Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 388: Zhou Zhengyi

"It seems that Li Qiuyuan and Li Zhiqing finally figured it out, or they feel that there is no hope for working in the field every day, and there is no hope for returning to the city, so I plan to find someone to marry."

"There are not many outstanding **** men in our village. Li Qiuyuan and Li Zhiqing seem to have a crush on Zhou Zhengyi, and Zhou Zhengyi's family is also very satisfied with Li Zhiqing, thinking of giving them a blind date when Zhou Zhengyi goes home to visit relatives. ."

"In the end, when Zhou Zhengyi came back, I didn't know what Lin Yue did. Anyway, everyone seemed to see Zhou Zhengyi helping her. Later, there was news from Zhou Zhengyi's house that the blind date was changed, from Li Zhiqing. I have become a Lin Yuelin educated youth.”

"No, what Lin Yue and Lin Zhiqing did is like robbing someone from Li Zhiqing. Lin Zhiqing, who had never been able to deal with it in the first place, can't be bombed? So the two of them fought, and Li Zhiqing was so angry that he didn't do anything. Stay strong, Lin Zhiqing is a bit miserable." Hu Xiaodie said gossip.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

Who is this Zhou Zhengyi?

Anyway, there is no such character in the novel, and not everyone knows her since she married Yunhe Brigade. Even if she has a good memory, she doesn't know who is who.

"Who is Zhou Zhengyi? It actually caused two female educated youths to fight?" Chen Xiayue asked curiously, since she didn't know each other, she asked who this was, and it was able to cause the two lesbians to fight.

"Don't you know Zhou Zhengyi?" Hu Xiaodie asked subconsciously, and then suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot, you have only been married to our village for three years, and Zhou Zhengyi has only returned to the village after five years. It's not surprising to know."

"Zhou Zhengyi is a very promising young man in our village. When he was admitted to university, he was admitted to a very good university. After graduating from university, he entered a state unit to work. It is the nature of his work that seems to need to be kept secret, so five I haven't been home for years."

"It seems that this time I came back to solve his personal problems in addition to visiting relatives, so his family arranged a blind date. I hope Zhou Zhengyi can meet the girl's eyes and the two will get married quickly."

"Zhou Zhengyi is already twenty-eight years old this year, and his parents are very anxious. After all, there are really no young people in our village who are not married at the age of twenty-eight. Even those lazy guys in our village are married. Mother-in-law, Zhou Zhengyi, such a promising young man, didn't get married, wouldn't that make people anxious?" Hu Xiaomei said gossip.

"Zhou Zhengyi's parents hope that he can marry a girl who has read and is very good at reading. In our village, Tingting can finish high school. But hasn't Tingting already left? And Zhou Zhengyi's parents I didn't plan to say Tingting to Zhou Zhengyi."

"Since the girls in our village don't meet their conditions, why don't we find them from the educated youth? There are still many girls who graduated from high school, and the educated youths Li Qiuyuan and Lin Yue are both people who have been in the countryside for a few years. , they plan to choose one of these two people."

"After all, the two female educated youths who just arrived have not been very fond of our village elders recently, that is, those young people prefer these two educated youths." Hu Xiaomei said.

Chen Xiayue thought for a while and asked curiously, "Then Lin Yue educated youth and Li Qiuyuan educated youth are fighting, can this blind date continue?"

"I don't know, anyway, I just heard that the two of them were fighting, and Zhou Zhengyi and his family don't seem to have any follow-up. But according to the practices of the two I know, it is very likely that these two women I don't want any educated youth anymore."

"After all, there are educated youths in our Yunhe brigade, as well as other brigades. Besides, in addition to the educated youths assigned to the villages, there are also educated youths from the farms and corps. It is not only our brigade that has educated youths. "Hu Xiaomei thinks it's better to find someone as good as Zhou Zhengyi, who really deserves it.

Whether it's Lin Yue or Li Qiuyuan, Hu Xiaomei doesn't like it. Since she didn't like it, of course she didn't want such a promising young man from Yunhe Brigade to be harmed by them.

"Zhou Zhengyi? He's back?" Zhang Chengchuan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked after hearing Chen Xiayue asking about Zhou Zhengyi.

"I can't say what kind of person Zhou Zhengyi is. He was very hardworking when he was studying, otherwise he wouldn't be so promising as a rare college student in our Yunhe Brigade. Now, it doesn't matter what unit he works in. Not sure, but it must be a state unit."

"According to the level of secrecy on their side, maybe he is going to study missiles." Zhang Chengchuan said jokingly.

"I'm getting married now? Shouldn't someone like him be the target of the state?" Zhang Chengchuan's words were also joking, but in fact he also felt that what he said should be true, according to Zhou Zhengyi. Excellent talents, with such a special occupation, the marriage partner should be very cautious.

That being the case, then it must be his work unit who selected a suitable person for him to introduce to him. The nature of their work is similar, so that they can better protect Zhou Zhengyi's personal safety as well as his family and work, right?

"I don't know what happened. Anyway, I heard that Comrade Zhou Zhengyi's parents were going to arrange a blind date with Li Qiuyuan, an educated youth. As a result, after Comrade Zhou Zhengyi got home, it was rumored that Lin Yuelin was an educated youth who had a blind date with him." Chen Xiayue said helplessly, she had to guess by herself if she couldn't enjoy the gossip, and she was unhappy.

"Maybe this blind date was made by Zhou Zhengyi's parents without authorization? Zhou Zhengyi has not been home for five years, and he rarely has time to go home to visit his parents, so he shouldn't find a partner so quickly. Even if It is looking for, and that is also looking for a **** from their unit." Zhang Chengchuan said.

"Yes." Chen Xiayue agreed.

Anyway, whether Zhou Zhengyi gets married or not has nothing to do with their husband and wife, so they just listen to gossip and don't affect their lives at all.

However, Chen Xiayue did not expect that Zhou Zhengyi would come to the door the next day after listening to the gossip, and chatted directly with Zhang Chengchuan.

Chen Xiayue did not participate in this conversation. After all, Zhou Zhengyi's work is of a different nature. In addition, even though she studied medicine, she still felt that she was a liberal arts student, so she was not interested in the topic between science and engineering men, so she brought her with her. left with the child.

"I heard that the train improvement technology you have studied before is good..." Zhou Zhengyi asked Zhang Chengchuan to chat with Zhang Chengchuan's achievements as a starting point to chat. Both of them are smart, so they get along very well.

Chatting and chatting, Zhou Zhengyi felt that Zhang Chengchuan stayed at home and studied by himself is too wasteful. He wanted to recommend Zhang Chengchuan to go to other places and join the research institute to do research.

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