Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 186: Biogas light comes on 3

"Li Qiuyuan, what if Comrade Zhang Chengchuan is a countryman? He also graduated from high school, and his grades were excellent when he was in school. Maybe you are far worse than others. You still look down on people being country people?" Ye Yun mocked after hearing Li Qiuyuan's words road.

Li Qiuyuan's face changed immediately after hearing Ye Yun's words, she stood up and looked at Ye Yun, who was full of ridicule, and said with an ugly face, "Who said I look down on the country people? Ye Yun, don't spit!"

Since Ye Yun attacked Lin Jiancheng, Li Qiuyuan's relationship with her has deteriorated. After all, Li Qiuyuan liked Lin Jiancheng originally, isn't Ye Yun her rival in love after chasing Lin Jiancheng?

The two who had a good relationship in the past suddenly became a mortal enemy because of a man, and they wanted to suppress each other until they fell into the dust and couldn't get up again, so Lin Jiancheng belonged to himself.

The fight between Ye Yun and Li Qiuyuan is already tired of other educated youths, but they don't know if it is because of Lin Jiancheng's unique "personal charm", but he is deeply sympathetic to the "culprit" who caused the fight between the two women , and no one hates him.

Because Ye Yun and Li Qiuyuan quarreled again, the educated youth quickly forgot about the biogas digester that Zhang Chengchuan made, or they didn't have as much energy to pay attention to so many things.

Zhang Chengchuan made a biogas digester, and most of the Yunhe brigade have to build a digester. Does it have anything to do with their group of educated youth? Even if they wanted to build one at the Educated Youth Academy, there was no money.

As for cost sharing?

That is impossible, and the educated youth are not so united. Just look at Ye Yun and Li Qiuyuan, how could the educated youth even share the cost of building a biogas digester?

Moreover, it is not cost-effective to build a biogas digester in the educated youth institute. So many educated youths have so many rooms, which room should they lead the lights to?

Who else knows when he will be back in town? Can the educated youth who paid for the construction of biogas digesters get the money they handed over when they returned to the city?

Educated youths have to live a life of precariousness. After all, some people are really not favored by their parents at home. After going to the countryside, they have rarely received things and money from their families.

Therefore, it is impossible to spend money to build this biogas digester that I don't know if I can use it or how long it will last.

Since it is none of their business, there is no need to discuss so much.

As for Ye Yun and Li Qiuyuan, everyone doesn't want to care about the war of words between Ye Yun and Li Qiuyuan. At the beginning, they also managed it, but unfortunately they couldn't persuade them. Even the two sometimes quarreled with anger and would attack indiscriminately.

The female educated youth who were attacked by them also liked Lin Jiancheng, although the male educated youth was not like that, but they inevitably scolded him. In this way, they don't want to care anymore, and they can make as much noise as they like.

Don't you see that the objects being contested are indifferent? What do they care about outsiders? With this time, it is better to do more things and earn more food.

The educated youths were too lazy to care about Ye Yun and Li Qiuyuan, and Ye Yun also quarreled with her because of mocking Li Qiuyuan, so they didn't have any extra time to care about the biogas digester.

Lin Jiancheng was interested in this, but now Zhang Chengchuan was not in the village, and the other Zhang family members did not hide it from seeing how they built the biogas digester, so Lin Jiancheng was not in a hurry.

I don't know whether the letter sent home has arrived, and whether his family has tried to get him back to the city.

As for him going to the countryside for several years, his family has given up on him or something, but Lin Jiancheng has no such idea.

With his means, even if he has been in the countryside for several years, it is impossible for his parents to forget him. Although he is not the only child in the family, he has become the most important child of his parents by his own scheming.

Lin Jiancheng wanted to go back now. He definitely couldn't let himself show off his talents in the countryside. Wouldn't his talent be wasted? The limelight should have passed by now, and he can go back.

A team of Zhang brothers built the biogas digester, and a team helped to install the circuit. The wires and lights are all bought by the owner, they only need to install it, they don't need to manage so much.

Of course, if the host family has no way to buy wires and lights, the Zhang family can help. As for the money, of course, the host paid for it.

The Zhang family did not work for free and had to pay a subsidy. Of course, the money for the materials was paid by the owner himself. If you don't want to build it, no one will say anything.

In the summer now, the work in the fields is not so heavy, so everyone is relatively free. As for the construction of biogas digesters, no one chose to do it at noon. Half of it was done early in the morning, and it was rest time from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Chen Xiayue said, don't do such hard work in the big summer, and it's not when the farming is busy, you don't need to work hard. Your body is yours, what if you get tired? What should I do if I have heat stroke in the summer? this is not good.

Therefore, the Zhang brothers did not work all day long, and they would never go out to work when the sun was shining anyway.

There are quite a few people who have inquired about the biogas digester, but few of them have made up their minds to let the Zhang brothers and the others build a digester.

The two sons of the captain's family work as workers in the town, and the other son works as a police officer in the county seat, so the family background is also very good.

The team leader's family is in good condition, but because the entire team has no lead wires, the team leader's family also has no electric lights.

But now that there is a biogas digester, his house can also have electric lights. If the biogas lights up, there is no need to pay electricity bills.

The Zhang brothers built biogas digesters for the team leader's family. The toilets also needed to be built, and circuits were also needed to be installed. One by one had a clear division of labor and was well organized. It was amazing to see.

The brothers of the Zhang family are really becoming more and more promising. Originally, everyone only envied Zhang Chengyue who became an officer in the Zhang family. As for the other brothers of the Zhang family, they all rooted in the countryside honestly.

Although the Zhang family was doing well, everyone just envied Zhang Chengyue of the second room. But now everyone may want to envy all the Zhang family, this group of people is really getting better and better.


"This mute flower is also very useful, isn't it?" Wen Xiangyu looked at a pot of mute flower placed by her bedside. It was as beautiful as the kind of flower that she painted when she was a child, but the effect was unbelievable.

The effect of the mute flower is obvious. After the express delivery, Wen Xiangyu put the mute flower in her room. When she received the courier, she already felt that the surrounding sound was much quieter.

Then she placed the mute flower on her bedside table, so she didn't have to worry about being woken up by the sound outside when she slept.

Wen Xiangyu, who lives in the countryside, also has the same troubles as Hu Zhaozhao, that is, she can't sleep when the neighbor next door is noisy.

In particular, some people in the village like to turn on super loud speakers when they play music, as if it would be uncomfortable not to let the whole village hear the music they play.

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