Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 373: Family drama 2

When Chen Xiayue arrived, Zhang Guoping's house was noisy, and several of his daughters-in-law were about to perform a full martial arts show.

"Let me tell you Wu Huilian, split up the family! Today we must split up! You two are too lazy to do anything and want our other rooms to work to support you? What beautiful things do you want? We must split up today!"

"Wu Huilan, let me tell you, I put my words here today. I will never continue to live with your husband and wife and some of your cubs, absolutely not!"

"Brother Yang Nian, do you think I'm still willing to put up with you? Look at your family, don't you just wait to eat without doing anything? And your youngest son, who dares to do anything to me, I'm her aunt!"

"Your youngest son still wants to push me so that I almost lost the child. Do you think I will endure it?"

"I'm telling you Brother Yang Nian, you can't stand me and I can't stand you! Break up the family! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

When Chen Xiayue came over, she really didn't know why they were arguing when they were so noisy, so she quickly found an acquaintance and asked what was going on.

"Sister-in-law Linghua, do you know why they are making trouble?" Chen Xiayue asked a sister-in-law from her family who had a good relationship with their family.

"Xiayue, are you here too?" Sister Linghua greeted Chen Xiayue excitedly when she saw Chen Xiayue, and then gossips with her, "I heard that it's because Chengbing's mother-in-law is pregnant, and she asked her eldest daughter to do it today. I ate two eggs and was seen by the youngest son of the Chengwen family. Isn't this a riot? The youngest son of the Chengwen family almost pushed Mrs. Chengbing to the ground, do you think she can bear it?"

Chen Xiayue frowned slightly, "They didn't make trouble before, did they go back to the family today?"

"It should be, I think Uncle Guoping can't bear it anymore." Sister-in-law Linghua sighed, "I don't know how the riots are like this every day, how did Uncle Guoping and the others endure it for so many years."

But Linghua's sister-in-law sighed and didn't talk about this topic again, because most people are like this, and the old people don't want to split up.

It is rare for a grandfather like Zhang Mengcheng to split up after his sons get married, and his grandchildren also split up after marriage.

With so many families in Yunhe Brigade, there are very few like Grandpa Zhang. Most of those who split up are because the old man is gone, or they split up when they have to.

"It's good to be separated, quiet." Chen Xiayue said.

She really thinks it's good to split up, and living together is absolutely impossible to avoid conflicts. The family is separated, and each has his own way, so there are not so many contradictions.

"Why is it so easy to split up? When we don't split up, everyone works together to earn work points, make money together, and eat together. Of course, some people can't be willing to be split up and earn money by themselves, for fear that they won't be able to make money if they don't work well. to what?"

"Just like we have to work in the fields now, whoever has more family members will of course earn more work points, and when the time comes, the grain will be paid more. "

"If I get assigned, I don't have enough work points when I work, and the food points are less and the money points are less. What should I do with the food?" Sister-in-law Linghua sighed.

This is what her family is like. The old man thinks that the whole family can work together to make more money, and some people think that with those capable brothers, the capable brothers will work more and earn more, and they don’t even need to follow. It's okay to work so hard.

In this way, there is no separation of sister-in-law's family.

"Father and mother, the family must be separated today. I definitely don't want to live in the same place with Yang Niandi and the others. Today, he dares to push my aunt who has been pregnant for several months. What can he do in the future? I must separate the family anyway!" Wu Huilian told Yang Guoping righteously.

"I also approve of the family! Who pushed you? Our dog eggs are because we saw you stealing eggs from the family and we decided to grab them and give them to others to eat. Who pushed you?" Yang Niandi also said.

"I don't do any work, steal eggs to eat at home, and have the face to say that our dog's eggs are not good? I think you are the black-hearted mother-in-law."

Yang Niandi and Wu Huilian had a lot of trouble, and several daughters-in-law of Zhang Guoping's family were also very supportive of the separation. They absolutely couldn't miss this opportunity and must break up.

"Father, there are so many people in our family, and there will definitely be more and more people in the future. The big dog is almost fifteen years old, and he should get married in a few years. I definitely won't be able to stay here. Let's split up..." Zhang Chengwu advised.

As the eldest son, Zhang Guoping must think about Zhang Chengwu's opinion, and what he said is also very reasonable. My eldest grandson is almost fifteen, and the second grandson is fourteen years old. There will be more and more people in the future.

In addition, several daughters-in-law have more and more births, and now there is still one in the womb of the little daughter-in-law.

"Father and mother, even if the family splits up, aren't we still the sons of your second elder? The split is just to separate us out for a single life. It's not that we don't recognize our parents. What's wrong with splitting the family?" Zhang Chengwen also persuaded. .

"Yes, mother and father, look at my grandpa Meng Cheng's family. How well did their family live after the separation? They are still very filial to the old man. There is nothing wrong with the separation." Zhang Chenglin also advised.

Chen Xiayue and Liu Guiying couldn't help raising their eyebrows when they heard Zhang Chenglin's words. They were from Grandpa Meng Cheng's line, and they felt that they were suddenly involved in the disputes of family separation.

Zhang Guoping was smoking the hookah one by one, looking at the seriousness of his sons and the looks of his daughters-in-law who could not wait to fight each other, he couldn't help sighing, "The points are divided."

"Invite the captain, and also invite a few elders of our old Zhang family to split the family..." Zhang Guoping had no choice but to continue to force his sons to keep their families apart. In the end, they might all become enemies.

Mrs. Zhang Guoping wanted to say something, but was stopped by him.

"Old man..." Mrs. Zhang Guoping said anxiously. She didn't want to split up the family. She finally became a mother-in-law.

"Break it up..."

The captain and the others came very quickly. After all, everyone was supposed to come to watch the fun. Of course, they came a little faster when they met on the road.

Zhang Guoping's family split was originally intended to be with the younger son, who was also the treasure of Zhang Guoping's mother-in-law, but the eldest son was the eldest son.

Zhang Guoping and his wife live with their eldest son, Zhang Chengwu, and the rest of the sons are all separated. It is up to him to build a house by himself or whatever. He doesn't care if the family is separated.

Of course, Zhang Guoping and the others would not let other people watch things like the separation of the family. The property of the family separation must be very private, and no one can know about it except the captain who witnessed the separation and a few elders of the Zhang family.

Chen Xiayue and the others dispersed after Zhang Guoping and the others invited the team leader. They had no way of knowing how to split the family apart, but they knew that everyone except Zhang Chengwu had been separated.

Moreover, Zhang Chengbing and his wife also moved out directly. Zhang Chengbing and his wife moved to a relatively dilapidated house and planned to build a new house here to live.

Others didn't move out, but they may have to build a house and move out after a while. After all, they continue to live together after the family is separated. Isn't that the same as not separating?

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