In fact, there are not many Zhang brothers left in the Yunhe Brigade. When the county machinery factory was recruiting workers, the Zhang brothers went to take the exam, and several were recruited.

That is, because they have just entered the factory and have not been allocated a house, they can only live in a single dormitory, or several people live in the same dormitory, so they did not bring their wives and children with them.

For example, Zhang Chengguo, the second cousin, Zhang Chengming, the third cousin, Zhang Chengping, the sixth cousin, and Zhang Chengmin, the eleventh cousin of the Zhang family. That is, the lobby brother Zhang Chengyan didn't go to the recruitment examination, so he would stay at home. As the eldest son and eldest grandson, he felt that he should stay at home to take care of the elderly.

But the big brother is not doing nothing, he is quite skilled in farming, and the maintenance techniques he learned from Zhang Chengchuan are also very good. Even if he can't go to work in the machinery factory, he still has a maintenance job in the brigade.

For example, after Zhang Chengchuan brought a worn-out tractor back with his brothers for renovation, the brigade also has a tractor. Zhang Chengyan is a tractor driver and maintenance worker.

The ninth cousin, Zhang Chengjun, just didn't pass the exam. He didn't study very well. Although his maintenance skills were not bad, he was best at building biogas digesters. He was even better at construction.

Therefore, Zhang Chengjun and his cousin Zhang Chengyuan just helped everyone repair the house and repair the biogas digester, but they were not admitted to the recruitment of the machinery factory.

Even so, it is really enviable that so many brothers in the Zhang family have jobs one by one.

The Zhang family's children are all sorted by men and women. For example, Zhang Chengxue, the cousin of the third room, is ranked fifth, and the first four are all older brothers; then Zhang Chengyu is the seventh, and Zhang Chengchuan and his family have fifteen brothers and sisters. , but there are only nine men.

The other brothers of the Zhang family are working in the county, and there is no work to build a biogas digester recently. Zhang Chengjun came over to look for Zhang Chengchuan with great interest. He wanted to know what he met on the way to Zhang Chengyue, and met again on the island. what fun.

Zhang Chengyuan also followed. The brothers usually played well, so they also joined in the fun together. In fact, Zhang Chengmin, who usually plays well with Zhang Chengyuan, should be Zhang Chengmin, who is about the same age, but who made Zhang Chengmin go to the county town as a worker? Of course, Zhang Chengyuan could only hang out with Zhang Chengjun.

After Zhang Chengchuan returned home, he spent two days getting his daughter a tricycle. The smaller one is only suitable for one or two-year-old children. There are small wheels on both sides of the front wheel to prevent the tricycle from overturning.

Zhang Chengchuan is not afraid of his daughter falling and beating, but he feels that there is still some protection.

"Achuan, what is this?" Zhang Chengjun was very curious as he watched Nuan Nuan riding a children's tricycle running around on the road.

The terrain of Yunhe Brigade is not all flat, but Zhang Chengchuan's house and his grandparents' house are relatively flat, and his daughter can run around on a bicycle.

Looking at Nuan Nuan riding a car and playing, Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "I made a car for Nuan Nuan to make her have fun."

"That's good, I'll also make one for the stinky boys at home." Zhang Chengjun said with bright eyes.

Zhang Chengjun has three sons in his family. Both of his twin sons are nine years old, and the youngest son is less than three years old, but he can make this children's tricycle for them to play with.

Nuan Nuan's children's tricycle is really in the limelight. All the children in the village are very envious of Nuan Nuan. Her father is really doting on her.

"Nuannuan, play with me, play with me."

"Nuan Nuan, I'll give you candy, will you play with me?"

However, Nuan Nuan is only a little over a year old, and she doesn't walk very steadily and doesn't speak much. No matter how the children please her, she hasn't realized what it means.

However, Nuan Nuan's cousins ​​are still very protective of her. Zhang Guocheng, the eldest son of Zhang Chengyan's family, is already sixteen years old this year, and the little boy is already in high school.

At this moment, because school hasn't started yet, he follows his younger brothers and sisters, and because he is the oldest brother, he has to protect the little sister Nuan Nuan. Who makes Nuan Nuan the youngest sister in the family?

Since Nuan Nuan was born, no other siblings have been born in the family, and she has naturally become the youngest.

"How old are you, you still want to ride a Nuan Nuan car? Haven't you seen how small the car is?" Sixteen-year-old Zhang Guocheng said to the ten-year-old children with a stern face.

After Zhang Guocheng entered junior high school, he could go to school on a bicycle. He went to the county seat to study in high school, and he lived in the county seat, but he did not continue to ride a bicycle.

But in the two years of junior high school, he rode a bicycle every day, so he didn't have any eye for this children's tricycle of Nuan Nuan sister.

But these ten-year-old children who don't have bicycles at home are very greedy and want to borrow a warm tricycle to play. They also want to try what it's like to ride a bike, and they want to be someone who has ridden.

"Nuan Nuan's car is still too small. If you want to ride a bicycle, you can find Guowen and them." Zhang Guocheng said with Nuan Nuan in his arms.

Zhang Chengjun's twin sons Zhang Guoan and Zhang Guowen also have a tricycle, which is suitable for their ten-year-old children. The youngest son, Zhang Guosen, has a tricycle about the size of Nuan Nuan.

"Big brother, I want to play too." Zhang Guocheng's youngest brother, Zhang Guosheng, leaned over and said, "Tell me, can you ask my father to make one for me?"

Zhang Guosheng's hands-on ability believes that his father is not bad. Since the ninth uncle can make two bicycles for his cousins, then his father should also be able to make one for him, right?

"You think beautiful." Zhang Guocheng glanced at his younger brother, but his younger brother was only ten years old, so it was understandable that he was very playful.

"If you can get double 100 in the exam, I can ask Dad if he can make you one or two of these cars." Zhang Guocheng said.

"Really?" Zhang Guosheng asked in surprise.

"Really, why are you lying to me?" Zhang Guocheng nodded.

"Thank you bro."

Zhang Guoxuan couldn't help laughing when he looked at his younger brother's excited appearance, "Are you really going to persuade Dad to make him a tricycle for children?"

Zhang Guoxuan is two years younger than Zhang Guocheng, and he is also a junior high school student, in the town middle school where his eldest brother went to school before.

And he also has a pair of twin brothers and sisters. Zhang Guolong and Zhang Guoxue are still twins inherited from the Zhang family. The brothers and sisters are also twelve years old now, but they are still studying in the village primary school. When Zhang Guoxuan graduates from junior high school and enters high school, maybe Brothers and sisters can go to junior high school.

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