It doesn't matter if the drawings are handed over to his eldest brother Zhang Chengchuan. Originally, he made this tricycle just to coax his two nephews. In the future, when his family Nuan Nuan is two or three years old, he can get one for her.

So now what is the future development of this children's tricycle, and what kind of development other tricycles will have, he doesn't care.

In the next few days, brothers Zhang Weiguo and Zhang Anguo were addicted to riding around on children's tricycles, and then shared them with other good friends. Of course, they also had conditions to share children's tricycles, and they had to give them a candy Or a biscuit, the sugar and biscuit still have to be whole.

There are also some people who say that the Zhang family's little dolls are too stingy, don't they just give their dolls a ride? It's too stingy to even take things.

But children's tricycles are also cars. Whose bicycles will be ridden by others? Whose motorcycle will be ridden by others? Some people are very in favor of the Zhang family, these two little dolls can ride their bikes only after receiving their belongings, otherwise they will ride the bikes quickly if they ride for others for nothing.

Moreover, most of the children living in the family area are not so poor that they can't open the pot, and it's not impossible to get a piece of candy and a cookie. If you can't get it out, then don't ride it. Why do other people's cars ride for you?

It's also because Zhang Chengyue's position is not low, and many family members are reluctant to offend Zhang Chengyue, so the two little babies of the Zhang family are whispering behind their backs, and they dare not say anything in person.

Zhang Chengyue is relieved to see his nephew having a good time. Occasionally, he will let Zhang Weiguo take An Ning and Nuan Nuan out for a run, and let An Ning familiarize himself with the way his brother is riding with her on a bike. After Zhang Chengchuan and the others return to their hometown, their brothers will be back again. I have to play with my sister every day.

Zhang Chengchuan said that he would go home soon after the new year. That was true. Zhang Deping and his wife said they would go home in the eighth day of the new year. They had been out for half a month, and it would take several days to go back. , that's almost twenty days.

The southern side still needs to work. Although they don't care much about work points now, they still want to go home. For them, what they are used to is the way of life in their hometown, and it is impossible for them to live with their eldest son.

Not to mention that the eldest son often goes on assignments and does not often go home, that is, the son may change places every few years, and the old couple have no trouble with them.

Zhang Chengyue couldn't persuade his parents, so he booked a train ticket. Then on the tenth day of the first day, Zhang Deping and the five of them went home with their luggage again.

When I went back, I brought a lot of things, some dried seafood or something, and I didn't bring anything else.

When they returned to the island city on the shore, the four soldiers who had protected their family before appeared again and accompanied Zhang Chengchuan and his family by train back to their hometown.

I didn't encounter anything on the way back this time, nor did I encounter traffickers every time I went out. And now the safety bracelet has been developed, the safety factor can be higher.

On the way home this time, Zhang Chengchuan also came up with the blueprint of the tracing compass designed by Xu Jinyuan, which can be mass-produced without magic. The blueprint was given to the four soldiers who protected them. Brother, the other side is sent to the security department of the 21st century.

It took four days for Zhang Chengchuan and his family to finally return to the county town. After getting off the train, they didn't stay in the county town for long. They took the bus back to the town and walked home.

When I got home, the whole family was exhausted. After the New Year, the weather gradually warmed up. It was unbearable to not take a bath for four days.

When I got home, I quickly boiled the water. After the water was hot, I quickly washed the Nuan Nuan girl. After all the adults had bathed, they didn't eat any food, and everyone fell asleep.

The train ride was tiring enough, and they went back to town and walked home, which was even more tiring. Now they just want to sleep until the end of the day, and no one wants to disturb them.

The news of Zhang Chengchuan's family returning home had already spread when they entered the village. Although the Yunhe Brigade was not small, the news spread very quickly.

Others wanted to come over to find Zhang Chengchuan. They asked what they met and saw when they went out this time. When they came over, they found that Zhang Chengchuan's house door was closed. home.

On the other hand, those who want to come to the door to fight the autumn breeze, want to ask Zhang Chengchuan what they brought back, can they share a little with them, who have a bad relationship and some relatives are very upset, they see the closed door and go away scolding. .

It's useless to wake people up outside. Zhang Chengchuan's house has a silent wallpaper. Even in order to ensure that the environment is quiet enough for their family to sleep well, Chen Xiayue specially took out a silent flower and placed it on the bedside table. , so that you can't hear what's going on outside.

Zhang Chengchuan and his family came home in the afternoon. After taking a bath and sleeping, they woke up at night. If they weren't hungry, they really didn't plan to get up.

Although she didn't starve badly on the train, she didn't eat too well. Even though there was a lot of delicious food in the warehouse of Chen Xiayue's farm, she didn't take it out. She couldn't explain the source.

I arrived in the county today and rushed back to the town to make a bus, so I didn’t have time to eat lunch. When I arrived in the town, I hurried to work at home. When I got home, I took a shower and slept, but I didn’t have time to eat. I’m really hungry now. .

That is to say, Xiao Nuan Nuan can be very hungry when she is still young by drinking milk powder, so although she did not eat very well along the way, she was not hungry. After taking a bath just now, my mother poured a bottle of milk for her to drink, so she could sleep in peace.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the rest of the Zhang family woke up from hunger, cooked a pot of rice noodles with the lights on, and went back to sleep after they were full.

By the time they had enough energy, it was already the next morning when they got home.

Zhang Deping and his wife have not yet planned to go to work. Today is the Lantern Festival, so everyone is going to get together with Grandpa Zhang and Grandma Zhang, and they will not go to work or something.

"Achuan, you are finally back--" Zhang Chengjun patted Zhang Chengchuan on the shoulder excitedly, and he was also very happy to see his cousin back, "How is it? Is it fun over there with fourth brother? I heard that there is the sea over there, you Did you see the sea? Did you go to the beach to play?"

Zhang Chengjun is also a young man who has been to the county town farthest and never left the whole county. He really wants to know what the outside world is like and what the sea is like.

Zhang Chengchuan also didn't hang his appetite. He told his brothers about the scenery they saw on the road when they took the train, and also talked about the things they lived on the island for so many days, the joy of picking up seafood while catching the sea, etc. .

Zhang Chengchuan did not hesitate to tell them that everyone listened and yearned for it.

"It's impossible to go to the fourth brother's side, but we can still go to the seaside in Guangdong Province if we work hard."

"In fact, there are places in Yunnan Province that are close to the sea, but they are not wider than those in Guangdong Province. It doesn't matter, we can work hard and go to Yunnan Province and Guangdong Province to have a look."

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