Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 316: Mingmu pill 4

Cong Jianghai also found that the Xia Yue grocery store he was concerned about was new, and this time it turned out to be medicine. Cong Jianghai was also very cautious. He really read the introduction of the product, but didn't see the approval word or anything. It seemed to be a three-no product.

But the introduction of the product also said that this medicine is made by the boss himself, and it is a medicine that can treat myopia, presbyopia and cataracts. You can buy it if you believe it, or not if you don't believe it.

The new store is very Buddhist, and it doesn't care whether customers buy it or not. After all, the things in their store are really good, and it doesn't seem to care whether this Akimu pill can be sold.

After all, the person who is troubled by myopia is not the boss. It is very good that she will make such pills to benefit the myopic people. As for whether to buy it or not, it is up to the guests. She doesn't care about the boss.

In fact, most of Chen Xiayue made this Mingmu Pill to prevent himself from becoming short-sighted in the future, and also for Zhang Chengyu and Yu Xiujuan, two people who learned embroidery. Embroidery is also very eye-consuming, just like she has read a lot of novels, the embroidery girl in it is almost blind when she gets old, and it takes her eyes to embroider when she is young.

Of course, part of the reason is to make up for her regrets in her past life. In her past life, she was short-sighted. Although she didn't take off her glasses, her eyes were blurry, but sometimes it's really uncomfortable to see things clearly without glasses. .

So Chen Xiayue's Mingmu Pills really didn't think about making money or anything, just to make up their regrets, and they were prepared by Zhang Chengyu and Yu Xiujuan to prevent them from using their eyes too much to become shortsighted, and look at things in the future. Can't see clearly.

Cong Jianghai's myopia is also very serious. When he was a child, his eyesight was also very good. Staying in the last row of the classroom did not affect his ability to read the words on the blackboard clearly. But when he grew up, playing with mobile phones and computers was too much for his eyes. Now his myopia is not too serious, but it is very normal for him to be unable to see signs at a distance of ten meters.

Cong Jianghai always wore glasses when typing at home, otherwise he wouldn't be able to read the words on his computer screen clearly. As for enlarging the font, it is very uncomfortable when typing.

Cong Jianghai very much hopes that there will be medicines for treating myopia. After all, his myopia has not yet reached the time for surgery. As for other cures and corrections, it is unlikely that he can only wear glasses.

Now that there is such a thing in this grocery store, it is hard for Cong Jianghai not to be moved, but he is still doubting whether this medicine can cure the eyes. ?

And the price of 30 yuan for a medicine is a little expensive, and a bottle costs 150 yuan. Cong Jianghai didn't think he couldn't get the 150 yuan, but he was afraid that it would be useless and harmful if he bought it.

When he saw someone on the forum saying that he wanted to invite his uncle to see if this medicine could cure myopia and whether it was harmful to the human body, he also felt that he should wait and see first, and see the uncle of this netizen. inspection results.

Xiayue grocery store delivery has always been fast, so the netizen who said to buy a bottle of Mingmu Pill first and let his uncle study and test quickly bought Mingmu pill, and gave it to his uncle the next day. detected.

Cong Jianghai browses the forum every day, always wanting to know how the test results are.

Three days later, the results appeared on the forum. The netizen posted the test report of his uncle, and then told everyone in simple and easy-to-understand words that this Mingmu Pill has a therapeutic effect on the eyes, but can it cure myopia? Eyes, presbyopia such problems are not necessarily.

As for what everyone is worried about, it has no effect on the eyes, and will it cause any harm to the human body. Please rest assured, because this medicine is 90% made of traditional Chinese medicine, and there is no harm.

As for what is the three-point poison of medicine, it is impossible. This Mingmu Pill does no harm to the human body. If its efficacy is true then there is only one effect, and that is to treat the eyes. In addition, there is no other curative effect, and it will not cause any harm to the human body.

The netizen also said that he ordered and bought several bottles of Mingmu Pills, because he himself is shortsighted, and taking off his glasses is equivalent to blindness. So the appearance of this Mingmu pill is simply his savior.

Cong Jianghai placed an order to buy Mingmu Pills while reading the message of the netizen on the forum. He just bought a bottle and didn't buy a lot.

Because the product introduction also said that if it is severe, that is, if you can't see clearly after taking off your glasses, you need more than 10 or less than 15 Mingmu Maruku. Cong Jianghai's myopia degree is not that high, he only needs a bottle of wine.

As soon as Cong Jianghai made the payment, he saw that Mingmu Pill was sold out.

【Ahhh, your hands are so fast! 】

[The one who should be scolded the most is the **** who posted the report, he actually ordered three bottles! 】

[There were only more than 20 bottles of Mingmu Pills, but the **** bought three bottles directly, plus the previous one, it was four bottles. asshole! That guy stole one-fifth straight away! 】

[Save the child, I'm already ten meters away from humans and animals, so can't you give me priority to buy Mingmu pills? 】

[Don't worry, don't worry, it's not too late to wait for everyone's feedback, don't worry about it now...]

[Don't be in a hurry to shovel! I am looking forward to recovering my eyesight. Who wants to recover sooner? 】

【A person who takes off his glasses and is blind like me needs more, right? Can you guys who don't wear glasses make a difference? 】

[Oh, I'm sorry, I grabbed a bottle, hee hee. 】

【Upstairs, you are such an asshole! 】

On the online forums, everyone denounced the other people who were too quick to grab the Mingmu pill because they couldn't get the Mingmu pill. Cong Jianghai silently watched the screen and said nothing.

Anyway, he would not give up the Mingmu pills he grabbed. After he bought the Mingmu pills, he was not very blind, but tried to find out the authenticity of the test report posted by the netizen before.

It's impossible for someone to post a report and think it's true, right? What if it's a liar? What if it was the navy that the shop invited?

Well, it seems that this store has never hired a navy army, and they are all customers as tap water. It's just that this product is a drug after all, and it still needs to be checked clearly, and it is right to be cautious.

Cong Jianghai contacted a writer friend he knew. Although he is not a great god, he is still a small god, and he can also enter the group of great gods to be a little transparent.

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