Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 397: Wei Chenxi 4

Chen Xiahua thought for a while and said, "Let's date for a while. And your family shouldn't know about you wanting to marry me, right?"

"Let's date for a while. If we can get along well, then we'll get married. Give your family some time to prepare, otherwise they may have a big reaction when they hear the news that you're getting married." Chen Xiahua said .

Wei Chenxi looked at Chen Xiahua with admiration after hearing the words, but he didn't expect him to be quite calm, and he was especially worried about her family?

By the way, she still has family.

Wei Chenxi, who was an orphan before crossing, and who joined the army after being raised by the government, has forgotten that the body she is crossing now has a family, and according to the original owner's arrogant and domineering appearance, her family also doted on her very much.

If she didn't tell her family when she got married, hehe, that would be bad.

Wei Chenxi and Chen Xiahua have confirmed their relationship. Wei Chenxi needs to tell her family the news that she is in a relationship, and by the way, tell them that she is the one who wants to get married seriously. I hope her family will be mentally prepared.

And Chen Xiahua will also go back and tell her family about her love affairs. It shouldn't be too long before she gets married.

"Third brother, are you so fast? It's only been a day, right? You are with Sister Chenxi? Are you dating?" Chen Xiayue was surprised when her third brother said that he and Wei Chenxi were in a relationship.

Unexpectedly, I was still worried about whether Wei Chenxi likes his cooking skills or his third brother, but in just one day, he established a relationship with Wei Chenxi. This speed really surprised her.

"I already liked her. Since she likes me, then of course I quickly agree to be with her." Chen Xiahua said as a matter of course.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

Chen Xiahua didn't intend to interfere in the matter of Chen Xiahua and Wei Chenxi being together. After a wave of assists, she went home with her husband and daughter.

"Oh my baby Nuan Nuan, you're finally back, come and show grandma." As soon as Chen Xiayue and the others got home, Liu Guiying hurried over and reached out to Nuan Nuan to hug her.

Chen Xiayue handed the warmth in her arms to Liu Guiying, and then helped Zhang Chengchuan get the things her parents asked her to bring back from the car.

For example, the sauce made by her father, and the sauce marinated by her father Chen Mingying, tastes very good. Although Chen Xiayue's craftsmanship is also very good, it is not as good as her father.

Except for the sauce, it was the dry food that her parents gave her. Her father is a canteen chef in a food factory, and he also serves as a consultant for the R&D department, so he can get some special products from other places.

For example, local specialties such as Jinhua ham, Shonan rice noodles, Shonan chopped peppers, Shuzhong kimchi, etc., of course, there are Ludong scallops, mullet roe, seaweed kelp and other things.

When Chen Xiayue came back, her parents gave her some, and of course a can of milk powder. It's not wheat milk essence but milk powder. Chen Xiayue didn't plan to accept it, but her parents asked her to take it home.

Chen Xiayue has no choice. When her sister-in-law gives birth to a child, she can also send a can of milk powder to her sister-in-law.

"Why did you stay at Grandma Nuan Nuan's house for so long this time?" Liu Guiying didn't forget to ask when she was hugging the chubby Nuan Nuan.

"Even my parents like Nuan Nuan very much, so let us stay for a few more days." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, "I just met my third brother's partner, and I wondered what kind of person my third brother's partner is. So I stayed an extra day."

Liu Guiying also laughed after hearing the words, "Your third brother is talking to someone? It's good, what kind of girl is the other party?"

"My third brother's target is an engineer who was transferred to a machinery factory a few months ago, and happens to work in the same factory as my second brother. I thought my second brother would be able to approach the water tower and chase the girl first, but I didn't expect it to be me. The third brother has caught up with others." Chen Xiayue also felt that the story was a bit twisty, isn't the appearance of his second brother very attractive? Why does Wei Chenxi like that his third brother doesn't catch a cold with his second brother?

"Hey, maybe it's fate." After Liu Guiying replied, she stopped asking. Although what kind of mother-in-law the daughter-in-law's third brother married had a little influence on her daughter-in-law, it didn't have much influence. Don't need to be too concerned.

Liu Guiying hugged her granddaughter for a while and gave her to Chen Xiayue to feed her. After Nuan Nuan was full, she would bring people to play.

"I was worried that my mother didn't like my granddaughter. I didn't expect my mother to be so interested in Nuan Nuan after Nuan Nuan was born." Chen Xiayue really couldn't think that her mother-in-law was so close to Nuan Nuan. After all, women in the countryside seem to generally like grandchildren. Don't like granddaughter.

"This is my daughter, my mother's granddaughter. Who should care if she doesn't care?" Zhang Chengchuan nodded her nose.

Chen Xiayue rolled his eyes at him, and took the things into the room and put them away.

"Ahhh..." Nuan Nuan waved her little hand to grab something, Chen Xiayue held her body to make her stand up, made her face herself, and then watched her waving her chubby little hand to grab her hair.

"Ah ah ah..." The six-month-old little doll has been able to pronounce some simple syllables, and Chen Xiayue can make herself laugh every time she teases. After all, when looking at the smile on the little doll's face, people always Will laugh along involuntarily.

"Nuan Nuan is good." Chen Xiayue coaxed with a smile, "We Nuan Nuan are really good, a sensible and good baby..."

"Xia Yue - Xia Yue -"

Just when Chen Xiayue was making her daughter happy, Wu Hongmei, sister-in-law of nine halls, came to look for her.

"Sister-in-law? Do you have anything to do with me?" Chen Xiayue hugged Nuan Nuan and asked her to sit on her lap, then looked at Wu Hongmei and asked.

"Xia Yue, aren't you good at making medicine? Do you have any medicine that can make people look better?" Wu Hongmei asked.

Chen Xiayue laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, do you think I'm an immortal? Is there any medicine that can make people look better?"

She just learned medicine and pharmacy, but she didn't learn alchemy. She wouldn't be able to do the beauty pills, Zhuyan pills and other things in the fairy tales.

"This..." Wu Hongmei also knew that she was going to the hospital for her illness. Seeing Chen Xiayue say this, she couldn't help sighing, "I just..."

"My sister has pimples all over her face. She's seventeen now and no one has come to propose. She's going to cry to death at home now." Started getting pimples.

Now I am 17 years old, and the acne on my face is not less, and it grows more and more. A seventeen-year-old girl is called ugly every day, and she has no one to say kiss, and the person she likes is like a snake and scorpion. Can her mentality collapse?

Wu Hongmei didn't expect her little sister to have such serious acne. She used to think that a little girl would grow up a little bit, but she didn't expect it to grow more and more over the past few years, which made her worry too.

Wu Hongmei was nearly ten years older than her sister, and her sister was not even ten years old when she got married. But even so, she still hoped that her sister would be better, after all, she didn't hate her so much that she hoped her life would be ruined.

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