Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 185: Biogas light comes on 2

Chen Xiayue smiled and introduced several cousins ​​of the Zhang family, who were also the ones who didn't study very well when Zhang Chengchuan taught everyone about mechanical maintenance. People's talents are different. These cousins ​​are not very good at mechanical maintenance, but they are quite good in construction.

Chen Xiayue is not stingy to find something for these cousins. When everyone finds a few cousins ​​to build a biogas digester, something must be exchanged. At that time, after slowly making a name for themselves, a few cousins ​​may be able to get a formal job.

Those who came to inquire about the news heard Chen Xiayue say this and turned to several cousins ​​of the Zhang family. After all, Zhang Chengchuan was really not at home, and even if he was at home, he would definitely be busy with other things, and would not interfere with the biogas digester.

Everyone turned a blind eye to Zhang Chengchuan's style. Wasn't that the case in brick kilns before? Obviously he took the lead in getting the brick kiln factory up with Zhou Jianye and the others. As a result, he quit the job after the brick kiln factory was on the right track.

Now that his cousins ​​already know how to build the biogas digester, he must not care about it. Everyone is used to Zhang Chengchuan's lazy temperament, so they don't insist that their own biogas digester must be built by Zhang Chengchuan.

Chen Xiayue smiled and watched as everyone's topic turned to other cousins. Hu Xiaofang couldn't help holding Chen Xiayue's hand and said, "Thank you very much, Xia Yue."

Hu Xiaofang's husband and her husband's brother both need something, and not everyone in the Zhang family can learn mechanical maintenance very well. Now Chen Xiayue proposes to let the other brothers of the Zhang family build biogas digesters, and also finds a job for everyone.

At that time, will the villagers still let the Zhang brothers do white labor? Only a few brothers from the Zhang family can build biogas digesters. If you don’t give anything or money, you still want someone to build one for you for nothing? What about dreaming?

When most of the Yunhe Brigade's families have built biogas digesters, and after the results of the biogas digesters are all out, the fame spreads, and the brothers of the Zhang family will definitely put their names on it. Whether in the name of the brigade or in the name of the commune, the urban biogas digester construction team would definitely not be able to leave behind the brothers of the Zhang family.

"Brother and sister, we do know how to build that biogas digester, but we don't know anything about the circuit. Will Achuan come back for this?" Zhang Chengjun took time to ask Chen Xiayue.

"This... Achuan told me that the three of them had installed the circuit with Achuan, and they knew what to do." Chen Xiayue replied.

"Really?" Zhang Chengjun asked, looking at his third cousin.

"Yes." Zhang Chengming nodded.

When they followed Zhang Chengchuan to learn mechanical maintenance, they also learned various circuits. They also installed the biogas lamp of the uncle's house with Zhang Chengchuan, and Zhang Chengchuan taught it seriously, knowing everything and saying everything. taught them all.

Zhang Chengming was originally smarter, and his talent in this area was also very good, so Zhang Chengchuan took them to install it, and after leaving the drawings, Zhang Chengming and the others really knew how to install biogas lamps and circuits.

Since there are people who know how to build biogas digesters and how to install circuits and biogas lamps, there is no need for Zhang Chengchuan to be at home. Everyone happily asks several brothers from the Zhang family to help build digesters.

Chen Xiayue had no opinion, Zhang Chengchuan was not interested in these. What he is interested in is research, researching those things that already exist or not, and after making one, he is not interested in continuing to do it.

Making one already has a sense of accomplishment, and doing a lot of them in a row will not allow him to superimpose the sense of accomplishment. It is better to change a new project to study.

The biogas digester at Zhang Dexin's house is really useful, and the fact that the biogas lamp installed in his home can really light up has spread throughout the Yunhe Brigade in just one day.

Not only the villagers knew about it, but even the people at the educated youth institute knew about it.

"Is this Zhang Chengchuan so powerful? Biogas digester? Can it really light up the lights? Isn't it powered by electricity?" Li Qiuyuan was extremely surprised.

Li Qiuyuan's house is also connected to electricity, but because her family's circumstances are not much better, it is impossible for the lights in her house to be turned on at will. Her parents rarely turn on the electric lights. When she needed to study at night, she had to burn candles or kerosene lamps.

She really did not expect that a person like Zhang Chengchuan could build a biogas tank and use the biogas to light the lamp, which was really surprising.

"It turns out that Zhang Chengchuan is so powerful? Then why is his reputation so bad? Everyone says that he is ignorant and lazy." Li Qiuyuan was very curious.

Lin Yue's face was not very good after hearing Li Qiuyuan's words. The reason why she just silently liked Zhang Chengchuan without taking action was because of Zhang Chengchuan's reputation.

Zhang Chengchuan is good-looking and has a good family background. But my reputation is not good, and those bad reputations really affect Zhang Chengchuan's market in the blind date market.

At that time, Lin Yue, who had just gone to the countryside, was still arrogant. Even though she liked Zhang Chengchuan's face and his family's environment was good, she didn't want people to say that she was a dignified city person, a dignified high school graduate with a reputation Messy men together.

Lin Yue took her reputation into consideration, but she still hadn't prepared herself psychologically, and she hadn't thought about whether she wanted to be with Zhang Chengchuan for the sake of her face. Zhang Chengchuan had already quickly arranged a marriage and quickly married a wife.

Lin Yue's mental preparation for so long is useless. She has never contacted Zhang Chengchuan, she has never expressed her feelings, and she has never shown that she has approached Zhang Chengchuan like a charitable almshouse. In the end, everything is impossible. .

Lin Yue now regrets why she didn't tell Zhang Chengchuan that she liked him earlier. If she had said it earlier, she might be the woman who is envied now.

Lin Yue is very confident, she thinks that Zhang Chengchuan married Chen Xiayue because Chen Xiayue is from the city, that's all.

In appearance, Lin Yue doesn't feel that she is worse than Chen Xiayue - the most important thing is that she is much healthier than Chen Xiayue.

She is a girl from a big city and graduated from high school, so she is very confident that she is 10,000 times better than Chen Xiayue. She didn't believe that if she and Chen Xiayue were put together, Zhang Chengchuan would not choose herself.

But now, Zhang Chengchuan is married, and his wife is Chen Xiayue instead of her.

Lin Yue regretted it, but it was useless.

"Can biogas really turn on the lights?" Li Qiuyuan was still asking others, her grades were not very good, so she never learned this knowledge.

"Should it be possible?" Others were also a little hesitant. Some people had forgotten their knowledge after going to the countryside for a long time.

"This Zhang Chengchuan is so powerful, I really didn't expect him to be so powerful as a countryman." Li Qiuyuan continued to sigh.

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