Chen Xiayue is too lazy to pay attention to Song Wanwan, her relationship with Song Wanwan is not very good, why should she listen to her words?

Although she is also in favor of women having their own careers and not relying on men for everything, it does not mean that she herself is a big heroine and a strong woman.

Of course, the main reason is that Chen Xiayue is lazy. When she used to be a food blogger, she had to be urged by the team for a long time to shoot videos. If she hadn't had to manage the wages of the rest of the team, she would have wanted to keep salting fish. .

Lazy and lacking in ambition, Chen Xiayue, who doesn't want to do anything other than make money to support herself, also has no ambitions now. She already has a golden finger like the farm system, and a promising meal ticket like Zhang Chengchuan. She doesn't really want to go out and start a career.

Of course, it doesn't mean that she won't learn anything if she doesn't go out for a career. She has to study seriously at any time. The most important thing is to have a skill, right?

In her previous life, she relied on her culinary talent to become a food blogger. In this life, she will certainly not fail such an opportunity if she can study pharmacology well.

What Song Wanwan said to make her leave Yunhe Brigade to go to college and go out, she never thought about it.

She also wants to go out, but she thinks that the market will be opened up in the future. She and Zhang Chengchuan will find a way to open a store or do something, instead of going out by taking the university entrance examination - again, she has the channels to study and does not need to compete with others for this rare chance.

Chen Xiayue ignored Song Wanwan, but Song Wanwan was still saying that her tone was gentle but with some encouragement, just hoping that Chen Xiayue could ignite the fighting spirit, get rid of the current "predicament" and break out, and then break out of her own world.

Chen Xiayue felt that something was wrong, Song Wanwan meant to encourage her to abandon her husband and daughter? Throwing the child to Zhang Chengchuan, then divorced and returned to the county to take the college entrance examination?

When the time comes to go to the university, that is the sky high and the birds fly?

Chen Xiayue looked at Song Wanwan, she really couldn't figure out why Song Wanwan had such an idea, and spared no effort in encouraging herself to take the college entrance examination.

At first glance, Song Wanwan's words didn't sound like much of a problem, she just hoped that Chen Xiayue would pursue women's freedom and not be bound by her family.

However, even though Chen Xiayue's emotional intelligence is not very high, she can hear that she wants her to leave her husband and daughter who are "holding back" and go outside to pursue a wider world by herself.

how? Does she have a grudge against Song Wanwan? Otherwise, why did she encourage her to leave the family so much, wishing their family had no good ending?

Chen Xiayue would not know that Song Wanwan came to tell her this because when the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination came, she received a telegram from her home.

The telegram from her family implicitly expressed her request to destroy Zhang Chengchuan's house. The telegram meant to let her prevent Zhang Chengchuan from taking the college entrance examination and not let Zhang Chengchuan walk out of the Yunhe Brigade.

Song Wanwan also saw that some people from other battalions who married educated youths were making trouble because of the fact that educated youths participated in the college entrance examination, so she planned to entice Chen Xiayue to abandon her husband and daughter to take the college entrance examination. It is best to hurt Zhang Chengchuan severely. There is no experience to review, to take the college entrance examination.

Song Wanwan's purpose is to hope that Chen Xiayue can hurt Zhang Chengchuan severely. It would be better if she could get a divorce and hit Zhang Chengchuan hard.

Of course, the reason why Song Wanwan did this was that she was jealous of Chen Xiayue, jealous that Chen Xiayue had married such a good person.

They are also city girls, why does Chen Xiayue not have to work after marrying in the country? Why is Chen Xiayue still treated like a baby by her husband even after giving birth to a daughter?

Song Wanwan originally came to Yunhe Brigade to be an educated youth because of her family's assignment, and she had no good intentions towards Zhang Chengchuan's family. As a result, seeing the relationship between Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiayue, and seeing that Chen Xiayue's life is so good, how could she not be jealous?

Song Wanwan knew very well that the telegram from her family was sent by her second brother this time, because her second brother was the last person in their family who wanted Zhang Chengchuan to be admitted to university.

At that time, Zhang Chengchuan failed to enter the university several times in the college entrance examination, because Song Wanwan's second brother did something. Song Wanwan's second brother's purpose is very simple, that is, he doesn't want Zhang Chengchuan to be successful, and he doesn't want Zhang Chengchuan to really leave the Yunhe Brigade.

Song Wanwan didn't know why her second brother was so afraid of Zhang Chengchuan. Anyway, their ability was good, they just prevented Zhang Chengchuan from taking the university entrance examination. No one cared so much.

What Song Wanwan didn't know was that her second brother was reborn. She regarded Zhang Chengchuan as her biggest opponent in her last life, and she didn't want Zhang Chengchuan to be successful.

At the beginning, Zhang Chengchuan's grades were very good, but every time he took the college entrance examination, there would be an accident. Although some people suspected that Zhang Chengchuan had offended someone, no one found out and no one wanted to know who he offended.

But in fact, it was the second brother Song Wanwan, who was thousands of miles away, who hated Zhang Chengchuan and didn't want him to go well in the college entrance examination, and he didn't want him to go to university.

Song Wanwan's second brother knew very well that Zhang Chengchuan in his previous life was very good, and pressed him everywhere. He was always compared with Zhang Chengchuan, and he always lost.

Later, he was fired because Zhang Chengchuan did something wrong, and he hated Zhang Chengchuan even more.

If it wasn't for Zhang Chengchuan's luck, he might have killed Zhang Chengchuan when he started. But now although Zhang Chengchuan is alive, he has been staying in Yunhe Brigade, which makes Song Wanwan's second brother quite satisfied.

But Song Wanwan's second brother didn't know that although Zhang Chengchuan didn't leave the Yunhe Brigade, he also relied on his talent to make a name for it. Song Wanwan also knew that Zhang Chengchuan was capable, but the second brother Song Wanwan felt that since he did not leave the countryside, it would be impossible for him to have the achievements of his previous life, and it would be impossible to put him on his head so that he would never be able to match.

"Zhang Chengchuan, you will stay in the country honestly for the rest of your life, and I can keep you alive. In this life, you will never try to surpass me." The second brother of the Song family, who has been working in a research institute for several years, is ruthless. said.

After he was reborn, he started to deal with Zhang Chengchuan. Although it was not enough to kill him, it was absolutely impossible for Zhang Chengchuan to leave the Yunhe Brigade and their small county town.

The most important thing is that Zhang Chengchuan can't be admitted to the university, can't let him shine and attract his teachers. When the second brother of the Song family thought that Zhang Chengchuan was praised and maintained by his teacher everywhere in his previous life, he hated his teeth.

They are both students of the same school. As a result, he tried so hard to join the teacher's name but was repeatedly rejected, but Zhang Chengchuan could easily become that teacher's closed disciple. How could he accept it?

Isn't Zhang Chengchuan just a scumbag, why can he be better than him everywhere? How can he be more favored by the teacher than him?

The most important thing is that the girl he liked in his previous life liked Zhang Chengchuan, but Zhang Chengchuan was hanging around the girl he liked for several years.

In this life, Zhang Chengchuan married a sick child. He married his beloved girl early, and it was impossible to like Zhang Chengchuan again-because he would not let Zhang Chengchuan appear in front of her.

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