"You really don't need to stay in the village for a talent like you, you should have a wider world." Zhou Zhengyi said seriously.

Zhang Chengchuan shook his head and said, "My parents are still here, and my eldest brother is not with my parents all the year round because of work. If I also leave together and don't know when I will come back, what will my parents do?"

"According to your previous state, maybe after I leave, I will join an institute to do research. Wouldn't it be five, ten, ten years or decades without contacting my family? What about my wife? I just What about the born daughter?"

"I'm a family lover, I'd rather stay here and do some small research than leave. There are enough people doing those great research, not more than me, not enough for me. Also, I stay Isn't it possible to contribute to the country here?" Zhang Chengchuan thought so sincerely.

He is not the decisive key person. The materials he put out at the beginning gave so many people opportunities and so many excellent scientific researchers all over the country.

In this case, he will stay at his hometown to accompany his parents, wife and children, and let others do the greater things. He is not a great person, he is just a little commoner who lives in a corner and takes it easy.

Zhou Zhengyi frowned slightly, someone like him who devotes everything to scientific research cannot understand Zhang Chengchuan's thoughts.

But he couldn't force Zhang Chengchuan to leave his hometown to go to the research institute with him. The others knew that they had an iron job, and they were all very happy after being able to work in the research institute. They happily packed up and went with him.

Zhang Chengchuan has never been seen before.

But just like what Zhang Chengchuan said, there are many researchers doing scientific research now, and Zhang Chengchuan is not indispensable, so he did not persuade him any more.

Although Zhou Zhengyi did not persuade Zhang Chengchuan to follow him to work in his own unit, it did not prevent him from exchanging knowledge with Zhang Chengchuan.

During the time when Zhou Zhengyi was home, apart from accompanying his parents at home, he came to chat with Zhang Chengchuan most of the time. The way they were studying in the forging room made Chen Xiayue very helpless.

She absolutely cannot do this kind of learning dynamism. The intense study in the previous year has already made her very tired. Fortunately, there are not so many courses for her, and now she does not need to study as intensively as before.

But Zhou Zhengyi, a scholar, met Zhang Chengchuan, who can be said to be a **** of learning. The two have the same enthusiasm for learning, and they really lost their minds when they were studying.

Fortunately, Zhou Zhengyi's vacation was not very long, and Zhou Zhengyi left in half a month. There was no progress in his parents' attempts to introduce him to a match. Li Qiuyuan and Lin Yue were indeed removed from the list of their son's blind date by Zhou Zhengyi's parents after the fight.

The girls I found later were either because their education was not enough, or because they could not accept that after marrying Zhou Zhengyi, they could not see their husband all the year round and could only live with their in-laws, so Zhou Zhengyi did not take half a month of vacation time. Solve your own marital affairs.

Zhou Zhengyi doesn't care about this himself. After all, he has been single for 28 years. What's wrong with being single for a few more years? It can be said that he does not care about marriage. If possible, he would rather dedicate his life to scientific research and never get married.

The reason for this idea is because he has more than one child in his family, he also has brothers, so he doesn't have to worry that his parents will force him to marry and have children if he doesn't get married.

Zhou Zhengyi's return to his hometown and his departure again didn't seem to be a big deal, but Zhang Chengchuan was very satisfied. After all, he secretly took advantage of this exchange opportunity to instill in Zhou Zhengyi a lot of what he had learned from his teachers.

Zhang Chengchuan thinks he is credible. After all, if he is not credible, he will not return to his hometown, and he can still contact him for such a long time.

However, when Zhou Zhengyi came back for half a month, he didn't find a suitable match for a blind date, which made some people indignant, and they always felt that he was the one who slipped around this time.

Obviously Zhou Zhengyi doesn't want to get married when he sees it, why are his parents still looking for so many girls to have a blind date with him? The most unacceptable are Lin Yue and Li Qiuyuan.

They don't care whether Zhou Zhengyi can go home after marriage, what they care about is whether Zhou Zhengyi can take them out of the Yunhe Brigade, and whether they can stop such hard work in the future.

As a result, they finally met a man with such a good condition of Zhou Zhengyi, and the blind date was just like that? How can they accept it?

Originally, Lin Yue took a fancy to Zhang Chengchuan, especially after Zhang Chengchuan was so good to his wife Chen Xiayue after marriage, she was even more unwilling.

She couldn't be a third party to destroy the relationship between Zhang Chengchuan and his wife, so she held her breath and planned to find a man who was more promising and capable than Zhang Chengchuan.

She finally met Zhou Zhengyi, a qualified person, and the other party was still going to have a blind date with Li Qiuyuan, a woman she looked down on. She used her methods to grab the opportunity of a blind date from Li Qiuyuan.

As a result, because Li Qiuyuan had a fight with her, the chance for a blind date was gone. She thought that since that was the case, she secretly contacted Zhou Zhengyi, so that she could have a sense of presence in front of him and let the other party know that she was good, so that there would be more opportunities to marry Zhou Zhengyi.

But this guy, in addition to accompanying his parents and helping the family with work, chats with Zhang Chengchuan more often. If it wasn't for every time Zhou Zhengyi went, Chen Xiayue would carry her child out for a stroll and not disturb the two of them to exchange professional knowledge at home, Lin Yue would have wanted to spread rumors that were bad for Chen Xiayue.

For half a month, she didn't find a chance to show her presence in front of Zhou Zhengyi. Except for the day Zhou Zhengyi came back, she didn't find a chance.

Zhou Zhengyi went back to work after her holiday. She still had no chance to have a relationship with Zhou Zhengyi. How could Lin Yue not be angry?

If it was not easy to find the opportunity to get rid of the heavy farming life now, she wanted to seize it but couldn't grasp it, which reminded her of Zhang Chengchuan's time before, and Lin Yue was even more angry.

"Yo, why are you angry here? Because Comrade Zhou doesn't look down on you?" Li Qiuyuan said with some schadenfreude looking at Lin Yue's indignant expression.

Hate Wu and Wu, because Lin Yue was close to Ye Yun, and after Ye Yun, the main factor, left, Li Qiuyuan's grievances were all directed at Lin Yue. Maybe she has let go of her feelings for Lin Jiancheng, but she still hasn't let go of her grievances against Ye Yun and Lin Yue.

Coupled with the tit-for-tat confrontation during this period, she no longer cares why she is targeting Lin Yue, as long as Lin Yue is not doing well, she will be happy.

What about snatching her blind date from her hands? Isn't it still not on a blind date?

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