Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 307: Remarriage

Chen Xiayue didn't understand why this girl named Zhou Yunyue was willing to marry? They are all from the same team. Does the girl not know what happened to Zhang Tingting? In that case, why is she willing to marry?

"What else can it be for? Isn't it just to be able to marry into the city?" Hu Xiaofang gave a positive answer to Chen Xiayue's doubts, "Being able to marry into the city is enough to make people enviable, regardless of whether he has ever been married or not. Do you have any children?"

"What's more, Zheng Shunze is indeed still young, only in his twenties. If it is possible, some people would rather marry a man in their thirties or forties in order to marry into the city."

"That guy Zheng Shunze is in his twenties, has a good face, and has a good job. What if there are three children in the family? What if he has been married twice? Some people in the city are willing."

Chen Xiayue: "..."

Chen Xiayue did not understand these, perhaps because she was not born and raised in this era, and could not fully understand the thoughts of these people. I don't understand the country people of this era's longing for urban people, and I don't understand that the country people of this era don't have much resistance to things like being stepmothers.

Just like the original body was very reluctant when he knew that he was going to marry Zhang Chengchuan, and he was so upset that he had a heart attack.

Even though Yuan Shen was often sent to live with her grandparents in the countryside because her parents were busy with work since she was a child, she still couldn't accept that the person she married in the future was a countryman.

She is not too arrogant or arrogant, but she is also unwilling to marry into the countryside. She was confused about the future, could not see the future clearly, and was unwilling to go to the countryside to suffer with her broken body.

She knew very well that she used to live at her grandmother's house because she wanted to cultivate. She didn't have to work in the fields, and her parents would support her. But getting married is different. How can a married daughter let her parents support her?

And she can't work in the fields, can't make money, can't do anything, and may not even have children. How could her in-laws like her? Perhaps it was because of hopelessness for the future that the original body fiercely resisted marrying Zhang Chengchuan, and then accidentally caused her to fall ill.

Chen Xiayue couldn't help sighing, she just hoped that what she had done in the past few years could really earn merit, and then let Yuanshi be born in a happy and peaceful environment in her next life, with a healthy body and a happy family.

Zheng Shunze quickly married another girl from Yunhe Brigade less than a month after his divorce from Zhang Tingting. Most people think that this is the revenge of the Zheng family.

They all felt that they felt that the Zhang family had lost the face of their Zheng family, so they quickly chose a girl from the Zhou family to marry back, and told the Zhang family that the Zheng family had no shortage of wives.

But the Zhang family didn't care at all, maybe not all the people with the surname Zhang in the Yunhe Brigade shared the same hatred, but they wouldn't be a big drag on these matters. The Zhang family doesn't care about the Zheng family and the Zhou family. Anyway, Zhang Tingting is no longer here. They can do whatever they like.

As for the girl named Zhou Yunyue, she was willing to marry Zheng Shunze. After all, she was a good-looking and rich person, and she was still from the city, so she didn't lose anything.

Moreover, this girl is not like Zhang Tingting, and no one will be willing to give her her job to replace her, so she married Zheng's family to help Zheng's mother bring three children.

After Zhang Tingting left, the Zhang family didn't care about it. Zheng Jiaai could do whatever it was like. Even if the girl from the Yunhe Brigade later married, she didn't care, it wasn't their Zhang family girl anyway.

The captain Zhou Mingyi wanted to say something, but was blocked by Zhou Yunyue's parents, and said that the captain could not see their family well? Their girl was finally able to marry into the city. Is the captain going to cut off their Qingyun Road?

What can Zhou Mingyi do under such words? Love is what it is.

Although the Zhou family is also a big surname in the Yunhe Brigade, they are not as united as the Zhang family. Although not all people with the surname Zhang are united, there are more people who are united than the Zhou family.

Zhou Mingyi is too lazy to take care of these things. People are happily marrying into the city. Why should he take care of them? He doesn't care if he's doing well or not.

"To be honest, I also admire Comrade Zhang Tingting's courage. She is willing to divorce and can leave her hometown to study in a place thousands of miles away. I admire this courage." Yu Xiujuan admired her holding her child.

Yu Xiujuan's child is also a few months old. She went back to the army to give birth to a child and raised her for a few months. Only recently did she think about bringing the child over to see Chen Xiayue, and by the way, she would tidy up the house that their husband and wife bought to make it airy or something. .

After coming to Yunhe Brigade, I heard about Zhang Tingting. To be honest, she quite admired it.

Sometimes she would also think, what should she do if she and Lu Zhanguo couldn't get along? I heard that a marriage like her and Lu Zhanguo is very difficult to separate. If she really can't make it through, will she be very sad?

But she was also very fortunate that Lu Zhanguo was a good person. Although he was usually a little cold, and when he was busy, he might not be at home for more than half a year, but she was still willing to wait for him at home.

"Yeah, I thought she would be reluctant to divorce, and would rather stay in the Zheng family if she was wronged." Chen Xiayue also said.

When Zhang Tingting and Zheng Shunze fell in love, she was really very in love, but it also shows that Zheng Shunze was better at coaxing people, so Zhang Tingting came back to complain without any grievances.

Chen Xiayue didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhang Tingting having experienced such a marriage. She must have been happy when she fell in love with Zheng Shunze. After marriage, although she was sad when she found out that her husband was married before and had three children, but that Zheng Shunze will definitely coax her.

Even though Zheng Shunze slowly left her in the cold, she was still busy with her work, so she shouldn't have so much time to be sad.

Although the price of this failed marriage was that she lost a child and became a divorced woman, it also made Zhang Tingting grow up a lot.

As for whether she wants to get married in the future, that is her own business. Even if Zhang Tingting finds another person in the future, she can only find someone who has also been married, but what's the point? Not all men who have been divorced or lost their wives are bad, and it is not impossible to find a man with a good character and good in all aspects.

"Stop talking about that, Xiujuan, your child is really good." Chen Xiayue looked at the child in Yu Xiujuan's arms and said.

Children who are a few months old are quite cute, especially Lu Zhanguo and Yu Xiujuan, who are already very good-looking. Of course, this child also looks cute like Yuxue.

Yu Xiujuan was well-fed when she was pregnant. After the baby was born, she also ate well. The baby was fed with breast milk and milk powder. Although the baby of a few months old did not grow very fat, there was some baby fat and fat. Toot is cute.

Chen Xiayue likes it very much when she looks at it, who doesn't like cute babies? Although she doesn't like children crying and making loud noises, she also likes the quiet cute baby.

"You like children so much, when are you going to give birth?" Yu Xiujuan also knew that Chen Xiayue's body was almost ready, and if she wanted a child, it wouldn't have much impact, so she dared to say this.

If Chen Xiayue said this when her health was not yet healthy, it might not have been a kind ridicule, but a malicious ridicule.

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