Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 468: warm fight 2

"According to what you mean, your son is a boy. It's okay for her to rob a woman's money in the future? Even if he kills a woman, it's okay?"

"Are you trying to train your son to be a robber or a murderer?" Zhang Chengchuan said blankly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? That's not the case with my Erping! Are you bullying my poor family? My Erping is a little girl, how old is your family?" Liu Sanmei complained vexatly.

"Your family's Erping robbed my family's Nuan Nuan things and beat her without saying anything. We haven't even asked you to talk about it, but now you are asking me to talk about it... Are you planning to beat him up again? Oh, your family's second Ping is just a little baby, for example, if I go to beat your man, and then trouble your family?" Zhang Chengchuan continued.

"You you you..." Liu Sanmei looked at Zhang Chengchuan seriously and knew that he was not joking.

She originally thought that Zhang Chengchuan's family was a girl, and she came to the door to tell her that the couple would compensate their son and clean up the lost money.

As a result, Liu Sanmei was very unhappy in her current state, but she really couldn't fight against Zhang Chengchuan. And she has to admit that her man can't beat Zhang Chengchuan, and their Li family can't beat Zhang's family.

The Zhang family is a big surname with a relatively large population in the Yunhe Brigade, and their Li family is relatively few. If they fight with the Zhang family, they will suffer.

The more Liu Sanmei thought about it, the more angry she became, and the more she felt aggrieved, but she couldn't find her way back, because she couldn't fight against Zhang Chengchuan and his wife.

"What? You still want to corrupt money? Where does your son need to lie down for a few months? You want us to lose money?" Zhang Chengchuan looked at Liu Sanmei coldly. If she said something unpleasant, he didn't mind really going to take Liu Sanmei. Her man beat up.

"You you you..." Liu Sanmei looked at Zhang Chengchuan, then at Chen Xiayue, pointed at their husband and wife and trembled with anger, and finally could only say aggrieved, "I see how long you can be arrogant, what's so great? Isn't it just a girl? Dolls? I curse you to never give birth to sons!"

Liu Sanmei took her son away in aggravated manner, and cursing Zhang Chengchuan not being able to give birth to a son was the most vicious curse in her opinion.

In her opinion, a woman who values ​​sons over women, looks down on female dolls at all, and treats male dolls as treasures, it is the end of the world without a son. And her curse is the most vicious curse on Zhang Chengchuan and his wife.

Zhang Chengchuan watched people leave coldly, then looked back at Nuan Nuan, and finally a smile appeared on his face, "Has Nuan Nuan been scared?"

The fight this time was not the fault of his precious daughter. He was only worried that his daughter would be frightened. The little baby was less than two years old, or was it still him who was frightened and distressed?

"Not afraid." Nuan Nuan said with a smile, yes she is not afraid, although she was a little afraid when Erping cried, but now that her parents are by her side, she is not afraid at all.

Nuan Nuan grew up day by day, became more lively, and became stronger and stronger, and children who wanted to bully her would be beaten back by her.

Chen Xiayue supports her daughter like a bear parent, but she is righteous. Who let those people bully her daughter first? Those people provoked Nuan Nuan first, tried to grab Nuan Nuan's things or beat her first, what happened to Nuan Nuan's counterattack?

You can't think that everything is Nuan Nuan's fault just because Nuan Nuan's force value is higher, right? As for those children who are much older than Nuan Nuan who want to bully Nuan Nuan, they will also be bullied back by other children in the Zhang family.

For example, there is a 12- or 13-year-old child who dislikes Nuan Nuan very much. Nuan Nuan is only less than two years old. The oldest brother and sister who play with her are only seven years old, so these children will suffer when they fight. .

Chen Xiayue did not go to the trouble of looking for the child, but waited for the children at home, such as Zhang Guowen, Zhang Guoan, Zhang Guolong, and other children of similar age to return from school, and then asked them to help their younger siblings find their way back.

When children fight, let the children solve it by themselves. What do adults do?

As for other parents coming to her door, she is not frightened, and it is not her family's Nuan Nuan who picks things up first, why should she swallow it up?

"Mom-mom-" Nuan Nuan was very happy, hugging her mother and kissing and kissing.

Nuan Nuan was raised very well by Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan. The little baby under two years old is white and tender, and because she ate well and slept well, she was also a little fleshy, not very fat but very fleshy. , very flattering.

The reason why someone picks things up and fights with Nuan Nuan is also because some patriarchal families spoil their boys so much that they think Nuan Nuan is a girl and can be bullied.

Her daughter is her baby, and Liu Guiying is also very protective of the calf, so it is impossible to bully Nuan Nuan.

"Where did you go to play today?" Chen Xiayue didn't follow Nuan Nuan from time to time, and of course she didn't let the two-year-old baby go out to play without the supervision of an adult.

Today Nuan Nuan is going out to play with grandma. Now that I have had enough fun, I will hug Chen Xiayue and act like a spoiled child when I go home.

"Nannan, Nannan's house, play." Although Nuan Nuan, who was less than two years old, was not very neat, she was somewhat coherent.

Nuan Nuan is very smart. Although he is not as sensible as a great man when he is less than two years old, he is also as sensible as some three or four year old children.

Chen Xiayue also often treats her daughter with the attitude of three or four-year-old children, but more often she treats her like a baby.

"Nan Nuan, come with Dad, let's go to study." Zhang Chengchuan stretched out his hand to his daughter, and he missed the little girl very much after going out for most of the day today.

Of course Nuan Nuan followed her father happily, because her father gave her delicious food.

Chen Xiayue also gave some fruit to the nephews and nieces who were playing with Nuan Nuan, then looked at Liu Guiying and said, "Is there still a lot of noise outside recently?"

It's already November, the busy farming season has passed, and the news of the college entrance examination has been around for more than half a month. I just don't know if it's still as lively as when the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination first came.

"Why didn't you make a fuss?" Liu Guiying shrugged and said, "The recent marriages with educated youths are a bit noisy, those people didn't plan to let their educated youths take the college entrance examination, because they were afraid that they would never come back and leave their families behind. child."

Chen Xiayue understood, but she didn't plan to express any opinion.

From the villagers' standpoint, it is understandable to worry about their children being abandoned. From the standpoint of the educated youth, if someone prevents oneself from taking the college entrance examination, that is the same great hatred as cutting off one's future and one's life.

"Fortunately." Liu Guiying looked at Chen Xiayue, and was very glad that she didn't plan to see educated youth for her son.

Of course, she also knew that not all educated youth would abandon their countrymates, but she did not have the confidence to think that if her son really married an educated youth, he would be so lucky not to be abandoned by an educated youth who wanted to go back to the city.

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