Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 437: Abandoned Ship 1

Liu Guiying looked at the eldest son whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and greeted him what to eat when he saw him eating.

Even though she loves Zhang Chengchuan the youngest son the most, it is because Zhang Chengchuan is still the youngest, and because the youngest son can get along with her often, so she loves the youngest son even more.

But this does not mean that Liu Guiying does not like the eldest son, does not love the eldest son.

Liu Guiying is not the kind of person who exploits the eldest son to subsidize the younger son, and is not the kind of person who treats the eldest son as a tool to make money and only treats the younger son as his own son.

When facing Zhang Chengyue, she also has a mother's heart. Every time Zhang Chengyue goes back, she will ask for help. Usually when Zhang Chengyue does not go back in the army, she will ask her younger son to write letters, and then from time to time send some mountain goods or something from her hometown to her eldest son.

Now seeing that the eldest son eats rice noodles as if he hadn't eaten for several meals, Liu Guiying said in distress, "Don't eat rice noodles alone, my mother even steamed steamed buns for you. Would you like to try it with meat sauce? This is what my mother learned from the northerners."

"Thank you mother, I have enough to eat." Zhang Chengyue said with a smile, "Mother, are you not full? Hurry up, let's eat together, mother and son."

Liu Guiying responded "eh", but still looked at her eldest son eagerly. Since Zhang Chengchuan and the others met during the New Year's Day when they got married, she hadn't seen her son for several years. She really missed her.

"Didn't you say you had a one-month vacation? You said you couldn't go back and went on a mission. You didn't make it clear on the phone before, how is it? What happened?" Liu Guiying asked.

Zhang Chengyue smiled and said, "Mother, I can't say about the mission. The army has a confidentiality system."

Liu Guiying looked at her son and said helplessly, "Forget it, it's fine as long as you're okay anyway."

Zhang Chengyue smiled and didn't speak, and continued to wind up rice noodles.

In fact, the mission this time is very urgent. Otherwise, how could Zhang Chengyue, who was originally going to take a month off to go home for the New Year, be urgently recalled to go on a mission?

But the half-month time task was also completed, but they found a surprising thing on the return trip, so they delayed another few days.

When Zhang Chengyue and the others completed their mission, they passed by a small island that they seldom noticed, and found that there were two dilapidated warships on it.

When they saw the warship, Zhang Chengyue and the others thought that the enemy had touched it, but when they approached cautiously, they found that the warship was empty.

These two warships are really much better looking than theirs, and they are very new. The warship that looks worn and has a lot of damage, but it is much better than some of Zhang Chengyue's equipment.

The two warships were very large and ran aground in the shallow waters of the island. Zhang Chengyue and the others searched the whole island and found no trace of anyone staying here. After checking on the two warships, they found no trace of anyone living in the near future.

Moreover, although the two warships were empty, they were not empty. There were many advanced weapons in them that they had never seen before.

Zhang Chengyue and the others were all stunned. As for the two warships belonging to others, they had to be returned - how could it be possible? This good warship is definitely not theirs, but if it is the enemy's, it can't be returned, and they have to drag it back to study.

Zhang Chengyue and the others were delayed for a few days because of the two warships and the things on the warship, and of course they returned home this year because they had to bring the things back quickly.

The two warships entered the dock port on the military side, so the rest of the island could not see it. Zhang Chengyue and the others also contacted experts and superiors to report the incident, and they went home after another meeting.

After such a long delay, Zhang Chengyue was so hungry that he forgot to eat.

Of course, neither the content of the mission nor the matter of the two warships encountered when returning to the voyage could not be told to the family. The confidentiality system on the army side is very strict.

Even though Zhang Chengchuan has a name on it now and is an excellent researcher, he is not a member of the military system, and these military secrets cannot be told to Zhang Chengchuan.

Of course, Zhang Chengchuan has no plans to join the research and development of warships and naval weapons, otherwise he would have to put two warships out for Zhang Chengyue and the others to find out, and then let them study it by themselves?

That's right, the two abandoned warships that Zhang Chengyue and the others met when they came back were thrown by Zhang Chengchuan.

Warships are very important, but this type of warship is not that important in the 22nd century. The two warships Zhang Chengchuan took out were probably at the level of the early 21st century, and of course they were the most advanced technology in the 21st century.

However, in the early 21st century, the technology in the middle and late 22nd century is incomparable. In the middle and late 22nd century, this technology has fallen behind, so it is still easy for Zhang Chengchuan to obtain such a warship.

Zhang Chengchuan bought two warships with the most advanced technology in the early 21st century, and then bought the matching weapons and threw them within the range of their eldest brother's activities. I believe they can meet them.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't worry that the deployed warship would be discovered by the enemy first. The location he chose specifically allowed the system to confirm the location where his eldest brother would meet but others would not, and the time was calculated before the things were released.

These things are also to equip our navy. Zhang Chengchuan hopes that his eldest brother can be safe and safe, and he also hopes that the soldiers guarding the sea and frontier can be safe, so such a good warship let them study and improve their equipment, so that the safety factor is high a little.

And he chose to let Zhang Chengyue and his comrades discover that of course because he is the younger brother, hoping to help his eldest brother in this way. As long as his elder brother is good, his family will be better, and his parents will be better.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't ask his eldest brother about their mission and what happened on the road. Anyway, he knew that his eldest brother had encountered the warship he launched.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't say anything, and asked his eldest brother if he wanted to go out with them to find materials that could be used as toy cars to make toys for his nephews. However, Zhang Chengyue had not slept well for several days, and now he was full and ready to sleep.

"Okay, eldest brother, you have a good rest, I will go out with Wei Guo and the others to find them." Zhang Chengchuan waved his hand and took Zhang Weiguo and Zhang Anguo brothers out.

Zhang Chengyue was full after eating a large bowl of rice noodles and several steamed buns dipped in meat sauce. Full of ten.

Zhang Chengyue talked to his parents for a while and let him digest what he had eaten before going back to sleep, while Liu Guiying and Zhang Deping just asked him if he had eaten and slept well, and whether he had taken care of himself, and they did not ask anything else. Let him go back to rest.

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