"Ehhh, why is it so lively? What are everyone doing?"

When some people saw a group of people running towards Zhang Chengchuan's house, they were very confused about what happened, why all the big guys ran to his house.

"Don't you know? Ah Chuan's house has a TV, it seems to be a color TV." The man who hurriedly ran towards Zhang Chengchuan's house but was stopped replied.

"What? Color TV? Is it real?"

"Of course it's true. I heard that it's done now. It's a show on CCTV. Now everyone is going to watch TV."

"Really? Then I'll go take a look too."

Zhang Chengchuan's house even had a TV, and it was a color TV, which made the Yunhe Brigade very excited.

You must know that before their Yunhe Brigade did not even have black and white TVs, and even few radios, but now they have a color TV, why is it not exciting?

A group of people excitedly went to Zhang Chengchuan's house to watch TV. At this moment, the courtyard of Zhang Chengchuan's house was full of people. Chen Xiayue couldn't understand everyone's enthusiasm for TV.

The color TV that Zhang Chengchuan came up with was actually used after repairing a broken TV that could not be used in exchange for the plane of the end of the 22nd century. The TV screen is as big as 42 inches, but even so, it still cannot satisfy so many people.

Because of the TV, many people came to watch TV in the family. Chen Xiayue watched many people talking and watching TV. Some people's hygiene habits made Chen Xiayue unacceptable, and even many children liked to lick her yard. flower.

Chen Xiayue couldn't help rubbing her temples to hold back her anger. She was not a stingy person, but she didn't like such a noisy environment, and she didn't like someone touching her things.

The flowers she had worked so hard to grow were bald, and she was even more angry when she saw that she couldn't beat or scold the young children.

"You can move the TV to your grandparents, or anywhere, anyway, I don't want to see it at home." Chen Xiayue said to Zhang Chengchuan with a dark face.

This TV is actually Zhang Chengchuan's research on how to make a TV with low cost but good performance in line with the technology here Century's Internet allows them to buy 21st century movies and TV shows, so he forgets that his parents haven't watched TV.

He remembered that his parents had never watched TV. As a dutiful son, of course, he brought a TV over so that his parents could watch TV, but he didn't expect the TV to cause such a big stir, so that almost all the people in the village came to watch it. television.

Chen Xiayue really couldn't bear it. She didn't feel that there was any loss in showing the TV to others, but she couldn't bear such a noisy environment, and she couldn't bear the messy environment every time she watched TV.

Her yard is not empty. The yard is full of vegetables and flowers. When so many people came to watch TV, they stepped on a lot of vegetables and flowers, and the house was full of people.

On top of that, when watching TV, those people like to discuss, and some people never control their volume, which is really annoying.

If it wasn't for the mute wallpaper posted in Chen Xiayue's room, and she also had magical plants like mute flowers, she wouldn't be afraid of noise, she wouldn't be able to take people out a long time ago.

But even so, Chen Xiayue didn't like it very much, because with so many people blocking her house every day, it was inconvenient for her to do anything she wanted.

"Grandpa and grandma are getting old, so many people are arguing when they watch TV..." Zhang Chengchuan was also a little hesitant, after all, his grandparents are really not young.

"Grandpa and grandma also have mute wallpapers, so it should be fine. But you should ask grandma and grandma, whether to put the TV on their side, or let someone move it to the brigade." Chen Xiayue said irritably.

That is to say, there is still a lot of work in the field, so not many people come to watch TV during the day, and Chen Xiayue has quiet time. But at night, there are really a lot of people coming to watch TV.

Chen Xiayue really can't stand it anymore. She doesn't care about the issue of electricity consumption, but she doesn't like noisy environments very much.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't expect it at first. Since his wife has already said that she doesn't like it, then the TV should find a way to move out. Anyway, it can't be placed at home.

Zhang Chengchuan went to tell his grandparents if he wanted to put the TV on their side. If he wasn't afraid of being too noisy, he would send the TV to his grandparents so they could watch it.

"The TV is such an expensive thing. Why don't you keep it in your own home? What are you sending it to us for?" , but he really can't handle something as big as a TV.

"Grandpa, you also know that because I have a TV at home, many people come to watch TV every day. My wife doesn't like it, and neither does Nuan Nuan. So I thought, grandpa, if you are here, I don't like it. If you are not afraid of making noise, you can put the TV on your side, it will be more convenient for you and my grandma to watch TV in the future."

"If you don't want to, I also plan to send the TV to the brigade. It's more spacious there. If the villagers want to continue watching TV, they can go there and have a look." Zhang Chengchuan explained.

Grandpa Zhang frowned, "Neither your mother-in-law nor Nuan Nuan like other people to watch TV?"

"My daughter-in-law doesn't care about TV or not. It's okay for everyone to watch TV, but she doesn't like noisy environments. Grandpa, you also know that many people come to my house to watch TV every day, some children run around, and Many older men also watch TV, which my daughter-in-law doesn't like."

"My daughter-in-law doesn't watch TV or anything. It doesn't matter if other people watch her, as long as she can't make her feel uncomfortable." Zhang Chengchuan explained.

Grandpa Zhang frowned and wanted to reject his grandson's proposal. He was really embarrassed to accept such a big TV, even if it was his grandson's initiative to send the TV to him, he was embarrassed to accept it.

"Father, just promise. Since Achuan's mother-in-law doesn't like that there are so many people in the house in a mess, she will send the TV to our house. I'm not afraid that there will be many people in the house and it will be very lively." Big Bom Wang Cuifang hurriedly opened his mouth.

What is that TV? What about radios and bicycles that the country folks can't even buy, let alone a big, rare item like a TV?

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