Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 396: Wei Chenxi 3

"I heard from my sister, Wei Gong, do you like my brother? You also asked when my brother agreed to marry you?" Chen Xiabai didn't hesitate, Wei Chenxi asked him straight to the point and stated his purpose.

Wei Chenxi was stunned when she heard this. After thinking about it, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Chen Gong is Xia Hua's brother? If you don't tell me, I really don't know."

Chen Xiabai didn't care whether what she said was true or not, and still asked, "Do you really like my brother?"

Hearing this, Wei Chenxi's joking expression turned serious, and she said seriously, "I really like him, do you object to Chen Gong? Your family doesn't like a daughter-in-law like me?"

"That's not true." Chen Xiabai shook his head and said, "It's just that my silly brother thinks, Wei Gong, what you like is the food he cooks, not the person he is, so he has been hesitant about when you want to get married. , dare not express his feelings."

"Wei Gong, my younger brother has always been quiet and well-behaved. Over the years, those of us who are older brothers have paid more attention to the unhealthy younger sister and ignored him. But we still love his younger brother, and we hope he can be happy." Chen Xiabai earnestly said seriously.

Wei Chenxi said with some irony and laughter, "Chen Gong, why do you feel like you're speaking to me in a tone that seems to be telling your brother-in-law to treat your sister well, and don't let your sister down?"

Chen Xiabai didn't get angry because of Wei Chenxi's words, and said lightly, "Compared to Xia Hua, your character is stronger. If Xia Hua is really with you, then you must be the dominant one. "

"Since that's the case, I ask you not to disappoint my brother, don't bully my brother, what's wrong?" Chen Xiabai asked back.

"Yes, yes, Chen Gong, what you said makes sense." Wei Chenxi nodded with a smile, but after a while she cleared up her expression and said, "Chen Gong, don't worry, I will make it clear to Xia Hua. I will make it clear to Xia Hua. What I like is him, and I want to marry him is serious. I really like his good cooking skills, but there are so many people who can cook, and there are a lot of delicious dishes, but I want to spend my life Xia Hua is the only one."

"I hope you do what you say." After Chen Xiabai finished speaking, he stopped talking to Wei Chenxi and went to work after saying goodbye to Wei Chenxi.

The two single men and women should not be alone for too long, and Wei Chenxi is someone his younger brother likes, so he naturally wants to avoid suspicion. If it wasn't because his younger brother didn't know whether Wei Chenxi liked him or not, Chen Xiabai didn't want it either. Nosy.

Wei Chenxi smiled at the back of Chen Xiabai's departure. When she went back to work, a colleague asked Wei Chenxi and Chen Xiabai what she was looking for.

"Oh, Chen Gong came to me because of a personal matter. Don't I like Chen Gong's younger brother? Chen Gong inspected in advance what kind of person his younger brother and sister are." Wei Chenxi said without any shyness.

The reason why she said it so carelessly was because Chen Xiahua was a man, and letting others know that she liked Chen Xiahua would not have any bad influence on Chen Xiahua, that's why Wei Chenxi said that.

Whenever she switched genders with Chen Xiahua, she wouldn't be so careless about saying what she liked about others. It is true that Wei Chenxi has not been in this era for a long time, but she still knows how to act cautiously.

That's right, Wei Chenxi is not a person of this era, she is also a traveler.

It's just that Wei Chenxi came over hundreds of years later. The technology in her era was relatively advanced, but the culture of food and other food has declined. People in her era only ate nutrient solution, and food and other things only existed in history. .

Wei Chenxi was a general before crossing the road, and he was most exposed to various mechanical weapons and mechas. Wei Chenxi is the kind of female general who can repair mechas with Wen, and sweep the battlefield with Wu.

The reason why she transmigrated was because she sacrificed herself on the battlefield and transmigrated to a girl in her early twenties in this era.

Wei Chenxi wasn't wearing what she was wearing, and the girl she was passing through was not married in her twenties. It was also because of her high vision and her own personality that was not very good. The reason why her family did everything possible to send people here, It was also to prevent her from harming her hometown.

Does Wei Chenxi like Chen Xiahua?

Of course I like it. She, a woman with a strong personality who has been baptized on the battlefield, of course likes a boy like Chen Xiahua, who is quiet and well-behaved like a little white rabbit - she does not have the kind of Mu Qiang's mate selection criteria, she herself Even if she is strong, she still likes boys who complement her personality.

As for Chen Xiahua, although she likes it partly because of the food, it is more because of Chen Xiahua.

Although at the beginning, after eating the food made by Chen Xiahua, she had the idea of ​​taking people home to cook for her every day. But just like what she said, there are so many people who can cook, and there are so many people who can cook better than Chen Xiahua's food. How can she like him if she doesn't like others?

Of course, it was because she liked Chen Xiahua.

After get off work, Wei Chenxi found Chen Xiahua.

"You...what are you looking for from me?" Chen Xiahua was very embarrassed, Wei Chenxi was really embarrassed and excited to find him, and his emotions were really complicated.

"Of course I have something to do with you." Wei Chenxi pulled Chen Xiahua away with a smile. At this time, she was pulling him to a place that wasn't very secret but was not disturbed by anyone.

"Okay, now we have to have a good talk." Wei Chenxi looked at Chen Xiahua and said, she was obviously a little shorter than Chen Xiayue, but her aura of 2.8 meters seemed to look down at Chen Xiahua, and said with a serious expression, "Comrade Chen Xiahua, I am very serious here. To be clear with you, I, Wei Chenxi, like you, I want to marry you, and I want to live with you for the rest of my life."

"I hope you understand that I really like your food, but that's not the only reason why I want to marry you. I want to marry you because I like you, understand?" Wei Chenxi was very said seriously.

"You...really like me? Not because the food I cook is delicious?" Chen Xiahua asked hesitantly.

"That's not the main reason." Wei Chenxi said seriously, "It's one of your characteristics that you cook deliciously, but I don't like you because of this characteristic, but you are a person that fits me in every way. Aesthetic, that's why I like you, understand?" Wei Chenxi said.

Chen Xiahua looked at the bright-looking girl in front of him seriously. Although she was one year older than him, he still liked her.

"Are you serious? Seriously, do you want to marry me and live with me forever?" Chen Xiahua asked.

"Of course." Wei Chenxi nodded and said, "I want to marry you. This decision was not made on a whim. I made it after careful consideration."

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