Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 318: Mingmu pill 6

The Mingmu Pills made by Chen Xiayue added clear grass, so it is impossible for others to study its ingredients after buying the Mingmu Pills. It can detect 90% of Chinese herbal medicine and 10% of western medicine, but I don't know what it is.

Even the most powerful test can only detect a few components, but all components are absolutely undetectable.

Mingmu pills are really effective. Cong Jianghai took one after he got the Mingmu pills he bought. The next day, he could clearly feel that his eyesight had really improved a lot.

The instructions for Mingmu Pills also said to take one tablet a day. Those with mild myopia can recover by taking one or two tablets. Cong Jianghai can clearly feel that his eyesight has really improved a lot.

Now he can read the words on the screen clearly without wearing glasses when sitting in the computer shop, and the font size on the document is small four when he is typing. vague.

And now, even if he adjusts to the size of Xiaoliu, he can still read the content of the words clearly. Sure enough, his eyesight has really improved.

Cong Jianghai was very excited. He told other writers and friends in the group about the effects of taking Mingmu Pills. He really recovered his eyesight.

Although he hasn't recovered to his best vision yet, even if it makes him very happy, it's been a long time since he can see everything clearly.

In the past, the feeling of looking at things as if they were covered with a layer of gauze was really uncomfortable, and the feeling of suffocation was really uncomfortable. It's different now. He feels that the veil in front of him has been lifted, and he can see everything clearly, and he feels a lot more comfortable.

Cong Jianghai showed off in the group, and other friends scolded him for showing off and asked him to contribute the remaining three Mingmu Pills. Since he can restore his eyesight by taking two pills, he definitely doesn't need the remaining three pills, so he should contribute them quickly.

[My love is across Jianghai: I want to give the remaining three to my parents. My father's myopia is about the same as me, and my mother is better, so three are enough for my parents. 】

[Silly like a willow: Beast! I also want to restore my eyesight. It's really hard to see the sign of the store every time I go out. 】

[Tian Zong: Who is not? 】

[Jiangshan into the painting: Who is not? 】

[Looking back on the past: who wasn't? 】

[My love is across the river and sea: Dear friends, you have to keep an eye on the store all the time. What if you can't grab it after the next time the store owner replenishes? 】

[Jiangshan into the painting: The store does not know when to inform when the replenishment, what if we are slow? 】

[Sisi Ru Liu: I usually don’t get up until 12:00 noon. If the store puts it on the shelves at 8:00 in the morning, wouldn’t it be cold when I wake up? 】

[Tian Zong: Who is not? 】

[Tian Zong: My recent routine is to go to bed at two in the morning and get up at ten in the morning. I feel that I can't keep up with the store's replenishment. 】

[Tian Zong: @ Love Ge Jianghai If you catch up, remember to grab a bottle for me. 】

[Sisi Ru Liu: Yes, yes, Jiang Hai, you also help me grab a bottle. @Love across the river and sea]

[Love across the river: Do you think I don't stay up late or get up late? 】

[Jiangshan into the painting: My work and rest are quite regular, and I feel that I can grab it. 】

[Sisi Ru Liu: Boss, please help. @江山入画]

[Tian Zong: Lao Jiang, if you can grab it, remember to grab a little more and give me a bottle. @江山入画]

[Looking back on the past: +1


The more than 20 bottles of Mingmu Pills sold have really worked. Those who have taken Mingmu Pills can really feel that their eyesight has really improved a lot, and some myopia degrees are not so high. A person like Cong Jianghai can recover with just one Mingmu Pill, while someone like Cong Jianghai only needs two pills to recover.

The effect of Mingmu Pill is really good. After taking Mingmu Pill the night before and sleeping, you can feel the effect the next day. The clarity of seeing things really makes a lot of myopia The old man couldn't help crying with joy.

There are only more than 100 Mingmu Pills, and there are only more than 20 bottles in the bottle, so very few people actually buy it. However, the feedback was all good, and no one said that Meumaru was ineffective, which made many friends who were watching or who did not grab Meyomaru wish to pull out those who showed off and beat them.

In the 21st century, there are too many people who are short-sighted, not only because they work too hard in reading, but most of them are short-sighted because they play with mobile phones, computers, and tablets.

Especially those who play with mobile phones. They use their mobile phones wherever they go, and use their mobile phones for everything they do. They only use their mobile phones when they are sleeping 24 hours a day. How can they not be short-sighted under such circumstances?

So this Mingmu pill is really expected and eager to buy it. Who doesn't like it if it can save one's eyes?

So a lot of people urged the listing of Akimu Pills in the store's comment area. Of course, the store's comment area can only comment on buying things, so these people bought an item in the store and then commented after receiving it.

These people urging the listing of Mingmu pills have left long comments, just urging the store to quickly put Mingmu pills on the shelves. Why should such a good thing be marketed by hunger? I don't have to worry about selling such a good thing at all. I hope the store will put it on the shelves as soon as possible, and put on more shelves.

