Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 459: Huaxia brand electric toothbrush 1

21st century Internet VB super talk, Xia Yue grocery store super talk.

[Did you see, on the official side, the official blog of the health organization suddenly posted a VB and @Xiayue grocery store, although Xiayue grocery store did not apply for a VB account. 】

[I saw it, the information about the tooth care electric toothbrush said that it was a recipe handed in by Xiayue grocery store, so it was officially produced and sold by the official side, so I would like to thank Xiayue grocery store. 】

[Is that toothbrush really that useful? Can you really clean your teeth? 】

[The price of this electric toothbrush is a bit expensive, is the price of 288 serious? 】

[The price of an electric toothbrush is 288, which is not too expensive. There are thousands of foreign brands. 】

[I just want to know if this electric toothbrush can really clean teeth? According to its introduction, it can effectively remove tooth stains, tartar and calculus. Are you serious? 】

[Wait until it's on sale, buy one and try it out, don't you know? Official things are generally not deceiving, especially this electric toothbrush is a formula handed over by Xia Yue grocery store. 】

[But this time, why didn't Xiayue grocery store sell it by itself? You must know that many grocery stores in the past have also handed in prescriptions to cooperate with the official, but they all sell them. This time, the electric toothbrush and the matching toothpaste are not sold. 】

【Are you guilty? This Xiayue grocery store has been known to cheat money day by day. Now I plan to cheat the official one and I don't plan to do it. When the electric toothbrush has a problem, it will be the official problem, and it has nothing to do with her store. This abacus works really well. 】

[Don't say it if you can't speak upstairs, are you afraid it's not the sunspot sent by your peers? 】

[Official sales of electric toothbrushes in person should have attracted the attention of many people. After all, the market for electric toothbrushes is still very good. Of course, colleagues are worried that their electric toothbrushes cannot be sold. 】

[If the electric toothbrush jointly sold by the official and Xiayue grocery store this time is really the same as the function it introduced, then there is no market for electric toothbrushes on the market. After all, those electric toothbrushes do not have the function of removing calculus effectively and effectively. . 】

[Isn't the grocery store amazing? Why didn't you sell it this time? Are they trying to cheat the officials? This electric toothbrush has no publicity effect at all, and the official side will be scolded by then. 】

[That is, hasn't Xiayue Grocery Store cooperated well with the official these years? Why didn't you sell this electric toothbrush this time? It must be because electric toothbrushes are useless, so they are afraid that people who buy toothbrushes will scold them. 】

[Of course, we have to clear the relationship. Electric toothbrushes will be useless at that time, so customers who have been deceived will only scold the official government instead of this grocery store. 】

[scheming, it is too scheming. 】

[…Why are there so many Kuroko and Sailors in the super talk? 】

【When did new news about Xiayue Groceries spread out without Sunspot coming to fish in troubled waters? 】

[Get used to, get used to. 】

Hu Zhaozhao didn't care about the sunspots in the super talk at all, and even the news of the official pre-sale of electric toothbrushes this time was already on the end of the hot search.

She was a real beneficiary of Xia Yue Grocery Store. Back then, she was an ordinary young woman who had gained weight after getting married and had children, had poor skin, and lost her eyesight due to playing mobile phones.

Even because she didn't take good care of her after giving birth, her aunt was uncomfortable during her period. Although the dysmenorrhea was not that serious, it also caused her a lot of trouble.

But Xia Yue grocery store saved her. After she got Mingmu pill, she no longer had to be ten meters away from men and women. After getting Mingmu pill, she no longer rejected shopping, because she no longer had to worry about herself When shopping, you can't see the signs of the shops.

You must know that when her eyesight deteriorated, she could not read the signs on the supermarkets when she went to unfamiliar supermarkets, and she could not figure out which area the things she wanted were in. At that time, when she went to the supermarket, she either went to a supermarket where she was familiar with the distribution of various products, or asked the shopping guide where the items she wanted were in.

Even going to the supermarket is so troublesome, and because she doesn't feel comfortable wearing glasses and doesn't bother to get glasses, it's really troublesome when she goes out.

You said that people with severe eyesight that can't see the seconds on the traffic lights without myopia glasses, what do they do when they go out? Especially when driving, you may accidentally run a red light or fail to catch a green light or something.

But Hu Zhaozhao's condition has improved a lot after she has Mingmu Pills. After her eyesight has been restored, she can see everything clearly. Just looking at the scenery of the village can make people happy and relaxed.

When you go out shopping, you no longer need to worry about not being able to see the signs clearly, and you no longer need to worry about not being able to see the traffic lights. Every time I wait for the red light, I see only a blur of red and green on the traffic light, which is also very helpless.

And the appearance of weight loss pills made her walking figure recover a lot after giving birth, even a lot thinner than before she got married.

Hu Zhaozhao's weight before marriage was either 100 jin or 106 jin. As a result, after giving birth to a child, she did not pay attention to maintenance and liked to eat, and her weight soared to a More than one hundred and ten pounds, nearly one hundred and twenty pounds.

Well now, after taking the weight loss pills, Hu Zhaozhao's weight has dropped to about 90 pounds, and she has not lost herself very thin. Even though she is about 1.6 meters tall, she keeps her weight between 90 and 95 pounds, and does not make herself very thin or fat.

Hu Zhaozhao, who is skinny and beautiful, doesn't care much, as long as she's not fat enough to walk around, she doesn't really want to lose weight. Now that she has reduced to about 90 pounds, she is very satisfied. She is too thin and doesn't think it is good. She is not a star and does not need to worry about being too fat for the photo.

Because of the shadow of Xiayue grocery store in every aspect of her life, she got so many benefits, she really didn't have the mood to pay attention to what those Hei Xiayue grocery store Heizi said, she was reading the introduction of this electric toothbrush.

Although it is said that the Xiayue grocery store did not sell the electric toothbrush together this time, the official said that this electric toothbrush is a formula provided by the Xiayue grocery store. When the official news was released, the Xiayue grocery store also released There is a pre-sale, but it is not on the shelves now.

The Xiayue grocery store said that the product is hung up, indicating that the electric toothbrush is known to the grocery store, and they are ready to sell it, but they have no plans to sell it now, and the official side will sell it first.

Hu Zhaozhao is very concerned about the function of this electric toothbrush. The toothbrush has a strong cleaning ability, and the matching toothpaste also has various effects on the oral cavity and teeth. Of course, she is interested.

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