also applauded and cheered, and Ye Ming’s name resounded throughout the shooting range. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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