Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 467: warm fight 1

Song Wanwan's second brother stopped paying attention to Zhang Chengchuan after he knew that Zhang Chengchuan had given up the college entrance examination and became a second-rate person. Zhang Chengchuan had become a waste in the quagmire, then his purpose had been achieved, and there was no need to pay attention to him.

It's just that when his sister was about to go to the countryside to become an educated youth, he used some means to arrange her in Zhang Chengchuan's town. The reason why Song Wanwan was assigned to the Yunhe Brigade was just a coincidence. He just arranged for her sister to go to the town there. Which team is assigned to is luck.

After learning about the resumption of the college entrance examination, Song Wanwan's second brother sent a telegram to her sister, and even sent her some review materials to allow her to take the college entrance examination. Zhang Chengchuan's wife and son were separated, and it would be better if the whole person was completely depressed.

"Director Song, there is a problem with a project, I need you to take a look."

Just when Song Wanwan's second brother thought that Zhang Chengchuan had better be completely rotten, he would either be a waste because of the separation of his wife, or he could not accept his wife's betrayal and committed suicide, or died with his wife who betrayed him, someone reminded him. Go to work.

The second brother Song Wanwan packed up his emotions and followed the person who came to tell him to leave.

Song Wanwan's second brother was already the director of the research institute at the age of twenty-eight. He was very capable and took care of others when he was working on projects.

After all, the second brother Song Wanwan has memories of his previous life. Although he has targeted Zhang Chengchuan everywhere in this life, his professional ability is not bad. And he is also very serious about his work, but he is just a demon like Zhang Chengchuan.

Zhang Chengchuan didn't even know that he was being targeted. When the college entrance examination was not smooth, he searched for a long time and found nothing. Now that his family is happy and happy, it is even more impossible to think that what happened many years ago was someone playing tricks behind him. Can't stand out.

Zhang Chengchuan is still reading and using his spare time to translate the materials his daughter-in-law needs, while Chen Xiayue is studying the interstellar pharmacology book that Zhang Chengchuan has translated while taking Nuan Nuan, and has no time to worry about the ups and downs outside. .

Song Wanwan didn't have many reasons to contact Chen Xiayue. She also wanted to go back to the city, and she also wanted to take the college entrance examination and go to university. So she still spends more time reviewing, instead of having a lot of time to block Chen Xiayue and provoke her to abandon her husband and daughter.

"Mommy mommy--"


"Come out to me from Zhang Chengchuan's family - I won't say anything if you don't give me an explanation - come out for me -"

Chen Xiayue looked at Nuan Nuan who was running home on short legs, then looked at the nephews and nieces behind her daughter, and then the scolding woman's voice.

Chen Xiayue rubbed her forehead. Could it be that she has to face the matter of children fighting and being called parents after reading books for so many years?

Chen Xiayue looked at Nuan Nuan who rushed towards her, and after catching her, she looked at her nephew and niece, wondering what happened.

"Auntie, Li Erping hit Nuan Nuan, and then Nuan Nuan hit him. He bullied Nuan Nuan."

"Auntie, Li Erping grabs Nuan Nuan's things. If Nuan Nuan doesn't give him, he will call Nuan Nuan."

The nephews and nieces are chatting about this incident, because the older children are either in high school or junior high school, and are not in the village, so now they are bringing Nuan Nuan to a few older brothers and sisters who are still in elementary school.

And older children seldom like to play with one or two-year-old little dolls like Nuan Nuan. At this moment, Nuan Nuan is accompanied by little dolls of four or five years old, and the oldest is no more than seven years old.

The twittering children didn't express the context clearly enough, but Chen Xiayue could understand even by guessing that it was the little doll who asked Nuan Nuan if he wanted something, so he had to fight Nuan Nuan, and if he won, he could **** it away .

As a result, Nuan Nuan's strength is much greater than that of ordinary children. Now Nuan Nuan's strength is not comparable to that of a one or two-year-old baby. Although she is only one year old and less than two years old, her strength is smaller than that of six or seven year olds. The child is the same.

If someone wants to grab something from Nuan Nuan's hand and wants to hit her, she will definitely hit her.

Li Erping is only four or five years old now, so if he fights Nuan Nuan, who has the strength of a five or six-year-old child, he will definitely lose.

"From Zhang Chengchuan's family—what do you mean? Let your daughter beat my son? It's just a little girl, how dare she?"

Li Erping's mother Liu Sanmei rushed over with her son angrily, while her son Li Erping was still crying, although his voice was not so loud, he was still choking.

Chen Xiayue saw that the little doll was not injured anywhere, and there was no place where the skin was broken and bleeding, but the little doll's face was a little red, it should be warm.

Chen Xiayue looked at Liu Sanmei and said calmly, "What's wrong with my daughter being a little girl? If my child is a girl, I can be bullied by your arrogant child at will?"

"What did you say? Is it still reasonable for your daughter to beat my son? Look, look at your daughter's face when she beat my Erping! Zhang Chengchuan's family, how do you plan to pay?" Liu Sanmei took her son to rush Chen Xiayue said.

"Pay? What? Why?" Chen Xiayue asked calmly.

"Does your child need to pay for hitting my son? Your family is just a loser, a worthless little girl. My son is a boy!" Liu Sanmei said confidently.

"I'm sorry, your son is your baby but my daughter is also mine. I would like to ask you, why did your Li Erping steal my daughter's things? If you can't grab it, you still want to beat my family Nuan Nuan, but Nuan Nuan beat her back. That's what he deserves." Chen Xiayue said.

If it was Nuan Nuan who picked things up to beat and bully people first, she would still apologize, but this time it wasn't her family Nuan Nuan who was at fault, why should she endure it?

"Your family is just a little girl's movie. What's wrong with my son wanting her things? If you want her things, you can look up to her! A loser, how can it compare to my family's Erping?" Liu Sanmei said very confidently, but the more she It was just being righteous that made Chen Xiayue very angry.

What's the meaning? If her family is Nuan Nuan a girl, she has to indulge those boys unconditionally? Even those boys with bad behavior have to be condoned? Screw you!

"My family is Nuan Nuan, what's wrong? Did you eat your rice?" How could Zhang Chengchuan, who was controlled by his daughter, not know that his daughter was back, but he heard such words as soon as he came out to find his daughter, and immediately went back rudely.

"My daughter Zhang Chengchuan, even if you use a hundred of your sons, you can't match it. You are so arrogant to steal my daughter's things. Who gave you the confidence?"

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