Liu Wen was also sent out to study by her family, but she never went to school after finishing junior high school.

Liu Wen is not like Zhang Tingting and Zhang Chengchuan who started school at the age of six or seven and graduated from high school at the age of eighteen. Liu Wen only graduated from junior high school at the age of eighteen, and she was sent to school very late at home.

Liu Wen definitely had no job after graduating from junior high school. After returning home, she was assigned to count the production of oil fruit in the village and the money earned from selling the oil fruit.

No matter what, Liu Wen is Liu Guiying's niece, and she looks very good.

The little girl is a rare girl from the Yunhe Seventh Team who graduated from junior high school, and because she is beautiful, she has always been very arrogant.

This girl's personality isn't bad, but it's not that good either. Her personality isn't bad, but she's not very likable.

Of course, the Liu family likes her, but other people who know her think Liu Wen hates her. Of course, everyone has so many friends. Although Liu Wen is a bit annoying, she is not a person without friends.

Liu Wen likes her cousin Zhang Chengchuan. When she was young, she threatened to marry her cousin in the future.

However, her cousin got married before she graduated from junior high school, and she married a girl from the city, which made Liu Wen very unhappy.

"I'm going to see my cousin." Liu Wen said as a matter of course, "Cousin has been married for half a year and almost a year, and I haven't seen my cousin yet."

"Last time, Brother Wu and the others came back and said that cousin-in-law looks good and she is a nice person. I'm very curious. I want to see cousin-in-law. After all, we are the same age, so there must be topics to talk about and get along with. Very good." Liu Wen said confidently.

Liu Wen's mother frowned and looked at her daughter. Although Zhang Chengchuan felt that it was a pity that she did not have such a son-in-law when she got married, she did not approve of her daughter's entanglement after her nephews were married.

Her daughter is a rare girl in the mountains who has read books, and she has also finished junior high school. And her daughter is so beautiful, in the eyes of Liu Wen's mother, her daughter is much prettier than her sister-in-law Liu Guiying.

Such a good-looking and learned daughter, why should she stare at a married Zhang Chengchuan? Of course, it is to find other objects with better conditions.

"Xiao Wen." Liu Wen's mother stared at her daughter and said in a serious tone, "This time I'm going to deliver something to your aunt. It takes time to go back and forth, so you should stay at home and work."

"Mother." Liu Wen said unhappily after hearing what her mother said, "I can't come back with Brother Yang and the others. There must be a room at my aunt's house for me to live in, right? I can stay at my aunt's house for a while."

"My cousin is from the city. I have a good relationship with my cousin. After that..."

"Xiaowen." Liu Chong was a little unhappy when he heard his granddaughter's words, and looked at his granddaughter with a serious expression, "What did you say? What do you want your cousin to do for you?"

Liu Wen didn't dare to speak when she saw her grandfather's expression.

Liu Chong used to be a soldier when he was young, and then he also worked hard when he was fighting devils. In addition, because of the year-round hunting, he had an impressive aura. Of course it's not enough to deal with those who are more aggressive, but it's very simple to deal with Liu Wen, a little girl who doesn't know much.

"What does it matter to you that Achuan's mother-in-law is from the city? Achuan himself didn't bother his father-in-law and the others. What does your cousin want to do?" Liu Chong stared at Liu Wen and asked.

"Grandpa..." Liu Wen was not very happy.

Although the family does not satisfy her with everything, it can be said that everyone in the family will let her. She will satisfy her as long as her requests are not excessive, staring at her to prevent her character from getting any worse, but also pampering her.

Part of Liu Wen's character is spoiled, and the other part is that the Liu family's character is good, and the children they teach are not the kind of people with bad character.

She didn't intend to destroy the relationship between her cousin and cousin when she wanted to go to her aunt's house this time. She just wanted to see how beautiful the legendary beautiful cousin was.

Originally agreed to marry her cousin, why marry someone else.

Zhang Chengchuan: ? ? ? Who said I was going to marry you?

"Okay, just stay at home obediently. There are so many things in our team for you to do. Go to your aunt's house for a while. Who will do so many things in our team? You don't want this job anymore?" Liu Wen's mother grabbed her daughter and said.

My daughter finally found an easy and profitable job, how could she be delayed because she went to her aunt's house? If it aroused the dissatisfaction of the captain and replaced the daughter's job, wouldn't it be a big loss?

As for asking the sister-in-law to help, and asking the sister-in-law's daughter-in-law to find a job in the city for her daughter - no one from the Zhang family has been arranged to work in the city, so why should the Liu family be arranged?

You must know that even Zhang Chengchuan, the son-in-law of the city, did not go to work in the city but stayed at home. How could her daughter, her cousin, be fine?

When the people of the Chen family are all fools?

Liu Wen wanted to say something, but was stopped by her mother. Liu Chong and Lin Zhaodi didn't care what their little granddaughter was thinking, and told the two grandchildren to be careful on the road and what to do when they got to their aunt's house.

Liu Wen pouted unhappily, but did not entangle.

She likes her cousin just because he is good-looking and has a good family. This kind of like is very one-sided. After knowing that her cousin got married, she no longer had the feeling that she had to marry him, she was just a little unwilling.

How could she and her cousin grow up together? In order to be able to marry her cousin, she also studied hard and finished junior high school. As a result, the cousin forgot that her cousin got married first, and Liu Wen was unwilling that the cousin simply forgot herself.

Liu Yang and Liu Zheng went out with an oil fruit and some things in the mountains, and Liu Wen was dragged into the house by her mother and reprimanded.

"What's the matter with you? What are you going to do at your aunt's house? You don't have any thoughts about your cousin, do you?" Liu Wen's mother said with a dark face, "Don't forget that your cousin is married, we My daughter can't destroy other people's families, or I'll break your legs."

"I don't." Liu Wen said angrily, "Mother, do you think of your daughter so much? You think of your daughter as the kind of disgusting person who destroys other people's families. Are you my mother?"

"Then why did you say you were going to your aunt's house? What did you mention about your cousin's sister-in-law just now?" Liu Wen's mother said very unhappily.

"I'm just not reconciled. My cousin clearly said that he wanted to marry me, but he ended up getting married and married another woman. I'm just not reconciled." Liu Wen mumbled.

"Not reconciled? When did your cousin say he would marry you?" Liu Wen's mother thought about it and never thought when her nephew said it. If such a thing really happened, her daughter couldn't tell her.

"It was when I was a child. My cousin told me when I was five years old." Liu Wen said.

Liu Wen's mother: "..."

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