The information on toothbrushes and toothpaste was quickly translated by Zhang Chengchuan, and the interstellar universal script actually exists on Earth, so it is not that no one knows this script, and it is not only Zhang Chengchuan who knows it.

So in the 22nd century, Zhang Chengchuan translated with the teachers, and quickly translated the production methods of toothbrushes and toothpastes, and the rest was for everyone to study.

Zhang Chengchuan gave the formula to the teachers. Although the technology in the 22nd century is also very advanced, it is not as good as Interstellar. Therefore, the technology of this toothbrush and toothpaste has been ahead for many years, and the maintenance of teeth is beyond the 22nd century.

In the 22nd century, it is not that no one suffers from toothache. Although some people will fill and clean their teeth to make their teeth more beautiful, everyone also wants to make their teeth better.

The most important thing is that Zhang Chengchuan hopes that a processing factory of this kind of toothpaste and toothbrush can be built here in the 22nd century. In the future, he can get the goods from the 22nd century and sell them to other planes.

For example, in the 21st century, such as the magic plane, etc., that is all possible.

Chen Xiayue did not study toothpaste either. After she wrote down the formula and studied it in depth, she sent the recipe for toothpaste and toothbrush to the leaders above and asked them to study it by themselves.

Whether it's their leaders in this plane or Chen Xiayue from the 21st century, they have all sent it over. How can you not share something good?

Chen Xiayue likes money and likes to sell things to make money, but to be honest, she doesn't care much about handing over these things to the country, so let them study and sell together and share the money she can earn.

Chen Xiayue is living a good life now. Although she has traveled back to the poor 1960s, she is not suffering at all because of the farm system. She does not need to work in the fields or go to work every day like others. Let yourself eat and drink well and live well, so you don't care so much about money.

Why did she work so hard in her previous life? Of course, it's because there is no money, because if you don't work, you don't have money, and you don't live well. But this life is different. With the existence of the farm, she doesn't need to work so hard.

It also led to the fact that the current Chen Xiayue does not have much obsession with making money, and has never thought about holding on to any good things, but sharing it with his motherland.

Chen Xiayue has always believed that when the country is strong, as a commoner of this country, she can live well. And China is the motherland she loves deeply. She hopes that she can get better and better.

After Chen Xiayue handed in the recipe for toothpaste and toothbrush, she didn't care much. She waited for Zhang Chengchuan to translate the medical materials and medical books from Ans and the others. She just needs to play with her daughter before it has been translated. Just play.

Nuan Nuan and grandparents went to Grandpa Liu and they lived there for a few days and finally came back. Chen Xiayue missed her daughter for several days, and the mother and daughter hugged together sticky. Zhang Chengchuan, the father, was pushed aside. went.

Zhang Chengchuan, who also misses his daughter very much: "..."

"Dad...Dad..." The one-and-a-half-year-old Nuan Nuan was already speaking very neatly. Seeing her father looked "lost", she struggled out of her mother's arms and rushed into her father's arms to comfort her.

"Hey, Dad's baby Nuan Nuan is so good." Zhang Chengchuan laughed suddenly. Why didn't he like his baby daughter so cute?

Nuan Nuan is back, and Chen Xiayue's life is similar to before, but she spends most of her time with her daughter. But in fact, Nuan Nuan will play or work with grandparents, or play with brothers and sisters who come home from school.

These children of Zhang's family really like Nuan Nuan. Even Guoling, a sister who is less than a few years older than Nuan Nuan, likes Nuan Nuan very much. Who makes Nuan Nuan's mouth sweet and cute?

Nuan Nuan's character is not very domineering, and she also likes to share the things her parents gave her to her brothers and sisters who have a good relationship with her. Sometimes she also protects her brothers and sisters, and can distinguish between those who like her and those who don't like her, so she gets along very freely, making her brothers and sisters like her very much.

Nuan Nuan is so popular that Chen Xiayue is also very happy. After her brothers and sisters come back from school, Chen Xiayue can relax for a while. After all, there are brothers and sisters who help to bring Nuan Nuan.

Because these older children helped her bring warmth, either playing in their own yard or playing in a relatively flat place outside, which helped her reduce the pressure and kept her from worrying about not seeing the warmth. For her safety, Chen Xiayue also gave them a lot of benefits.

For example, I give them some candy from time to time, most of which are toffee, after all, the toffee she makes is more nutritious. Then there are cakes and breads, or snacks such as mung bean cake, lotus cake, and thousand layer cake.

"Thank you auntie." Zhang Guoan, who received the thousand-layer pastry from Chen Xiayue, thanked his aunt with a smile on his face. He was very happy to be able to play with his lovely Nuan Nuan sister every day and get such delicious food.

"Why didn't you see Guowen today?" Chen Xiayue shook her head to show that she was welcome, and then asked why Zhang Guoan hadn't seen his twin brother Zhang Guowen?

"Guowen and my mother went to my grandmother's house, and my aunt is getting married." Zhang Guoan said while eating snacks.

"Oh? Your aunt is married, why did your mother take the Chinese language with you instead of you?" Chen Xiayue was very curious, after all, wouldn't it be more festive for twins to attend the wedding together? Why did you bring Zhang Guowen with you?

"I wanted to play with Nuan Nuan, so I didn't go back with my mother." Zhang Guoan said embarrassedly. In fact, he didn't want to go to his grandmother's house because the food made by his aunt was more delicious.

Anyway, children don't have to go to the wedding with the adults. Wu Hongmei took Zhang Guowen just because Zhang Guowen wanted to see it. If Zhang Guoan didn't want to go, then he didn't go.

Chen Xiayue nodded, "I didn't even know that your aunt was married, and your mother didn't say anything."

"Hey, didn't my mother say anything?" Zhang Guoan thought for a while and said, "I heard from my mother that my aunt was able to find such a good uncle thanks to you, otherwise it would be impossible for my aunt to find such a good uncle."

Zhang Guoan knew very well that his aunt had a lot of pimples on his face in the past, and his nephew couldn't bear to look directly at him, let alone others?

I heard from my mother that it was because the things she developed helped the aunt heal the marks on her face, so the aunt was able to find such a good uncle.

"Mom also said that I was going to give you a gift to auntie. Thank you, auntie, for your help so much to my aunt. Why, didn't my mother send it?" Zhang Guoan asked.

"You said this..." Chen Xiayue thought for a while, before she remembered it for a while. "It turns out that the basket of eggs your mother gave was to thank me for helping your aunt. I thought I often gave you and Guowen delicious food, so your mother gave me a gift in return."

It was because the concubines sent things back and forth, and she didn't care why she and Wu Hongmei sent things. After all, these young daughters-in-law of their Zhang family are often gift-giving, and they are too lazy to think about the reason. Anyway, everyone will come and go, so don't worry about someone receiving something and not returning the gift.

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