Of course, the Zheng family did not agree to divorce. They finally found a daughter-in-law like Zhang Tingting who had good conditions and was willing to be a stepmother. How could they be willing to divorce?

Zheng Shunze's conditions are indeed very good, but after all, he is a man with three children. Now there's another story about Zhang Tingting being pushed down by her stepdaughter and having a miscarriage. If she gets divorced, Zheng Shunze's price in the marriage market will definitely drop a lot.

But the Zhang family would not give the Zheng family a chance. After going back to ask Zhang Tingting's opinion, the marriage in just one year ended.

Zhang Tingting's job in the hospital was also sold. After all, she was divorced, and she didn't want to continue working in the same place as Zheng Shunze. Even if she doesn't care, what if Zheng Shunze is not willing to pester her?

And Zhang Tingting needs to leave this place. Divorce still affects her. Those rumors are not something that Zhang Tingting can face now.

So Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiabai both helped, selling Zhang Tingting's job to a girl from a good family background, and then found a relationship to send Zhang Tingting away.

Of course, they didn't send Zhang Tingting to the countryside to be an educated youth. Zhang Tingting was recommended by Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan to study medicine.

Sending Zhang Tingting out this time really owed a lot of favor. After all, it takes a lot of procedures to send Zhang Tingting out. Where to go, what to do, these are things that require a lot of procedures and a lot of things, this time the favor is really indebted.

Zhang Guosheng's family is very grateful to Zhang Chengchuan. Although Zhang Tingting's divorce had an impact on their family, the impact was not so great.

After all, their family has nothing to talk about now. The youngest Zhang Tingting has left, and the eldest grandson is only in his early ten years. It will take several years to get married.

"Hahaha, Zhang Tingting said at the beginning how much she liked Zheng Shunze. After she married into the city, she looked like a phoenix on the branches, hahaha... Isn't she still divorced now?"

"Bah, a divorced woman, a broken shoe no one wants! Let's see how arrogant she will be in the future!"

After Zhang Tingting got divorced, she was arranged to leave the Yunhe Brigade and to study medicine outside the county, but people who used to dislike her said a lot of gossip in private.

Of course, there must be a lot of rumors about things like divorce. Even if the Zheng family did something wrong, countless people will still talk about Zhang Tingting as a victim after the divorce.

And for many people, isn't it just being a stepmother? Wasn't it just pushed down by the stepson and stepdaughter and miscarried? What's the big deal?

Maybe some people just swallowed up when faced with such a thing, and made compromises in order to stay in the husband's family. Others, on the other hand, may secretly take revenge. Isn't it just a few ignorant kids? How many children can she handle alone as an adult?

However, Zhang Tingting chose to divorce, leaving home and away from her former husband's family is a choice that many people do not understand.

Whether it was the people who knew the Zheng family from the county town or the people from the Yunhe Brigade, they were all talking about it, saying that Zhang Tingting was not good or bad.

They have already married from the countryside to the city. What's wrong with being wronged? To be able to become a city dweller and to have a serious job is already very good, isn't it a miscarriage? What's there to be angry about?

Isn't it just a child less than three months in the womb? Is being able to be as important as being urban and having a decent job? It's not that I can't have a baby after I shed this child, so is it necessary to get into a divorce?

But Zhang Tingting couldn't hear these rumors. No one knew her where she went, and no one knew what she had encountered. She was able to spend those sad days after the divorce quietly.

And she also took the prescription left to her by Chen Xiayue, and adjusted her body while studying. Whether she wants to have another child in the future, she must have a healthy body.

To be healthy is to live well. How sad to be sick and crooked? And if you are not healthy, doesn't that also affect your lifespan?

After Zhang Tingting left, Chen Xiayue couldn't help but ask Zhang Chengchuan, "Just divorced like this? Did the Zheng family lose anything?"

It caused Zhang Tingting to have a miscarriage, and she was enslaved by the Zheng family to work here and there before she could take care of her body. Didn't the Zheng family pay any compensation?

"Of course there is no loss at all. The Zheng family lost 500 yuan." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "Tingting went out to study medicine this time with this 500 yuan."

Chen Xiayue nodded, "What about that Zheng Shunze? Can he still get a wife like this?"

"Of course you can." Zhang Chengchuan laughed at his daughter-in-law's simplistic thinking, "No matter what, Zheng Shunze is a doctor with good medical skills, and the divorce has not affected his work. Although their family has a bad reputation now, some are If people want to marry into the city, Zheng Shunze's market is still very good."

"It's just that it's more difficult for him to find another girl with the same conditions as Tingting. Everyone likes a girl who has read a book and is young, beautiful and capable. But if Zheng Shunze is concerned, he may not be able to meet him." Zhang Chengchuan picked eyebrows.

"You must know that there are very few people here who can support their daughters to graduate from high school. Tingting can be said to be one of the best country girls in our county who graduated from high school."

"As for the high school girls in the county or town, they may not be able to like Zheng Shunze. After all, little girls are not stupid. They can find a man of similar age and a good future. Why should they marry Zheng Shunze? To be a stepmother to his three children?"

But maybe some people think it's no big deal to be a stepmother, and it's a good thing to be able to marry into the county seat, isn't it?

And Zheng Shunze deserves to be the one who can make two women, no, plus Zhang Tingting, three, he deserves to be the one who can make three women willing to give birth to her children, his face is indeed able to bluff people.

And his temperament is also very deceptive, and he is indeed able to deceive a little girl as simple as Zhang Tingting before.

Words cannot be said to be too absolute, perhaps—

"You said that a girl named Zhou Yunyue in our brigade is going to marry Zheng Shunze?" Chen Xiayue was surprised.

"Of course, the Zhou Yunyue family is very happy, and they are happily preparing to send the girl to the Zheng family." Hu Xiaofang said to Chen Xiayue.

"Does the Zheng family still have money to buy a bride price? That girl named Zhou Yunyue is willing to marry her?" Hu Xiaodie was also very curious.

"Oh, sister, you don't know about this, right? The Zheng family must not give as much dowry to Tingting as before. After all, Zhou Yunyue has never read a book, except for being good-looking and working agile. So the Zheng family said, Zhou Yunyue It's not as good as Tingting, and the betrothal gift will not be the same as when they married Tingting before." Hu Xiaofang said with a look of disgust, "This Zheng family is still such a disgusting person."

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