Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 460: Huaxia brand electric toothbrush 2

Just as her figure was out of shape and her eyesight decreased, so did her teeth. When she was a child, her teeth were very white and neat, but as a country girl, she did not wear braces to straighten her teeth like many girls. Even after graduating from secondary school, she did not brush her teeth twice a day as she used to when she was in school. Just brushed once in the morning.

Because of this, because Hu Zhaozhao's teeth have not been carefully maintained over the years, several teeth have been missing, like a complete fruit that has been bitten or two.

And because the toothbrushes she uses are very common, the stains on her teeth cannot be thoroughly cleaned every time, and several places at the roots of her teeth are black.

Occasionally, Hu Zhaozhao was able to get out a few tartar that fell off. Therefore, Hu Zhaozhao doesn't dare to laugh now. After all, she is very embarrassed with such ugly teeth exposed, isn't she?

After taking slimming pills to lose weight, Mingmu pills to improve her eyesight, acne cream and snow face cream to take care of her skin, Hu Zhaozhao went to the hospital to have her teeth cleaned and filled. Now her teeth are not as bad as they used to be.

But Hu Zhaozhao is still very worried that her teeth will be dirty, or have cavities, caries, or rotten teeth, so she definitely wants to buy this electric toothbrush. She wants to try the effect of the electric toothbrush. Is it true? Same.

And her children, who love to eat and drink at a young age, like to eat all kinds of snacks and drink all kinds of carbonated beverages, and their teeth are not very good at a young age. Hu Zhaozhao also hopes that this electric toothbrush can treat his children. Teeth are also cleaned.

Hu Zhaozhao's nephew, a 16- or 17-year-old boy, often suffers from toothache and swollen face, so Hu Zhaozhao feels that an electric toothbrush is what they need most now.

Cong Jianghai is also paying attention to the problem of electric toothbrushes. People in their early thirties are also married. Although the house is dead, the Xia Yue grocery store will not become a fat house.

Relying on the manuscript fee earned by her own efforts and the things from the Xia Yue grocery store to maintain her body and image, she finally got a girlfriend and got married.

Now Cong Jianghai is the father of a little girl, but he still pays close attention to the news of Xia Yue grocery store.

And electric toothbrush, he also needs it.

Cong Jianghai's teeth are not that bad, but his mouth often smells bad - his wife complains every time that she won't kiss her if she doesn't brush her teeth.

So Cong Jianghai wants to know if this electric toothbrush has the function of treating bad breath. It is not because he is in bad health that he has bad breath in his mouth, so as long as the problem of teeth is properly treated, there should be no problem, right?

The production process of electric toothbrushes is a lot simpler, it is suitable for earth technology, and the effect is of course very good. The basic cleaning function is very good. The official side must have tested it after making the sample, and the effect is really good.

The people on the official side have used this electric toothbrush, and the effect is really obvious. After using it for the first time, you can clearly feel that your teeth are a lot cleaner. After using it with the toothbrush about four or five times, I can feel that my teeth are really whiter.

And the experimental results have proved that such an electric toothbrush does not actually hurt the teeth. After all, many people are worried that the cleaning ability of the toothbrush is so strong, will it also damage the tooth surface?

However, the experimental results proved that this is not the case. The brush of the toothbrush does not hurt the teeth. It is enough to use the normal mode for brushing. For the first time and the problem of the teeth is more serious, the strong mode is needed.

The first batch of electric toothbrushes sold by the official side was named "Huaxia" brand. Chen Xiayue told the official side that all the things she cooperated with the official side were called the Huaxia brand. Whether it is the 21st century plane or the 20th century plane on Chen Xiayue's side, all the things she cooperates with the official are Huaxia brand things.

The Huaxia brand electric toothbrush was put on the shelves for the first time with 100,000 pieces. The price of each toothbrush is 288, and two toothbrush heads are given as a gift. That's right, electric toothbrushes still need to be replaced every three months, and the official website gives away two brush heads.

The price of 588 is really expensive for many people, and it hurts to look at it. Even if they give away two toothbrush heads, they think it is very expensive.

However, a set of Huaxia brand electric toothbrushes is a toothbrush, two brush heads and a toothpaste. The electric toothbrush originally had a brush head, and there are three as a gift.

In other words, this electric toothbrush can be used for 9 months, and it seems that it is not a loss to spend the price of 588 for about a year.

When the Huaxia brand electric toothbrush was pre-sold, Hu Zhaozhao had already placed an order for 5 pieces. The price of 588 was indeed very expensive, but she bought it for her teeth.

5 toothbrushes because she and her husband, her children and in-laws all need it, and the rest of the relatives don't need her to pay. If you buy 10 toothbrushes, it will cost 5,000 yuan. Even if Hu Zhaozhao's orchard is doing well, she is not so generous to spend 5,000 yuan to buy toothbrushes.

Hu Zhaozhao bought 5 Huaxia brand electric toothbrushes, and Cong Jianghai on the other side also bought 4. His daughter is only one or two years old and does not need electric toothbrushes yet.

When the Huaxia brand electric toothbrush was officially put on the shelves, the 100,000 electric toothbrushes were gone in an instant, and some were pre-sold and some were snapped up.

Hu Zhaozhao also got the electric toothbrush she bought a few days after the electric toothbrush was officially sold. She unpacked it and was very satisfied with the electric toothbrushes of different appearances.

The styles of electric toothbrushes are also different. For example, Hu Zhaozhao bought herself a pink soft and cute cat-style toothbrush handle, her husband’s one was in the shape of a tan tree, and her son’s one was a blue cat The appearance of her parents-in-law is the style of dolphins and whales.

Hu Zhaozhao disassembled his pink cat's electric toothbrush, took out the matching toothpaste, unscrewed the cap and squeezed in the toothpaste, and then began to brush his teeth.

The package of the electric toothbrush also tells you to keep the brushing time at about two minutes, not too short or too long.

Hu Zhaozhao looked in the mirror and brushed his teeth in all directions with a toothbrush. After rinsing his mouth for two minutes, he found that his teeth were really clean.

Of course she also brushed her teeth when she woke up in the morning, but the ordinary toothbrush was not very clean. Then after eating, snacking, etc., something will always be left on the teeth, and some tartar stains will remain.

Now after brushing with an electric toothbrush, Hu Zhaozhao found that it was really clean. The teeth that were not cleaned with ordinary toothbrushes looked really clean, and Hu Zhaozhao was immediately happy.

The Huaxia brand electric toothbrush is so good, she wants to let her husband try it to see if he can clean his yellow teeth from eating betel nut.

Hu Zhaozhao really brought her husband over to try it out. It's different from her going to the hospital to wash and fill her teeth because of her beauty. Her husband's tooth problem was just washed once when she went to the hospital, and then she didn't have it again. Managed.

Hu Zhaozhao's husband, whose teeth are not very clean, brushed his teeth under the watchful eyes of his wife. He didn't expect the effect to be obvious. The first time he brushed his teeth, his teeth were whitened by a few degrees.

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