Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 390: Jieshu Wan

Li Qiuyuan doesn't have any means. She has been fighting with Lin Yue for so long, and she is not as stupid and mindless as before.

"Li Qiuyuan, why are you here to gloat over my misfortune? Aren't you worried that I will take someone away from you again?" Lin Yue said with a sneer, she was really angry that Zhou Zhengyi ignored her and left, but it didn't work either. Come to Li Qiuyuan to mock her.

"Ye Yun stole Lin Jiancheng from you before. I can make you lose your blind date with Zhou Zhengyi. Do you believe that I can make your current object abandon you?" Lin Yue lowered her voice and threatened. .

After fighting with Lin Yue and losing the chance to have a blind date with Zhou Zhengyi, Li Qiuyuan did not hang on a tree, and quickly accepted the pursuit of a young guy in the village.

Now the two are getting along well. Although Li Qiuyuan still wants to return to the city, since she has decided, she will manage the relationship well.

Unexpectedly, she was threatened by Lin Yue, her face twisted and grim for a moment, "Lin Yue, if you dare to do anything to Hu Song, I don't mind dying with you."

Her object, Hu Song, was a rare family with the surname Hu in the Yunhe Brigade, and there were not many households in the entire Yunhe Brigade with the surname Hu. And Hu Song is a relatively capable and capable young man in the Hu family. Although he is stupid, he is capable, and he likes Li Qiuyuan wholeheartedly.

Li Qiuyuan is also because Hu Song is good-looking and capable, and the most important thing is that she has always liked her, so she does not mind that Hu Song is two years younger than herself, and promised to be with Hu Song.

If Lin Yue had really attacked Hu Song, then Li Qiuyuan would never let Lin Yue go as easily as the previous two times, and she would die with Lin Yue.

Lin Yue also knew what she couldn't do this time. After all, neither Lin Jiancheng nor Zhou Zhengyi was Li Qiuyuan's legitimate target, but Hu Song had already established a relationship with Li Qiuyuan.

Even Hu Song's parents were quite satisfied with Li Qiuyuan, even though there was news that she was going to have a blind date with Zhou Zhengyi and had a fight with Lin Yue, but it was just a blind date, not married.

Hu Song also likes Li Qiuyuan very much, so Li Qiuyuan should be getting married soon. If she makes small moves at this time and prys Li Qiuyuan's corner, let's not talk about whether Hu Song will be empathetic or not. When Li Qiuyuan makes a big deal, she doesn't want to be dragged to approve D, and she doesn't want to be scolded for broken shoes.

Therefore, Li Qiuyuan's warning was also effective. Lin Yue didn't dare to say anything even if she was dissatisfied, and there was no way to pry the wall.

When Nuan Nuan was six months old, Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan did not work in the fields during the busy farming season. They occasionally went to help a gang, which was considered sports, but it was impossible for them to work like other people for a whole day, and they were special for their work points. desperately.

Although she works diligently, she does not work very hard. She only goes for an hour or two in the morning, but not in the afternoon. Zhang Chengchuan also went in the morning, but not in the afternoon.

Even Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying didn't work as hard as they used to. Their bodies were well conditioned because they often took medicated meals for the past two years, but they didn't dare to fight as hard as young people.

As a son, Zhang Chengchuan can support his family, of course, he will not make his parents work very hard. They don't have time to go to work, but they can't make fun of their bodies.

So the painting style of this family is different from everyone else's, but even if everyone is envious and jealous, there is nothing they can do. Who makes people eat with their brains. And Zhang Deping and the others are raised by two capable sons, so they don't need to work as hard as they do to earn work points.

However, Chen Xiayue still prepared medicines for her in-laws to understand the summer heat. She learned more and more knowledge. The medicines she studied were relatively simple, and the time for her to make them was a little faster.

After entering the summer, the weather was getting hotter and hotter, and Chen Xiayue came up with a heat-relieving pill.

The effect of Jieshu pills is to avoid heatstroke, or to eat after heatstroke can relieve heatstroke. The taste of Jieshu Pill is much better than that of Huoxiang Oral Liquid. Chen Xiayue believes that there are still many people who prefer Jieshu Pill to Huoxiang Oral Liquid.

Chen Xiayue also handed in the formula of this anti-heat pill, Chen Xiayue gave Mo Yichen a copy, whether he wants to produce it is his own business. In the 21st century and in the 1960s, this is an official matter. The Jieshu pills that Chen Xiayue prepared for her parents-in-law are not only for them to eat, but also for their relatives.

Zhang Deping and his wife don't have to work hard, but Zhang Dexin and his brothers and Zhang Chengchuan's cousins ​​need it, so they need to worry about heat stroke when working in the summer.

Jieshu Pills really solved a lot of trouble and made everyone feel a little cool in the summer.

Jieshu Pills have mint ingredients. The reason why Chen Xiayue added mint is to relieve the heat and give people a feeling of coolness after eating Jieshu Pills.

Chen Xiayue changed one of the two machines for the scar removal cream to understand Shuwan. She doesn't need to do too much of the scar removal cream here. Anyway, there are official sales, so I am not afraid that customers who need it will not be able to buy it.

Chen Xiayue's Jieshu Pills also produced a lot, and then they were put on the shelves directly on the online store.

VB super words.

【What is Jieshu Pill? 】

[What is this Jieshu pill that the store put on the shelves this time? I don't have any hair growth pills I want. What's the use of Jieshu pills? 】

【For me, who stays in an air-conditioned room all day, Jieshu pills are not necessary for me, I want hair growth pills! 】

[Shenfa pill plus one, the bald girl humbled and begged the store to give birth to the hair pill quickly. 】

[Jieshu Wan is still very useful. After all, there are many soldiers who also need training in the summer and need to stand guard. Of course, students also need to attend classes in summer, so Jieshu Pills are very necessary. 】

[Jieshu Pills are still very useful. I read the introduction. The taste of Jieshu Pills is a bit sweet with a lemon-mint flavor. Compared with Huoxiang Oral Liquid, I like Jieshu Pills. 】

[Yes, yes, how refreshing is the taste of lemon mint? Great summer, very suitable. 】

[Jieshu pills are still very good, but I want hair growth pills. 】

【Have you cured your toothache? Toothache is not a disease, it can kill people when it hurts. I want medicine for toothache. 】

[To be honest, I feel ashamed every time I go to the dentist, because my teeth are so bad, I am embarrassed to show my rotten teeth to the dentist. 】

[A rotten tooth +1, I also want to treat my teeth. 】

[Do you think the store owner is a fairy? Do you think she can do anything? 】

[Oh, we don't know the store, so we can only write what we want. What if the store sees it and makes it? 】

[That is, we are just humblely begging the store owner to help us solve our troubles. 】【

Jieshu Pills did not attract much attention in the 21st century. After all, Jieshu Pills are relatively not a necessity, and most people do not need Jieshu Pills.

Chen Xiayue didn't care, anyway, she prepared Jieshu Wan for her in-laws and her family Nuan Nuan. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and she is worried that her baby daughter will also suffer from heat stroke, so she prepares a heat-relieving pill.

As for the sale, wouldn't that just happen to have a machine? She has homemade medical equipment, and she makes so many pills every day, isn't it a waste if she doesn't sell it?

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