Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 452: white lotus

Chen Xiayue brought Nuan Nuan, so she did not fight with the second son of a **** like the others. Of course, only Huang Qiuyu, Hu Xiaofang and Zhao Qiuju, Huang Qiuyu's younger brother and sister, fought with the second son of a bitch. Can three fights be enough?

What's more, the men of the Zhang family are capable, and the women work quickly, and the family is a little richer, so if they eat well and sleep well, they are in good health.

So in this fight, the women of the Zhang family won by "buying more with less". After being beaten for a while, Erzizi ran away.

"When did the second son of a **** start thinking about marrying Qiu Lian to the second brother of Xia Yue's family? Does she think her daughter is an immortal?" Sister-in-law Wang Minglan looked at the figure of the second son of a **** running away and said suspiciously.

The matter of several women in the Zhang family fighting with Ershizi has attracted a lot of attention. Although it is said that not all the fields of the Yunhe Brigade are in the same place, there are also those who are divided with the Zhang family except the Zhang family. Of course, people also saw this out.

And everyone's ears are also very sharp. Of course, after hearing what Ershizi said and Huang Qiuyu's words about Ershizi, everyone also wondered why Ershizi was so whimsical, but more people still didn't expect Qiu Lian to be Such people.

It just so happened that Zhang Mingmei's mother and Huang Qiuyu were assigned to a farmland to pull weeds, so she was very angry when she heard Huang Qiuyu's words. Now that she saw the second son of a **** being beaten away, Zhang Mingmei's mother hurried over to ask. what is going on.

"Cheng Ping's family, what did you just say? Qiu Lian from Ergou's family even provokes the relationship between our family Mingmei and Ye Quan?" Zhang Mingmei's mother asked with an ugly face, of course she did not give Huang Qiuyu Looking at her face, she was ugly because of what Qiu Lian did.

Huang Qiuyu looked at Zhang Mingmei's mother and nodded very cheerfully, "Of course, didn't you notice that Ye Quan didn't follow Mingmei to meet Qiulian's girl recently? Even Mingmei was asked by Ye Quan not to follow him. Qiu Lian put together a piece just because he was worried that Mingmei would be tricked by Qiu Lian."

"Young girl, her scheming is not bad." Huang Qiuyu didn't like Qiu Lian's way of thinking, but it didn't matter to him before. Even Zhang Mingmei's surname was Zhang, but they also had five servers with their family. not very close.

How Qiu Lian is too lazy to care about Zhang Mingmei and Ye Quan, Ye Quan's mind is sober, so she quickly draws a clear line after discovering Qiu Lian's intentions. If Zhang Mingmei didn't listen to Ye Quan's fiance, but insisted on staying with Qiu Lian, and then watched her fiance being pried away, then she deserved it.

But now that Erzi Niang has provoked her, and provoked the concubine she likes very much, of course she will not continue to keep secrets. By the way, she can't listen to the whimsical thoughts of Ershizi, she is so righteous and so arrogant that it makes her teeth itch.

Although she is arrogant, and she doesn't give face to her mother-in-law when she usually has conflicts with her mother-in-law, the essence of human beings is double standards. She can be arrogant, but she can't stand the arrogance of people who don't like her, and she can't stand the arrogance of two sons of a bitch, who let people give up their jobs to her daughter.

Zhang Tingting was able to get her ex-mother-in-law's job because Zheng Shunze cheated on the marriage, so the Zhang family could justly ask the Zheng family to compensate. Why would others give Qiu Lian their work? With her white lotus green tea? Because she likes to dream?

Zhang Mingmei's mother's face was extremely ugly. After thanking Huang Qiuyu, she always had a dark face when she went back to work. Everyone knew her mood, and they didn't care that her face was ugly.

After Zhang Mingmei's mother came home from work, she grabbed her daughter and scolded her for a long time, saying that she was foolish enough to be played around by Qiu Lian, and ordered her daughter not to give Qiu Lian any good things in the future, and there was no need for her or her. What's the deal.

"You are sincere and good to her. Seeing that her parents don't pay attention to her, they sympathize with her and share her good things with him. Do they appreciate it? You have been fed a white-eyed wolf, and people say bad things about you behind your back and say you are superior Do you have any brains?"

"Fortunately, Ye Quan is a sensible child, otherwise your fiancé will be taken away by such a white-eyed wolf!" Zhang Mingmei's mother was so angry that she lost her strength when she poked her daughter's forehead, and soon Zhang Mingmei's forehead turned red .

"How do I usually tell you? Don't just remember to eat and eat. What's the result? You were played by that **** as a result. I wasted so many good things from me, and I subsidized you so many things in return. what?"

"Your sisters-in-law are complaining that I am too good to you, and even complaining that I have given you so many things so that you can help that little | cheap | person Qiulian, but you see what the result is now?"

"Seeing Ye Quan being lukewarm to her now, she changed her target and fell in love with A Chuan's second brother-in-law. Just because of her Qiu Lian? Is it worthy?" Zhang Mingmei's mother was really angry, not only Qi Qiu Lian fooled and played tricks on her own daughter, and even more angry that her daughter was too stupid.