[a68****599: Shopkeeper, hurry up and put Mingmu Pills on the shelves, hurry up and restock, save the children! A person like me who is blind without glasses has finally understood the dawn. Why are you hanging me like this, the store owner? ! Isn't that just over a hundred dollars? Are you afraid that I can't get it out, shopkeeper! ? The store, you hurry up! Hurry up and restock, store! 】

[jo9****2451: Shopkeeper, don’t forget about everything after you put it on the shelves as before, hurry up and put the Mingmu pills on the shelves! Why should the gospel of such short-sighted people be hidden? Get on the shelves now! 】

[khk9****1245: Store! This Mingmu pill can also be used for hyperopia, right? Shopkeeper, hurry up! Hurry up and restock, store! 】

The store's comments were all occupied by various urging messages, but Chen Xiayue had no way to replenish too much at once. Even though she has nothing to do recently, she is busy making Mingmu pills, but she still can't put too many Mingmu pills on the shelves at once. It's really slow to be a person.

Chen Xiayue didn't plan to hand over Mingmu Wan's prescription so soon, after all, she hasn't made enough money, right? Her farm gold coins are now pitifully small, and she has to rely on Mingmu Maru to earn the gold coins back, otherwise she will not have enough money to buy something in the future.

The plants she bought before, such as oil fruit trees, bread fruit trees, and steamed bun fruit trees, cost a lot of money, as well as plants such as Chlorella, Tianjingcao, and Stinkgrass. These are all very expensive. Bought with gold coins.

Her gold coin balance really doesn't have that much. From more than 800,000 at the beginning to now more than 100,000, she has to make up the gold coins as soon as possible.

Therefore, even if the efficiency of Mingmu Maru is very slow to make by herself, she does not intend to hand over the formula now. Whether it's the 20th century side or the 21st century side, let's talk about it after she has earned some gold coins.

Mingmu Pills are really effective. Chen Xiayue's first batch of more than 100 pills was put on the shelves, with a total of more than 20 bottles. The second time it was put on the shelves, Chen Xiayue put a hundred bottles of Mingmu Pills on the shelves, a full five hundred pills.

These 500 Mingmu Pills earned Chen Xiayue a lot of gold coins, but Chen Xiayue felt that it was quite small. Fortunately, she doesn't need such a high-intensity study recently, so Mo Yichen allowed her to immerse herself in various tasks of making Mingmu pills.

Zhang Chengchuan did nothing to help Chen Xiayue. He also wanted to study with the teachers how to improve trains and how to implement high-speed rail in the 1960s.

The most important thing is how to use the materials of this era to make high-speed trains that are only available in the 21st or 22nd century.

Chen Xiayue doesn't care so much, she doesn't understand Zhang Chengchuan's research at all anyway. She couldn't understand all kinds of formulas and data, even if they were spread out in front of her.

When Chen Xiayue was happily making Mingmu Pills, she became even more housebound, but occasionally Hu Xiaofang and the others were ready to pull her out to relax, and it was really impossible to be bored at home all day.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Xiayue, who was pulled out by Hu Xiaofang, asked helplessly.

Let her change into work clothes, and let her go out with a bamboo basket and straw hat. What is she going to do?

"The white cauliflower on the mountain is very tender, let's go pick some and bring it back. By the way, I also found a piece of Lei Gonggen that grows very well and is very tender. Let's dig it." Hu Xiaofang said with a smile.

"Lei Gonggen dug it up, whether it's eaten cold or cooked in soup, it's delicious. You've been staying at home for too long, and it's too boring. Just go out with us."

"To be honest, Erbomu and the others really dote on you too much. You who don't like going out don't say anything about you." Hu Xiaofang said with some envy.

Even if she split up and went out to single, she would still be embarrassed when she faced her mother-in-law. If she doesn't work lazily, her mother-in-law can run from her house to Hu Xiaofang's house and scold her.

It's impossible for Chen Xiayue to stay at home and do nothing when she doesn't want to go out, not even cooking, and not watering the flowers, plants, vegetables and fruits grown in the yard.

Hu Xiaofang is really envious, but she has no choice. Her mother-in-law is different from Chen Xiayue's mother-in-law, and she is also different from Chen Xiayue.

"Where are you going to pick vegetables? Didn't the cauliflower that grew well at this time be picked? Unless it was grown by yourself." Chen Xiayue asked curiously.

White cauliflower is the local name. In Chen Xiayue's previous life, the dialect of this dish is literally translated as black button dish. However, the correct name for this material is nightshade, which is a medicinal material.

In the eyes of everyone, nightshade is a kind of vegetable. When it is tender, it is a bit bitter but sweet, whether it is used in soup or fried, it is quite good.

In the past, Chen Xiayue was a native of Qiongnan Province, and people there liked to put nightshade in and cook together when eating hot pot.

In addition to eating nightshade as a vegetable, the fruit that grows when it is old is small but quite sweet. When Chen Xiayue was a child, she liked to go to pick the ripe black nightshade fruit to eat. At that time, the family planted one or two beds of nightshade, and when the fruit was full, it turned black and she just squatted on the edge of the vegetable border and ate it.

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