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For Ye Ming’s marksmanship, Gong Jian now has no heart to continue testing.

A super sharpshooter who can use a Type 95 assault rifle to shoot a ten-child chain at a distance of six hundred meters must also be a super sniper.

Because it is necessary to calculate the trajectory, otherwise the bullet will not even hit the target.

And before shooting, Ye Ming’s actions of adjusting his alignment and taking a look at the door also fully explained this.

When ordering Lao Hei to bring the recruits back, Gong Jian came to Ye Ming’s side and said seriously: “Next time you brag less, if you brag again, you will fly away.” ”

Ye Ming nodded and said, “Instructor don’t worry, no matter where I go, I am also a soldier of the Iron Fist Regiment.” ”

“You kid, train well, I’m optimistic about you.” Gong Jian gave Ye Ming a satisfied smile and turned to leave.

However, Gong Jian did not show such calmness.

The first time he returned to his office, he found out Ye Ming’s file.

Although he had seen this file more than once, looking at the inhuman resume on it, he couldn’t help it, picked up the file, and walked towards Master Kong’s office.

Knocking on the door of the regiment commander’s office, Gong Jian walked in, facing Master Kang, he gave Ye Ming’s performance on the shooting range, as well as the various training results he usually showed, focusing on Ye Ming’s relaxed performance on the training ground, all in detail.

Even Master Kang, who has really seen the wind and waves, is a little confused about the whole person.

Ye Ming’s excellence, even if he is a real soldier king, is just that, and it is still under the condition that others hide their strength.

For Ye Ming, Master Kong actually knew about it for a long time, because just when Ye Ming entered the recruit company of the Iron Fist Regiment, someone in the war zone informed Master Kang.

Ye Ming is the focus of the top talent pool of the Yan Country, so Master Kong must ensure that Ye Ming cannot be allowed to have an accident.

Master Kang, who has also seen Ye Ming’s resume, although he is shocked that a student like Ye Ming will come to be a soldier, he is not very concerned about it.

After all, the top students are just top students, and when they get to the barracks, the training is not something that ordinary people can afford.

But now, Master Kong found that he underestimated this teenager who had already entered the top talent pool of the Yan Country.

Six hundred meters away, with a Type 95 assault rifle without an optical sight, he shot a series of ten sons, such a soldier, he had never seen in his life.

After hearing that Gong Jian wanted to see Ye Ming’s more detailed information, Master Kong shook his head and said: “I don’t have it here, Ye Ming’s identity is highly secret, I can try to apply to the above, whether it will be given to us, then it is not certain.” ”

Speaking of which, Master Kong to Gong Jian. Ye Ming is not simple, you keep an eye on it, the regiment has long decided to focus on cultivating him, and you pay more attention. ”

Although he didn’t get what he really thought, Gong Jian also understood Ye’s unusualness, nodded and said, “Commander, I understand.” ”

Looking at Gong Jian who turned away, Master Kong turned on his computer.

In fact, Master Kong did not tell the truth to Gong Jian, because some information about Ye Ming, the entire Iron Fist Regiment was only known to him.

Ye Ming, this person, is not only the Iron Fist Regiment to focus on training, but also the highest command of the theater of operations, requiring the key training of top talents.

If it weren’t for Ye Ming in the Iron Fist Regiment, even Master Kang wouldn’t have been able to see some top-secret content about Ye Ming.

And some of the content is still unknown to Ye Ming himself.

Of course, the information about Ye Ming is limited to only a very small number of people.

Among the top-secret information that Master Kong knew, there was a part of the material from the National Defense University, a nineteen-year-old martial arts grandmaster, which was too scary.

In this world, martial arts are prosperous, with a complete martial arts system, grandmaster-level masters, that is already the most important talent resource of all countries, although above the grandmaster, there are grandmaster levels, and even more powerful existences, but they are almost all rare existences.

Among the military of the Yan Kingdom, it is committed to cultivating top talents in both military and martial arts.

A young grandmaster like Ye Ming, in the words of the top level of the theater, would not change a tank division.

Therefore, when Ye Ming signed up, the information was obtained by the theater headquarters as soon as possible, and Master Kong was notified.

In fact, not to mention that the young grandmaster joined the army, even if a younger Ming Jin warrior joined the army, he would be trained emphatically.

And He Chenguang, a young martial arts champion with actual combat experience and a dark master, will be included in the talent pool of the war zone after joining the army and will be focused on training.

Not to mention a master like Ye Ming, the cultivation intensity is unprecedented.

Moreover, the theater side also knew that if Ye Ming hadn’t asked to sit up from the soldiers, Ye Ming would not have been able to take their turn in the Southeast Theater, and the National Defense University would have already absorbed it.

Of course, the top level of the theater is also very clear that sooner or later such talents will enter the highest-level combat units of the Yan Country, and the Southeast Theater is just a place for people to go through the motions, and I am afraid that people will not be able to stay for a few years.

But as long as Ye Ming walked out from the Southeast Theater, it was the honor of the Southeast Theater.

Therefore, in fact, for Ye Ming’s performance in the recruit company, Master Kang was not surprised at all in addition to being shocked by his marksmanship, but also at all about Ye Ming’s performance on the training ground.

After leaving Master Kang’s office, Gong Jian looked at He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing’s information again, and then came to the obstacle course.

Looking at Ye Ming’s pace as if on an outing, Gong Jian shook his head and called Ye Ming over.

“Instructor, please instruct.” Ye Mingli saluted.

“Feel free, I read your information, you are really not simple, such a young scholar, why should you be lucky enough to come alone? With your education, you can scare a piece of people to death, find a company at random, and the annual salary of millions is even more at your fingertips. Gong Jian asked curiously.

“Because I like it, peace needs to be defended.” Ye Ming replied very seriously.

Traveling to the present, Ye Ming has a clear understanding of this world.

Although the country is one of the safest countries in the world, it is also for other countries that are often turbulent.

A peaceful life is not a quiet time, but someone is carrying the weight.

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