She really loves Zhang Mingmei's daughter, otherwise, how can her daughter have so many things to help Qiulian? As a result, her daughter was so stupid, and being played with by Qiu Lian was really annoying.

Zhang Mingmei was so scolded by her mother that she couldn't lift her head up. When Ye Quan told her to play less with Qiu Lian, she even had a fight with Ye Quan.

Ye Quan is her fiance, but they have only been engaged for a few months. Although they are familiar with each other, they are definitely not familiar with Qiu Lian. So Ye Quan asked her not to communicate with Qiu Lian, and told her not to listen to Qiu Lian's words or give Qiu Lian so many good things. She felt that Ye Quan wanted to cut off her circle of friends, so she told Ye Quan There was a big quarrel.

Later, Ye Quan apologized to her, but Ye Quan apologized because he should not lose his temper with her, and should tell her that he should not quarrel, not because he felt that he had let Zhang Mingmei and Qiu Lian have less contact.

Zhang Mingmei did not accept Ye Quan's apology at that time, and even scolded Ye Quan on purpose. Now recalling his attitude towards Ye Quan at the beginning, Zhang Mingmei couldn't help feeling depressed.

Ye Quan has ignored her for half a month. Since her engagement, Ye Quan has been talking to her every day, and occasionally giving her something. But since the quarrel, Ye Quan ignored her for half a month.

She usually avoids her and doesn't talk to her even if she meets her, which makes Zhang Mingmei even more angry. I felt that Ye Quan was too stingy, and complained about Ye Quan for a long time.

But now, after finding out that it was Qiu Lian and not Ye Quan, Zhang Mingmei was very embarrassed.

After being scolded by her mother for a long time, Zhang Mingmei hurriedly went to Ye Quan.

Ye Quan is also from the Yunhe Brigade. There are two older brothers, one older sister, one younger brother and one younger sister in his family, but the family situation is not bad. Otherwise, Zhang Mingmei's family would not agree to let their daughter marry Ye Quan.

After all, the situation of Zhang Mingmei's family is not bad, there is no need to find a son-in-law whose family is not as good as theirs. There are many people in the Ye family, but everyone is very capable. They can eat well and dress warmly, and they can eat meat once a month or two.

"Ye Quan, Ye Quan..." Zhang Mingmei came to Ye Quan's house and shouted in a low voice.

"Sister Mingmei, are you looking for my third brother? He went to chop wood and hasn't come back." Ye Quan's younger sister Ye Xi came out and saw that it was her, and replied.

Zhang Mingmei's eyes widened slightly, and then asked carefully, "Then, when will he come back?"

"I don't know, after it gets dark, it shouldn't be time to come back yet." Ye Xi looked at the sky, it wasn't dark yet, and his third brother hadn't come back yet.

Zhang Mingmei moved her mouth to say something, and finally said disappointedly, "Then...that Xiaoxi...waiting for Ye Quan to come can tell him that I came to look for him, and I have something to do with him."

"Okay." Ye Xi nodded, and after watching Zhang Mingmei leave in despair, she returned to the room to look at the third brother who was playing with something he didn't know, "Third brother, why don't you want to see Sister Mingmei?"

Twelve-year-old Ye Xi didn't understand, isn't Zhang Mingmei the fiancee of her third brother? Third brother got into trouble with her? Why did Sister Mei come over, but my third brother didn't see her?

"It's okay, it's just a quarrel, it'll be fine in a few days." Ye Quan didn't tell his sister, let alone tell his family that he and Zhang Mingmei quarreled because of what.

And he also knew what happened to the Zhang family and Erzi Niang today. He didn't want to see Zhang Mingmei now, but just wanted her to think about it calmly for two days, and then he would say whether she would trust Qiu Lian.

Ye Quan really likes the girl Zhang Mingmei. Although she has a simple temperament, she is more cheerful. But Ye Quan likes bright and simple girls, but he doesn't want his wife to be someone who can be deceived at any time.

If she gets married in the future, Zhang Mingmei's character will definitely cause trouble. Since she is his fiancee, he has to teach him well, so that he will not suffer because of her gullible character in the future when she gets married.

Ye Xi didn't understand why his third brother quarreled with the future third sister-in-law, but he didn't plan to persuade him. She didn't have any bad feelings for Zhang Mingmei, the third sister-in-law, but she didn't like the third sister-in-law's friend Qiu Lian.

To be honest, if it wasn't for her third brother, she would not be able to accept Zhang Mingmei as her third sister-in-law. Just being Qiulian's friend, Ye Xi felt it was troublesome.

"Third brother, please play slowly, I'm going to do my homework." Ye Xi is the only girl in the family, and the situation at home is not bad, so the family plans to let her finish primary school.

Ye Xi, who is now twelve years old, is not in the fifth grade, but in the fourth grade. Being able to let her study at the age of eight is already her parents' love for her. You must know that there are several classmates in her class who are two or three years older than her.

Later, when she was in the third grade, several female classmates dropped out and did not continue to study. It's her, her parents love her so that she can finish primary school.

As for junior high school, it depends on whether she can read it or not. If she didn't study well, it would be impossible for her to go to junior high school anyway.

Ye Xi cherished the opportunity to study, so her third brother didn't say that he had any emotional entanglements, so she went back to study.

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