Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 308: Breadfruit, Mantou Fruit 2

"Me?" Chen Xiayue smiled after hearing Yu Xiujuan's words, "I'm getting ready, but when the child will come depends on fate, I can't say that I want a child now, so I'm really pregnant, right? ?"

Yu Xiujuan nodded, agreeing with Chen Xiayue's words.

In fact, Yu Xiujuan brought her children here to live here for two or three days. Because Lu Zhanguo was not on the side of the army when he was on a mission, Yu Xiujuan came to Yunhe Brigade.

In the past few days in Yunhe Brigade, Yu Xiujuan and Chen Xiayue studied a lot about raising children, and learned from others how to raise children.

Although Yu Xiujuan is unlikely to spoil her children like the people of a few decades later, she is also unlikely to raise her children like most people in this era, so she still needs to study hard how to raise and educate her children.

And the child is too young, she must learn what to pay attention to, otherwise what if she accidentally makes the child sick?

Children can't speak yet, can't express their thoughts, and just cry even if they're uncomfortable. But it is impossible for adults to know where the child is uncomfortable from the cry of the child, so they still need to take good care of it.

Yu Xiujuan's seriousness made Chen Xiayue learn along with her. After all, she also plans to have a child. She will have some theoretical knowledge when her child is born, right?

On this side, Chen Xiayue and Yu Xiujuan are learning from others, and Zhang Chengchuan is also studying every day after a busy day, helping with the work outside the home every day. was discovered.

Compared with the Yunnan-Guangxi region, this is the southern region, and most of the Yunnan and Guangxi provinces are tropical rain forests. After a few years, they have almost recovered and recuperated. Although the output of grain was not so high before, it is three crops a year. Farming still makes everyone less sad.

And even if the yield of food crops is not so high, the products in the south are still very rich. Wild vegetables and wild fruits can also be found. The animals in the mountains and the water are also good-looking, so everyone will not be hungry. Too harsh.

Even in the Yunnan-Guangxi region, there are people who can't eat enough and don't wear warm clothes every day, but compared to the northwest region, it is really a good life.

There are many deserts in the northwest region, and some places may not grow any grass, and some places may not grow crops well. Therefore, the people in the northwest are thinner than those in the Yunnan-Guangxi region, and they have a more difficult life.

The more than 100 breadfruit trees and steamed bread fruit trees that Chen Xiayue put out were not discovered by local residents in the northwest, but discovered by patrolling soldiers.

The place where Chen Xiayue put these trees is not very far from the place where the northwest troops are stationed, so the soldiers of the troops can be found if the patrol range is a little farther.

When they discovered this large forest, they thought they had encountered a mirage at first. After all, there are many desert areas in the northwest desert. When the temperature rises, they will occasionally see a mirage.

When the soldiers patrolled in the past, they knew that although there were some grass and trees growing in that place, they were not growing very well, but this time they saw a forest consisting of dozens or hundreds of trees. In this way, how could they not suspect that they met a mirage?

"Squad leader, what is this?" A young warrior asked with a look of surprise as he looked at the woods in front of him.

However, his squad leader didn't know what it was. They had never encountered this grove when they were patrolling before.

And what about those fruits on the tree? Why does it look so drooling?

Both breadfruit and mantou fruits have flavor. Although mantou fruits seem to have no taste or sweetness, they also have the aroma that belongs to food.

And the taste of breadfruit is the taste of very sweet whole-wheat bread, the taste of whole-wheat bread with butter and milk.

Although the fruit on the tree still has a thin husk to wrap the pulp inside, the sweet smell still wafts out through the husk.

"It's so fragrant... Squad leader, what kind of fruit is this? Why does it feel like a steamed bun? It's so fragrant." The young warrior sniffed hard and asked while sniffing.

"I don't know." The squad leader didn't know what it was, but the smell was so fragrant, so he asked a few people to pick a few fruits and prepared to take them back to the station to have them check what it was and why So fragrant, can this fruit be eaten?

Although they encountered such a small forest, the soldiers still checked around and found nothing unusual, and then continued to patrol. Their task today is to patrol, and it is impossible to interrupt the task just because they encounter this extra grove.

After their patrol mission was completed, they took some of the fruits they picked and went back to the military doctor to check if they could eat it and ask what it was.

The taste of this fruit is so fragrant, like bread and steamed buns that have just been baked, so they can't wait to peel off the shell and eat the pulp inside.

Of course, the test results came out soon. Although the doctor did not know what kind of fruit it was, no harmful substances were detected, and there was no toxicity.

And they also peeled off the nut shell and found that the pulp inside was very fluffy and had the same texture as steamed buns and bread.

The doctors tore a small piece of the pulp and fed it to the chickens, intending to see if they could not detect any toxicity, so they would also eat a little bit of the fruit to see if there would be any adverse effects.

The result is obvious, breadfruit and steamed bread fruit are non-toxic and still edible, and of course nothing happens to the chicken after eating it.

A doctor also ate a little, and it felt that the taste was really similar to bread and steamed buns.

This doctor has eaten bread. Although he feels that the bread fruit he eats tastes better than the bread he has eaten before, he feels that the taste of mantou fruit is much worse than that of homemade mantou. .

"Is this really edible?" the doctor said in surprise while eating, "I thought I heard that there are rice fruit trees in the south, oil fruit trees and the like, and I was very puzzled that such plants really exist in the world. Didn't expect that we also have such a magical plant here?"

This doctor is a foreigner who has just been here in the Northwest for less than two years, and he doesn't know much about the Northwest, so he only reacted like this when he knew that there were plants whose fruits tasted like bread and steamed buns. .

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