"When you were five years old, didn't you play the house?" Liu Wen's mother knocked her head angrily and said, "When you were five years old, didn't your cousin coax you to marry you? No? Did a group of you coax you when you played the house?"

"I don't care anyway, my cousin just said he wanted to marry me." Liu Wen pouted.

"Liu Wen!" Liu Wen's mother knocked her again in anger, and said viciously, "You bastard, if you dare to do anything that makes your cousin disgusted with our family, just wait for your leg to be broken. ."

The Liu family likes the Zhang Deping family very much, and gets along well with the rest of the Zhang family. The Liu family didn't think that the Zhang family was so powerful, and they insisted on taking advantage of the Zhang family. But if he offends the Zhang family and makes Liu Guiying have a bad life in the Zhang family, then the entire Liu family will condemn that person or may break his leg.

"I didn't think so." Liu Wen said angrily, "Mother, how can you think of your daughter like this? Don't you know who your daughter is? How can you think of your daughter so badly?"

"I just want to warn you first, if you really do something that makes the Zhang family get bored, it will be too late!" Liu Wen's mother pinched her daughter's ear and said, "Did you hear me! You are not allowed to do anything to your cousin and sister-in-law. , or I'll kill you first."

"I see." Liu Wen said unhappily, she didn't really want her cousin to be like this, she just wanted to add to her cousin, who made him forget what he said?

"You stinky girl!" Liu Wen's mother was really going to be **** off by this girl, and it was really annoying that she didn't listen to her words.

"Okay, mother, I understand." Seeing that her mother was really angry, Liu Wen quickly flattered, "I'm just angry, I want to add to my cousin, but I really didn't think about destroying him. With my cousin."

"I can't do that kind of thing that destroys other people's families, and if I really do it, what will my aunt think of me? What do the Yunhe Brigade and our Yunhe Seventh Team think of me? It's not really that stupid." Liu Wen took her mother's arm and said.

"I have to show you who you are, and see what you do." Liu Wen's mother poked her daughter's forehead.

"Who to look at?" Liu Wen said with a smile after hearing this, "Mother, if the person I look at is not as good-looking as my cousin, I won't agree."

"Are you dreaming?" Liu Wen's mother tapped her daughter's forehead and said, "Your cousin is the most beautiful I have ever seen in so many years, and you want to find someone similar to your cousin? ."

"Mother, you're really a spoiler." Liu Wen said coquettishly.

"You girl, you are spoiled by us." Liu Wen's mother sighed, her daughter is not bad, but she just likes to do it.

She also knew that her daughter's character that she liked so much was not likable, and some people hated her character. After all, what she did was not a bad thing, but it was rather unpleasant and unhappy. Who would like her if there were more of such things?

Liu Wen's mother had another headache when she thought of giving her daughter a date.

As far as her daughter's personality is concerned, who would like her to tolerate her? If my daughter gets married and has a bad life because of her overwork, wouldn't she have to worry about being a mother?

Raising a daughter is too difficult.

On the Liu family's side, someone sent oil fruit to the Zhang family, and on the other side, the people from the Yunhe Brigade also quickly found the python, and everyone worked together to kill it.

This python is really big, and its body is as thick as a human's calf, and it is about five or six meters long. What kind of python can indeed swallow a person.

Such a dangerous snake could easily be killed after encountering a young adult from the Yunhe Brigade. What's more, the Lu Warring States and the others came together this time, but they were armed, so this snake could easily be killed.

This python weighing less than 100 pounds, about 70 to 80 pounds, was carried back by everyone. Lu Zhanguo and the others are cleaning up the traces, and they have to bury the blood from this snake, otherwise it will be bad if it attracts other beasts.

The python was killed. After seeing such a big python, everyone was no longer afraid, and they were all happy to have meat to eat.

Zhou Mingyi and the others discussed eating python meat to celebrate today. Anyway, no matter what the celebration is, this 70 to 80-pound python will definitely be eaten, and it will be fine if it is sold. It is rare for everyone to have meat to eat, and it is impossible to sell it.

In the past, everyone lost their health during the busy farming season. Now there is just such a python meat that can be stewed and eaten to nourish the body. Everyone will not miss it.

Originally everyone planned to stew it directly, just add some onion **** cooking wine or something to remove the fishy smell. However, Zhang Chengchuan suggested to ask Dr. Song Yusong if there were any suitable medicinal materials. Such a big snake and stewed with medicinal materials would be more nourishing.

Zhou Mingyi felt that what Zhang Chengchuan said was very reasonable. With the addition of medicinal materials, it was more nourishing, and it was more able to replenish the body of the entire team.

Because the whole team ate the python meat together, they took out the cauldron from before to stew the snake meat. The big pot left over from the previous big pot meal was not lost, and now it can be used for stewing meat.

It is definitely impossible to have only one pot for the whole team, and one pot is simply not enough. So I divided several pots. If there is no pot, there will be several sections of snake meat. After adding medicinal materials, we will stew out a more fragrant and nourishing snake meat soup.

"Wow, this python is too big. I can have a good meal today." A middle-aged woman in her 40s and 50s said happily while burning a fire.

"Yeah, yeah, it's great to be able to eat such a good meal with half a year before the Chinese New Year." Another middle-aged woman similar to her also echoed.

Middle-aged woman A; "It's just that this snake is too small. It's less than 100 pounds, so it's not enough to eat."

Middle-aged woman B: "This one is already very big. If it were any bigger, it would be dangerous."

Middle-aged woman A: "That's true, such a big snake can eat people, and if it gets bigger, it's dangerous."

Middle-aged woman B: "Aren't those military comrades going to eat together?"

Middle-aged woman A: "Shouldn't it be? Just now, the captain said that the military comrades would go back and eat by themselves, and the people in the village would eat this snake soup by themselves."

Middle-aged woman B: "Comrades in the military...why don't they eat it? It was the comrades in the military who contributed to killing this snake."

Middle-aged woman C: "The military comrades don't take the masses with a single line. This is a disciplinary issue of the organization. Maybe those military comrades think this snake is the harvest of our brigade, and they won't **** it from us."

Middle-aged woman B: "That's right, the consciousness of comrades in the military is high."

Middle-aged woman A: "It's also not a big snake. There are so many people in our team that we don't have enough people. Comrades in the military are embarrassed to grab food from us."

Middle-aged woman Ba;a;C: "That's right."

The Yunhe Brigade happily peeled the python, cleaned it up, chopped it into pieces and put it in a pot for stew. After adding medicinal herbs and deodorizing seasonings, it was stewed for several hours.

Everyone went up the mountain in the morning, and brought the python back around noon, but it was not in time for lunch. The snake was stewed for several hours, and it was only stewed at four or five in the afternoon, and it was only at this time that the dinner began.

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