Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 257: Zhang Tingting gets married 1

He remembers the saying that there is no end to learning very clearly, so now he is teaching and studying at the same time. Chen Xiasong's strongest subject is mathematics. He also majors in physics, but it is just enough to teach high school students. He won't have the ability to study anything further.

For Chen Xiasong, mathematics is what he likes the most, and mathematics is the most fascinating subject.

Zhang Chengchuan has no such idea. He likes mathematics, physics and chemistry, and he can chat with Chen Xiasong when he talks about mathematics.

It's just that Chen Xiasong has been studying mathematics for many years, and Zhang Chengchuan has only started to study the knowledge of science in this year. Compared with Chen Xiasong's single-mindedness, Zhang Chengchuan is still not as good as Chen Xiasong in all the sciences.

Therefore, in mathematics, Zhang Chengchuan still has a lot of things to ask Chen Xiasong for advice. He also took out a lot of mathematics textbooks, mathematics magazines, etc. to ask Chen Xiasong the knowledge above, and let Chen Xiasong explain to him well.

Because of the busy farming, although the soldiers didn't work so hard to the point of being exhausted, considering that Zhang Chengchuan was really tired, the matter of going to class every night before was put on hold until Zhang Chengchuan planned to continue talking about it.

Moreover, Yu Xiujuan was pregnant, and she had to sleep for a lot longer every day. Lu Zhanguo also needed to take good care of his wife and the child in her womb, so he seldom had the time to attend classes.

However, no matter how much Lu Zhanguo cared about his wife and children, he was still very serious about the task of protecting Zhang Chengchuan. Instead of forgetting the safety of the target during the task, he greeted his wife and children.

Chen Xiasong and Zhang Chengchuan chatted for a while, and Zhang Chengchuan was sleepy at nine o'clock in the evening. He has been busy harvesting rice recently, and he has to plant sweet potatoes after harvesting the rice. He is also very tired.

So at nine o'clock, Zhang Chengchuan stopped talking to Chen Xiasong about his studies, and went to sleep. And Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying went to bed early. Of course, Chen Xiasong couldn't hang around outside when everyone else was asleep, and fell asleep quickly.

The next day, when Chen Xiasong was great, Zhang Chengchuan gave him several books, all about mathematics. All the books he took out could be taken out in this era, and he was not afraid of causing any trouble when he gave them to Chen Xiasong.

Of course, in addition to the mathematics books, two physics books were also presented. No matter how Chen Xiasong is still a physics teacher, he still needs to study physics knowledge.

After Chen Xiasong went back, the days of Zhang's family were still the same. After the sweet potatoes were planted, the farming was over, and everyone was relieved.

When the busy farming season is over, the things that have been put on hold have to be done.

The weather in autumn is still a bit hot, but it is much better than the big summer. So Zhang Tingting's marriage was planned, but this time it was more lively, not like Zhou Jianye and Lin Heping who did nothing and came over with a few sets of her clothes.

Zhang Tingting's target is a doctor in the county hospital. She has a promising future and a good salary. And Zhang Tingting is a high school student trained by their family. If there is no college entrance examination now, they believe that Zhang Tingting is still a college student.

How could such a marriage between two people be so hasty? Of course, it has to be done in a big way without being eye-catching, and have a good time.

"Tingting is getting married?" Chen Xiayue couldn't help sighing after hearing the news that tomorrow would be Zhang Tingting's wedding day.

This girl used to have a pretty good relationship with her, but after all, she was only married to Yunhe Brigade for half a year, so the relationship between her cousin and sister-in-law was not bad, and they were not very close.

Therefore, Zhang Tingting seldom came over after falling in love, and she had no regrets or disappointments. Her best friend had been with her for three years. As a result, the girl rarely looked for her after falling in love, and then the relationship gradually faded. I have become acquaintances who have not been in touch with each other for many years.

Zhang Tingting has only been with people for less than a year, and she has not invested too much affection, so she will not be too sad because she does not get along with herself.

It's just that I didn't react a bit when I heard the news that she was going to get married.

"Looking at Uncle Guosheng's attitude, this marriage should be a little more lively, and there will probably be about ten tables of guests." Zhang Chengchuan said.

"It's also very good." Chen Xiayue said.

Although the number of guests at ten tables was a bit small, that was compared with the guests at dozens of tables and hundreds of tables at wedding banquets in later generations. In this era, many people get married without holding a wedding banquet like Zhou Jianye and Lin Heping, and even some people do not even hold a marriage certificate.

So Zhang Tingting also set up a banquet for ten tables to treat guests or something like this.

The woman invites ten tables of guests? This is already a huge scale, right?

"What are you thinking? Of course, there was a wedding banquet held in the south and invited ten tables of guests. Uncle Guosheng and the others are the bride's family. It would be very good to be able to arrange a five-table banquet to invite relatives and friends." Zhang Chengchuan rubbed her cheeks. face said.

"When we got married, there were no five tables at my parents' house." Chen Xiayue thought about it and said, as if she had invited three tables of guests to the Chen family when she got married. They were all relatives at home. of.

Some relatives could not come because they were too far away, some relatives didn't have time to come because they were too busy, and some were not invited by Chen Mingying and his wife. If you invite some guests who are looking for faults on a big day, won't you be blocking yourself?

"Tingting is planning to invite five tables of guests." Zhang Chengchuan said, "Looking at this, Tingting's partner should be pretty good, although his parents are really annoying."

Chen Xiayue didn't say much, no matter how annoying Zhang Tingting's future in-laws were, it was none of their business, and it wasn't that they were dealing with Zhang Tingting's future in-laws.

"I hope Tingting has a good life." Chen Xiayue sincerely wishes Zhang Tingting, although she had a bad impression of Zhang Tingting's object before, but it may be just her subjective prejudice.

Anyway, Zhang Tingting and her partner have a good life, and she doesn't like watching others have a bad life.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying, as uncles and aunts, also went to Zhang Guosheng's house to help. Everyone was very happy about the wedding of Zhang Tingting. Even though Liu Guiying didn't like Zhang Tingting's mother-in-law very much, she was not the other's in-law, so she didn't say much.

The next day, Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan went to see the wedding scene, waiting for the other party to pick up the bride from the county seat.

Chen Xiayue didn't dress up so well. She was wearing gray clothes that were neither too new nor too old. She put on a simple dress on her face to make her look weak. She didn't even apply lipstick. It looks just plain good looking.

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