Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 317: Mingmu pill 5

Several of the great gods that Cong Jianghai knew were graduates of medicine, and some of them did not become doctors after graduation, but instead became writers like Cong Jianghai. And because they are medical students, they have a lot of medical expertise, and their writing is rigorous, so some of the protagonists they wrote are doctors, which are very popular, and many are popular.

Cong Jianghai planned to ask the writer friends he knew if the test report was true.

[Love across the river and sea: @江山入paint Laojiang, do you see if this test report is true or false? Picture.jpg]

[Jiangshan into the painting: Let me take a look. 】

[Looking back on the past: @love across the river, what is this report? What is Mingmu pill? 】

[Love Gejianghai: It is a new product from the store I introduced to you before. According to the store's introduction, it can treat myopia. 】

[My love is across Jianghai: A netizen said before that he bought it for his uncle who is a doctor to test it, and this is the test report. 】

[My love is across Jianghai: I just want Lao Jiang to help me see, is this report true? This one called Akimaru is really okay, right? 】

[Jiangshan into the painting: @Love across the river and sea is true, this experimental report is true. 】

[Jiangshan into the painting: If this Mingmu Pill can really treat myopia, it is simply the gospel for us. 】

[Tian Zong: I went to the store to see it, and it was sold out. 】

[Tian Zong: @Love across the river and sea, have you bought it? Bought one for me. 】

[Sisi Ru Liu: That porcelain bottle with Mingmu pills is really beautiful, Jiang Hai, after you finish eating Mingmu pills, give me the bottle? @Love across the river and sea]

[My love is across the river and sea: I want to collect it myself. @Sisi Ru Liu]

[My love is across the river and sea: I will try this Mingmu pill first to see if it is true, and then I will tell you the results. 】

[Love across the river and sea: I believe the boss will not sell it only once, you can buy it next time. 】

[Jiangshan into the painting: Is it the same as the mosquito repellent kit? Out of stock for a while before it can be supplied normally? 】

[My love is across the river and sea: Speaking of this, I want to give a bad review to the store. Why hasn't the mushroom meat sauce been replenished yet? 】

[My love is across the river and sea: It has been more than a year, and the mushroom meat sauce has not been replenished. I have not eaten mushroom meat sauce. 】

[Sisi Ru Liu: That's right, the boss doesn't know how to replenish mushroom meat sauce. If you don't replenish the stock, you will take this product off the shelves, and don't hang it up again in the future. I'm so angry. 】

Everyone still has resentment towards Xiayue grocery store, although it has silent wallpaper, an artifact that can purify noise and allow them to stay in a quiet environment, and mosquito repellent kits, an artifact that prevents them from being bitten by mosquitoes, but They are still very resentful.

Why is there no such thing as mushroom meat sauce? Even if the store doesn't replenish the stock, why is it still hanging around and not deleting it?

Every time I go to the store, when I see the mushroom meat sauce, I will reminisce the deliciousness of the mushroom meat sauce, and then I feel even more resentment towards the store.

Cong Jianghai didn't say much to everyone, and happily waited for the arrival of the courier. Since several of the majors who have studied have said that the test report is true, then he should trust the reputation of the store.

After all, since the opening of the store, the store has never swindled customers except for the fact that the store has not replenished when it is out of stock.

Although the plant such as Tianjingcao is rarely sold, Chlorella is still occasionally sold on the shelves, and other products are not deceptive, and they are very useful.

Sure enough, this store is really a grocery store. It used to sell rice noodles, sweet potato powder, etc., and then it may sell plants such as Tianjingcao and Silent Flower, and then there are mosquito repellent kits and Chlorococcus algae. Ah, silent wallpaper or something.

Now this store is so powerful that it even sells medicines.

How sacred is this store?

While Cong Jianghai was waiting for the express delivery, some people who were concerned about the store were also discussing what the origin of the store was.

Even when they wanted to seal the store, they couldn't seal it. They asked many technicians with high hacking skills to come and help seal the store, but they didn't seal it. Although they didn't really want to close the store, they just tried to see if they could close the store because they couldn't find the store's address or who the owner was. They didn't expect the result to be exactly what they thought.

They have studied a lot of the books that the shop sent to the institute before, and the textbooks more than 100 years later really let them know a lot of things. Up to now, those books are still being researched, and even later, this shop even sent a large amount of medical materials to the research institute.

Those medical materials are more than 100 years old and are very helpful to current medical research.

Also because of this store, the above is really concerned about it, I really want to find out what is going on, who opened the store, these things more than 100 years later and those magical things. How did things come about.

Unexpectedly, they couldn't find anything.

"Did you grab this Mingmu pill?" People who stared at the Xia Yue grocery store paid attention to this Mingmu pill after seeing that the store was new.

A drug that can treat myopia, there is no such drug on the market. So what's going on with this store? Is this unapproved medicine for sale?

"I have already bought it. I bought two bottles directly." One of them replied.

"After you get it, go and study it carefully to see what is going on with this Mingmu Pill and whether it can really treat diseases such as myopia and presbyopia."


The prescriptions made by Chen Xiayue are not simple, and they cannot be researched by anyone who has obtained the finished product and studied it.

In Ans, there is also a botanist that can cover up the ingredients, which means that Chen Xiayue's mosquito repellent kit and Mingmu Pill have added such a plant. It is impossible for others to study the ingredients. of.

The mosquito repellent medicine package she handed over to the country also sent this plant. Chen Xiayue bought a lot of this plant called clear grass directly from Ans, and then put it in most of the south.

The plant's reproductive ability is not very strong. At least Chen Xiayue is not worried that it will cause species invasion after putting out a large number of clear grass, because the clear grass can not only cover up the ingredients of other things, but it also tastes quite fragrant. Yes, it is edible.

Therefore, Qingtongcao can not only be used as medicine, but also edible. It can be eaten by both humans and animals. At that time, are you afraid that it will cause species invasion? Afraid that there will be no natural enemies, so there will be floods?

how is this possible? Have you underestimated the foodies of Greater China? Both crayfish and bullfrogs can be eaten and need to be cultivated to supply the market, not to mention the sweet and delicious clear grass?

So now after two years, the clear grass has grown very well, but it has also been picked a lot because of the mosquito repellent medicine package. Also because it looks delicious and good-looking, it is impossible for it to flood.

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