Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 473: Datang plane 4

"Of course, guest officer, these sweet potatoes were planted by our boss. The yield is absolutely fine. It is true that the yield is five or six thousand catties per mu. There is absolutely no deception." Chen Shan vowed.

"However, our boss took good care of them when they planted them. There is no shortage of fertilization, weeding, and pest control. The yield is so high when the sweet potatoes are taken care of. If other people are planting and fertilizing is not in place, Maybe the yield per mu is only one or two thousand catties, three or four thousand catties and so on.”

"How about guest officer? Do you want to buy some seeds to grow at home?" Chen Shan asked. Their intelligent robot also has performance. If his performance is good, he will get more energy.

The performance of Chen Yi and Chen Er's guests coming and going must be very good, that is, he only faced four guests. But if he sells a lot of goods, the performance he gets must also be high.

So, guest, do you want to buy it? Buy large portions.

"Buy." Li Shimin couldn't refuse. Who wouldn't want his country to be rich and strong? Who doesn't want to be able to make great achievements and become an emperor through the ages?

Li Shimin was an emperor who had led soldiers and fought in wars, and he understood the importance of food even more. He knows very well that there is not so much food now, and the common people can't eat enough, and the soldiers can't eat enough. As the emperor, he has to bring the concubines and concubines of the harem to be frugal, so how can he have high-yield food? Not buying?

How do you sell sweet potatoes? "Li Shimin asked.

Chen Shan immediately became happy after hearing Li Shimin's words, and happily said to Li Shimin, "The price of sweet potatoes is not expensive, you can buy ten catties of sweet potato seeds for one tael of silver. Of course, if you buy other things, too OK."

Chen Shan went back to the cashier, opened the system, looked at the charging standard inside and said, "Guest officer, we can collect calligraphy and painting here, the value of celebrity painting and calligraphy is very good, and we can buy a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes. ."

"Our shop accepts antique calligraphy and paintings, but yours also accepts paintings and calligraphy. The paintings and calligraphy of Chu Suiliang, Ouyang Xun, Yu Shinan, Yan Liben and others are all excellent, and we can all accept them here." Chen Shan said with a smile.

"If there are calligraphy and paintings of adults such as Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng, etc., they can also be exchanged. If there are calligraphy and paintings of Li Jing, Qin Shubao, etc., it is also good." Chen Shan said with a smile, "If your majesty and your wife are also It is also possible to exchange it with your own calligraphy and painting.”

Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun looked at each other, this shop is very evil, how do you know the names of so many people?

"How? Guest officer, do you want to buy it?" Chen Shan asked.

"Buy." Li Shimin said, "But I don't have paintings and calligraphy with me now, can I use this jade pendant to buy it?"

"Okay." Chen Shan took the jade pendant with a smile. After the value of this dragon jade pendant was estimated, Chen Shan smiled and said to Li Shimin, "Guest officer, you can exchange this jade pendant for 2,000 catties of potatoes and sweet potatoes, may I ask you? Want to exchange?"

"Change." Li Shimin nodded.

"I'll also change some, just use this hairpin, I'm going to change some food." Queen Changsun took off a hairpin on her head and put it on the counter.

"Okay, wait a moment, guest." Chen Shan used the system to estimate the value, and then said to Empress Zhangsun, "Guest, you probably have these things that can be exchanged for this hairpin..."

When Li Shimin and Empress Changsun took Li Chengqian out of the store, the couple exchanged 2,000 catties of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and were also given 10 catties of corn seeds by the way. Then Empress Changsun exchanged fifty loaves of bread, one catty of braised pork, five catties of fried chicken, and two catties of flour.

Of course, Li Chengqian also used another piece of his jade pendant for the pen, ink, paper and inkstone. He bought both brushes and pencils, and also bought 100 sheets of A5 paper.

This family of three really brought a lot of things out. When they left the store, they almost filled the small house with more than 2,000 catties of potatoes and sweet potatoes. The Queen Changsun and the others also bought a lot of things.

"Aye, Aniang, brother, are you back?" Li Tai and Li Lizhi waited for a while, and finally waited until their parents and eldest brother came back.

It's just... Li Tai and Li Lizhi looked at the extra things in the room, and silently leaned over to their parents and hugged their thighs, "Aye Aniang, what is this?"

"This is what Aya Niang bought in the store." Li Shimin rubbed the heads of his children and said, "This is a good thing."

It happened to be March of the second year of Zhenguan, and it was the spring ploughing period, so Li Shimin planned to send these potatoes and sweet potatoes to Zhuangzi under his name or the dowry Zhuangzi of Empress Changsun to try and let the people on Zhuangzi plant them.

"Come on, Qingque, Zhi'er, this is something A-Niang bought for you. You can try it." Queen Changsun took out two pieces of bread and handed it to Li Tai and Li Lizhi.

The fifty breads that Queen Changsun bought have different flavors, such as whole wheat bread, tomato bread, butter sandwich bread, strawberry sandwich bread, grape sandwich bread, banana bread and so on. I will give them to Li Taihe now. Li Li's is strawberry sandwich bread.

"Delicious!" Li Tai and Li Lizhi took Queen Changsun's bread in surprise, unpacked it, and ate it happily.

"Today's harvest is very good." Li Shimin looked at the potatoes and sweet potatoes packed in sacks, and remembered that the store clerk said that the yield per mu was a few thousand catties, and his heart burst into flames.

In the early Tang Dynasty, it was too difficult, and Li Shimin also hoped that the country under his rule would be prosperous and strong, and the country would be prosperous and peaceful.

"I'll let the people below come over and take these things to Zhuangzi for planting. It just so happens that the store also gave away the seeds." Li Shimin looked at the sheets of paper pasted on the sack. Scribe wrote the planting method.

"The yield of this corn is also quite high. Although it is not as high as potatoes and sweet potatoes, it still has a yield of 2,000 catties per mu." Empress Zhangsun smiled at the ten catties of corn seeds presented by Chen Shan.

"Yeah." Li Shimin was not dissatisfied, it would be very good to be able to produce two thousand catties per mu. You must know that in this era, the yield of rice and wheat per mu is a few hundred catties, and a grain yield of 500 catties per mu is considered a bumper harvest.

Li Shimin left the house with his wife and children, leaving all the seeds behind, leaving the rest to the palace people to hold, and the family of five returned to the Lizheng Hall.

The fifty pieces of bread bought by Empress Changsun didn't all stay and they ate by themselves. They sent them to Li Shimin's children. Only sons, Li Shimin has eight sons, and there are seven other than the two princes who died prematurely.

Li Chengqian and Li Tai ate with their parents in the Lizheng Hall, while the other five princes were with their mother-in-law. The princesses also stayed with their mothers and concubines. Empress Zhangsun divided the bread into several portions, leaving 15 of them and their family of five to eat by themselves, and the rest were given to the princes and princesses.

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