Chen Xiayue didn't know what happened at Zhang Mingmei's house at all. Although she knew that Zhang Mingmei was such a person, she didn't have much connection and was not close, so she didn't care what happened to their family at all.

After delivering water to my in-laws, I took my daughter home after seeing them drink the water.

"Summer Moon."

Chen Xiayue is walking home slowly with her daughter, Nuan Nuan is wearing the little straw hat her father made for her, which is just right for a baby of her age, so she is not afraid of the sun at all.

Since she is not afraid of the sun, of course Chen Xiayue still has the leisure to take her daughter for a walk home slowly. I just didn't expect that she had just returned from the field over there, and was stopped by someone on the way.

Chen Xiayue looked back, it turned out to be Yu Xiujuan's mother and son.

"Xiujuan, why are you here?" Chen Xiayue was still very happy to see Yu Xiujuan, and she was also very happy when she saw her boy, "Why are you here, little guy? Didn't you go to school?"

The eldest son of Yu Xiujuan's family is three years old and has been sent to kindergarten by Yu Xiujuan and Lu Zhanguo. And Yu Xiujuan's family also has a little girl who is several months older than Nuan Nuan, who is sleeping soundly on Yu Xiujuan's back.

After Yu Xiujuan moved back to the army, she didn't come to Yunhe Brigade very often, but she still did occasionally. She didn't break the contact with Chen Xiayue, and they got along pretty well.

"I want to come over today, he doesn't want to go to school, so he has no choice but to bring it here." Yu Xiujuan smiled. There really isn't any courses in the kindergarten, so I'm not afraid of being late for a day or two.

"Not bad." Chen Xiayue nodded and went back with Yu Xiujuan and her pair of children.

"How have you been recently? I haven't seen you for a long time." Chen Xiayue asked as she walked, and her daughter was handed over to Yu Xiujuan's son.

"We just came back from our hometown." Yu Xiujuan said with a smile, "I came here to say goodbye to you this time. Our family in the Warring States period is going to be transferred."

"Reassigned?" Chen Xiayue said in surprise, she also knew that soldiers could not serve in only one place all their lives, but did not expect that Lu Zhanguo would be transferred so soon?

"Well, we may be going to the northeast this time, and it can be regarded as returning to our hometown." Yu Xiujuan said with a smile.

Chen Xiayue nodded, "Even if you guys have to move out, don't forget my friend. I will often write to me in the future, and I will also write to you."

"Okay." Yu Xiujuan nodded with a smile.

It is rare to have such a friend as Chen Xiayue. Of course Yu Xiujuan will not forget her, so even if she moves away, she will often write to her.

"Let me tell you..." The two didn't say much about the transfer or move, and they talked for a long time about the child.

They are both mothers, especially since they both have a daughter, and the age difference is not too big, so they have more common topics when they chat.

And Yu Xiujuan has also helped Zhang Chengyu a lot in recent years. The reason why Zhang Chengyu's embroidery skills have progressed so quickly is because of Yu Xiujuan's guidance. Zhang Chengyu is regarded as half of Yu Xiujuan's apprentice.

So Yu Xiujuan left, and Zhang Chengyu also gave her something to express his gratitude and reluctance.

Yu Xiujuan's family moved out quickly, but Chen Xiayue didn't feel bad about it. After all, Lu Zhanguo moved out because of promotion. She should be happy for Yu Xiujuan.

Moreover, their family was originally from the north. If they were transferred to the northeast side this time, it would be much easier for them to go home.

They just don't know what to do in winter after they have lived in the south for so long after they return to the north. Chen Xiayue was very worried, but she didn't dare to take out warm clothes for Yu Xiujuan's family, which were strategic materials.

The days are still to pass, Nuan Nuan grows up day by day, and all the cold medicines, cough medicines, and antipyretic medicines prepared by Chen Xiayue are available. In fact, there are medicines that work quickly in the 22nd century, but the cost is not that low. .

The medicines that Chen Xiayue had studied before were all low-cost, and although the effects were good, they were definitely not as fast as those in the 22nd century. This time is the same, the prescriptions Chen Xiayue researched are very low cost, and the effect is faster than that in the 21st century, but not as fast as in the 22nd century.

"The safety bracelet and the tracing compass have been officially put into use, and the tracing compass has helped you find a lot of children," Zhang Chengchuan said.

He also understands that the traffic in this era is not as developed as in the 21st century, so he understands that it will take more time for the compass to find those who have been abducted, but she believes that some parents who love their children don't care of.

As long as they can find their children, they don't care how much time it takes, they only worry that their children will suffer more after a long time.

"But when I took out the compass for finding people, I found some nasty things." Zhang Chengchuan said with a blank face, "What is a father who wants to marry a new daughter-in-law with a good family background. His children were sold to human traffickers, and the stepmother sold the children to human traffickers because of the unpleasant stepchildren.”

"There are some that are sold because the grandparents don't like their granddaughters. Some are sold by other relatives."

"Those children who were sold by their relatives don't know what to do when they find them. If their relatives can sell them once, is it possible that they won't be sold again in the future?" Zhang Chengchuan was very distressed.

Indeed, if their relatives are unwilling to raise them, there are still orphanages that can be raised. But in this day and age, everyone is very poor. How can the orphanage raise so many children? How to feed them well and dress well and still have to go to school?

The most important thing is that the care of relatives is irreplaceable, and not all orphanages can give children the same care as relatives.

"It's already very good." Chen Xiayue sighed, "Those parents who love their children can find their children, which is enough to make people happy. Other things... After all, nothing is perfect in the world."

Zhang Chengchuan nodded in approval, "Fortunately, after four or five years, everyone's living standard is very good now."

Zhang Chengchuan is really lucky, because his daughter-in-law's farm system has really helped a lot. Those high-yield grains have really saved countless people, so that everyone can eat enough and not starve to death.

And those other plants, which are all very good. The most important thing is that many of the things exchanged on the farm have made money.

Although Huaxia is still a bit poor now, it is much better than it was four or five years ago, and can afford many people.

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