Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 372: Family drama 1

Chen Xiayue has been taking her daughter at home recently. It is enough to take some time every day to make Mingmu Pills, Scar Removal Cream and Weight Loss Pills 9. She doesn't care about the rest. Just taking the children is enough for her to be busy with other things. She doesn't care.

"Whoa whoa-"

Zhang Nuanren started to cry again, and Chen Xiayue didn't know why she was not feeling well before crying. It was obvious that she was neither hungry nor urinating. Why was she crying?

Chen Xiayue hugged this little baby for more than three months, but fortunately, she just howled and didn't cry for a long time. She was arguing for a while and had a headache.

"Is she uncomfortable? Is she sick or what?" Chen Xiayue was really worried. The child couldn't speak, and she couldn't express her discomfort in any other way except crying. She was really worried. .

"It's okay, doesn't she get hot? It's just that the weather is a little hot and she's bored." Liu Guiying said, looking at Chen Xiayue, who was coaxing the child.

"Is it just hot?" Chen Xiayue was still worried, but she chose to believe what her mother-in-law said. After all, her daughter really didn't have a fever, so she probably wasn't sick.

"If it's hot, I just got a few more comfortable clothes, so it shouldn't be too hot to put on Nuan Nuan." Chen Xiayue looked at the little baby in her arms and said.

The little baby, who was only three months and less than four months old, had to be wrapped in a small quilt, and it was not a very thick quilt, but such a thin layer of quilt made her very uncomfortable.

Chen Xiayue took out the clothes made of anaconda skin for the little girl to put on. After putting on the clothes with water magic elements, she finally stopped crying.

After Nuan Nuan stopped crying, Chen Xiayue hurriedly gave her milk. After she was full, she was finally willing to continue sleeping.

Chen Xiayue put the little doll on the bed to let her fall asleep, then looked at Liu Guiying and said, "I'll bring warmth today. I just have a rest today, so I don't have to be busy."

Liu Guiying nodded. Although it seemed to outsiders that her daughter-in-law stayed at home without doing anything, she, as a mother-in-law, of course knew that Chen Xiayue did not need to do anything as outsiders thought, she also needed to learn and study. .

Liu Guiying doesn't care about that much, as long as his son and granddaughter are fine, their old Zhang family is fine too, so why bother with his daughter-in-law?

Liu Guiying nodded and started to eat. It was not a busy time for farming, so she came back to eat at noon, and brought her granddaughter back to feed Chen Xiayue.

While Liu Guiying and Chen Xiayue were talking, a lively voice came from outside.

"Xia Yue, Xia Yue—"

Chen Xiayue was wondering what was going on outside, and Hu Xiaofang and Huang Qiuyu hurried over to look for Chen Xiayue, with an excited look on their faces looking at gossip.

"Xiayue, walk around, let's go see the excitement." Huang Qiuyu saw Chen Xiayue as soon as he came in, and said to Chen Xiayue excitedly.

"To watch the fun? What to watch?" Chen Xiayue was really puzzled. Although the Yunhe Brigade might post something every day, it seemed that the whole village had not been so excited to watch the fun for a long time.

"Uncle Guoping's family is breaking up, let's go to watch the fun." Hu Xiaofang also said.

"Separation? Guoping and their family are finally going to split up?" Liu Guiying, who was eating at the side, also said curiously.

"Er Bom." Huang Qiuyu and Hu Xiaofang both called out to Liu Guiying obediently, and then Huang Qiuyu quickly returned to his excited look, "I heard that Mrs. Zhang Chengbing caused the trouble. Uncle Guoping's family is making a lot of trouble right now. It's time to start a relationship, everyone is going to watch the fun."

Liu Guiying raised her eyebrows, then quickly finished the rice in her bowl, covered the food on the table with the bamboo lid, and threw it into the water basin after she finished eating and said to Huang Qiuyu and the others, " Let's go and have a look."

Chen Xiayue: "..."

"You go first, my house is Nuan Nuan asleep, I told A Chuan to let him watch it." Chen Xiayue smiled.

My daughter has just fallen asleep, so don't take it to a noisy environment. What if she wakes up? Babies can cry a lot when they don't get enough sleep.

Chen Xiayue went to the forging room and told Zhang Chengchuan that he was going to watch the fun with other people, and he slept in the room and let him come over to see it.

"Go, I'll look at Nuan Nuan." Zhang Chengchuan didn't stop her. As for him gossiping but staying at home, isn't that because his daughter-in-law wants to watch the fun? Between his daughter and his daughter-in-law, of course, he chose to indulge his daughter-in-law and stayed at home to watch his daughter.

Chen Xiayue smiled and kissed Zhang Chengchuan's face, and then ran out happily. She also went to see how Zhang Guoping's family broke up.

To be honest, when Chen Xiayue got married, she already knew that the young daughter-in-law of Zhang Guoping's family was the heroine of a chronology.

This is a local female protagonist, she is the best but the relatives around are also the best, the best period novel.

When Chen Xiayue knew about Zhang Chengbing and his wife when they first got married, she thought the story had begun and their family should be separated soon.

But until now, she has been married for more than two years and almost three years, and she admires the fact that Zhang Guoping's family broke up.

The novel with Zhang Chengbing and his wife as the protagonists is actually not long. It is probably a short and medium novel that ends in about 100,000 words. When Chen Xiayue read it, he only went in and read a little when he was in a shortage of books.

After all, the labels are Shuangwen, Chronology, and Farming. When she read it, she felt that the heroine's temperament, who couldn't bear anything, was very cool. After all, she really didn't like that kind of superlative relatives bullying women. The main result is that the heroine swallowed her anger and secretly **** the other party behind her back, but the strength of slapping the face and abusing the scum was not cool enough.

Zhang Chengbing's wife... Oh, she is the heroine, and she can be considered to know this heroine, so of course she remembers her name, called Wu Huilian.

This heroine's character is not someone who can suffer losses. Although her parents' family is also patriarchal, and she is also a brother-in-law demon, don't think that she is so tolerant of her husband's family. If the sister-in-law and mother-in-law want to challenge her, she will fight back.

In addition to this young daughter-in-law in Zhang Guoping's family, the other daughters-in-law are not fuel-efficient lamps, and the trouble will definitely make the whole family uneasy.

Chen Xiayue admired their old couple very much, why would she rather have a noisy family every day than split up? Does the old man really think it's good for the family to live together and fight like enemies?

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