Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 436: Rice Noodles 2

"Wow—Dad, you're back—" Zhang Anguo was very happy to see his father back, but the surprise of his father's return was not enough to make him let go of his love for rice noodles, so he just said hello happily and continued eating rice noodles .

Zhang Chengyue, who thought his son would rush over to give him a hug: "..."

"You're back? Don't you mean that you won't necessarily come back on New Year's Eve?" Liu Guiying saw her son was very pleasantly surprised. She put down the half-eaten rice noodles and came over to give her son a hug. She looked up and down happily and worried about his injury. of.

"Are you injured? Didn't you get hurt this time? Hungry? What should I put rice noodles with? Meat sauce and pickled cabbage or shredded sour radish? Or should I eat sour beans?" Ask him what he eats.

Zhang Chengyue smiled and looked at his excited mother. Of course, his father was also very excited, but the old man sat calmly and looked at his son. If it wasn't for Zhang Chengyue's very good eyes, he could see his father's slightly red eyes, he would not have known that his father was so excited when he saw him.

After looking at her son up and down, Liu Guiying also found out that her son didn't take a bath, she frowned and said, "Why don't you take a bath first, and then eat after you've washed it. After eating, you can just sleep."

Zhang Chengyue nodded, then went upstairs to get his clothes and bathed, and Liu Guiying went to cook rice noodles for his son. Although she cooked more rice noodles just now, it was definitely not enough for her eldest son. Men have a big appetite, not to mention Zhang Chengyue is a soldier, so his appetite is even bigger.

When Liu Guiying went to cook the rice noodles, she did not forget to prepare the steamed steamed buns made earlier. The steaming time of the steamed buns was not too long, it was about the same as the cooking time of rice noodles, and it was ready to eat after Zhang Chengyue took a bath.

Chen Xiayue gave An Ning and Nuan Nuan a bit of milk after eating her rice noodles. As for the rice she had already fed, she did not let them eat at the same time as adults. Children, there are four or five meals a day, even six or seven meals a day, just eat less and eat more.

After Chen Xiayue fed An Ning and Nuan Nuan, she looked at the time. The two little sisters had just woken up for about an hour, and they probably didn't want to go to bed yet, so they didn't plan to let them take a nap.

She brought an old straw mat and spread it on the ground and put the building blocks and toys on it for An Ning and Nuan Nuan to play. Brothers Zhang Weiguo and Zhang Anguo really wanted to play with their sisters. They had been jealous of their sisters' toy cars for a long time. .

"Want a toy car?" Zhang Chengchuan couldn't help but ask with a smile looking at Zhang Weiguo and Zhang Anguo.

"Hmm." The brothers nodded. They really wanted toy cars. My sister's toy car was small but fun.

Especially toy cars are not only cars, but also trucks, tanks and trains, they like it very much. However, these toy cars belong to the younger sisters, and they cannot rob the younger sister's toys as the elder brother.

"After a while, my uncle will take you to make it together." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile. After coming here, he was a little bored, so he could take his nephews to make toy cars to pass the time.

When he was at home, he could also go through the shop on the farm to meet other people at the shop in other planes while studying, and even learn from the teachers in the 22nd century to study more interesting things.

But after coming here, because he was worried that he would cause unnecessary trouble if he didn't show up for a long time, he could only stay outside honestly.

But there are many places on the island that you can't go to, and the places you can go are not fun because you are not familiar with them. Although he has only been on the island for two days, Zhang Chengchuan still feels very bored.

Since the nephews like toy cars, he might as well make a few for the nephews. He was even able to make two children's tricycles for his nephews, and in the future they could ride the children's tricycles when they ran around the island.

Zhang Weiguo and the others were even happier eating rice noodles after getting the promise of their uncle, and they quickly finished their rice noodles.

"Uncle, let's go!" Zhang Weiguo and the others urged Zhang Chengchuan excitedly.

"Uncle, let's go, let's go." Zhang Anguo also urged.

"Your uncle, I'm not full yet." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

"What are you doing? Don't let your uncle have enough to eat?" Zhang Chengyue, who had taken a bath, came in wearing a clean military uniform. Seeing that his sons were pestering his younger brother, he wondered why they were pestering their uncle.

"Uncle said he would take us to make a toy car." Zhang Weiguo replied.

Although Zhang Chengyue is a capable and capable soldier with a tough personality, he is not a cold father when facing children. He will indeed strictly require his sons to meet their own requirements, but he will not oppress them too much and will not make them fear his father.

So Zhang Weiguo and his brothers were very close when they faced him. Father's expressionless questioning did not frighten them. He was very excited to tell his father what the toy car looked like. Uncle promised to give them to them. The brothers also make toy cars.

Zhang Chengyue looked at the two female dolls playing on the straw mat, then at the two sons, and finally at his younger brother, "Why is it so troublesome? They are all grown up, why do you need such trouble to prepare toys for them?"

"They're not that old, they're not even ten years old, so where can they not play?" Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "Is there time for a while, eldest brother? Or do you want to rest or go to the military department? If you have time, come with us. Let's make this toy car together."

"Wei Guo and Anguo are your sons, not my sons. I've worked so hard to be nice to them, aren't you afraid that I'll take your son away?" Zhang Chengchuan joked.

"No, my son will always be my son, you can't take it away." Zhang Chengyue cast a blank eye at his brother, and joked along with his words, "I'm still very happy that you can help my brother take care of the child."

Zhang Chengchuan smiled, and when he was about to say something, he heard Liu Guiying's voice, "Cheng Yue, come here and bring in the rice noodles you eat."

Although it was rare to see her son, Liu Guiying did not intend to serve the eldest son in every detail, and let him do the things he should do by himself. She did not have the same idea of ​​serving her son as an ancestor.

"Come on." Zhang Chengyue was also really hungry, and after hearing his mother's summons, he hurriedly turned around to serve rice noodles.

Zhang Chengyue used the kind of sea bowl for soup, which was full of rice noodles, covered with meat sauce, a few slices of bacon, a few slices of bacon, and a poached egg. A really full bowl.

Liu Guiying came in with a plate of steamed buns in the back. Not all of these steamed buns were eaten by Zhang Chengyue alone. She gave one to each of her two grandsons.

"Do you want to deliver food to Xuemei today?" Liu Guiying asked. The eldest daughter-in-law would say if she wanted to deliver food to her home when she went out in the morning, but she didn't say it when she went out today.

"No need for grandma, my mother ate it in the hospital cafeteria at noon, so I don't need to send it." Zhang Weiguo said while eating steamed buns.

It's not bad for Wang Xuemei to let her family deliver meals for a day. How could she have her mother-in-law cook for her every day? If she develops a habit, what will she do when her in-laws and brother-in-law's family return to their hometown?

So no need, she continued to eat in the cafeteria.

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