Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 474: Datang plane 5

Li Chengqian and the others were eating the braised pork that was returned from the grocery store, and they were very happy. They hadn't eaten such delicious meat for a long time.

Empress Changsun took care of several children, and of course she also prepared a lot of dishes for Li Shimin to let him eat more.

"Auntie, can I still eat such delicious food in the future? I still want to eat it." Li Tai said while eating.

The dining room also steamed the sweet potatoes and potatoes. The clerk told them that the potatoes and sweet potatoes can be eaten after they are washed and steamed. As for other more recipes, they still need to be exchanged. It was only brought by Li Shimin and his wife. There are not many things to change.

Sweet potatoes are a little sweet, and potatoes are floury and delicious. After tasting one potato and one sweet potato, Li Shimin was more determined to grow these two crops.

As for this corn, he also told people to plant it.

"Next time I'll go over and ask if this corn is for sale. We'll buy the corn and cook it to see what it tastes like," said Li Shimin.

"Well, sweet potatoes taste very good and sweet." Queen Changsun said while wiping her mouth. To be honest, today's meal was very satisfying. They haven't eaten so much for a long time.

Empress Changsun came from a wealthy family and had a generous dowry, but that didn't mean she didn't endure hardship. Although she was in the rear when Li Tang conquered the world back then, she was not without danger or suffering at all.

But now that she is an empress, Li Shimin, the emperor, has set an example to live frugally because the treasury is not rich and the people are living hard. Of course, as an empress, she also follows.

Not only Empress Changsun herself, but even a few children have to follow along to save money, and the concubines in the harem are similar to the princes and princesses. The emperor himself is so thrifty, who does extravagance and extravagance? I'm afraid that I'm not rushing to make the emperor unhappy.

Besides, the royal family cannot compete with the people for profit. The common people and aristocratic families can do business to make money, but neither the emperor nor his children can do business, which is miserable.

"If potatoes and sweet potatoes are really planted, then the common people will be able to eat enough." Empress Changsun is someone who has lived through the war and turmoil, of course she knows what kind of life the common people live.

Even if the Tang Dynasty is now settled down, it does not mean that there is no battle to be fought, and the life of the common people may not be so good. The people of their royal family are not doing so well, not to mention the powerless common people?

"Yeah." Li Shimin nodded to indicate that she was right, then looked at Li Chengqian and said, "Gao Ming, where are the ink, ink, ink, and ink you just bought? Take it out and take a look."

"Also, have you finished your homework today?" Li Shimin asked.

"It's not finished yet." Li Chengqian shook his head and said, and then asked the palace servant to take out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone he just took out.

The A5 paper is relatively large, so Li Chengqian asked someone to take out a piece of paper and spread it on the desk, then looked at the brushes he had just bought, and took out another bottle of ink to write.

"What kind of pen is this?" Li Shimin looked at the pencil in confusion, then saw the pencil sharpener and followed the instructions to sharpen the pencil.

Li Shimin tried to scratch the sharpened pencil on the paper, but it left light marks, and he scratched the paper with a little force.

"This..." Li Shimin looked at the pencil and couldn't say whether it was good or bad, but the pencil was more convenient.

Pencils are always more convenient to carry than brushes. Otherwise, if you go out with a pencil, you have to carry ink and inkstone. When you need to use it, you have to grind it, which is quite troublesome.

"Aye, I want to play." Li Lizhi came over and said, and then Li Lizhi got a pencil and a piece of paper that was cut, and then took the pen to write and draw.

Li Chengqian observed while writing. The pen, ink, and paper were all very good. Even if it was not as good as premium rice paper, the output of this kind of paper should be good. He saw a lot of this kind of paper in that shop.

And just like those potatoes and sweet potatoes, the store should be in the warehouse instead of putting all the paper on the shelves. If he wants to buy more paper, the store should be able to get it.

When Li Shimin's family of five was full, the potatoes and sweet potatoes had already been sent out of the palace by the palace servants and sent to Li Shimin's Zhuangzi.

Following the potatoes and sweet potatoes, there were also a few pieces of paper on which they wrote how to plant potatoes and sweet potatoes. Compared with Zhuangzi's steward, he could understand them, and he also knew how to instruct the farmers on Zhuangzi to plant them.

In the harem, because of the bread given by Empress Changsun, several princes and princesses were very happy. After all, the bread was really delicious.

The concubines and concubines who gave birth to children all received these breads, but the palace servants who sent them said that the empress gave them to the prince and princess, and they were not good at robbing the children of the food.

But some children are still very filial, sharing half of it with their mothers and concubines, and then those concubines will taste the delicious bread.

The fluffy, soft and sweet bread is really very popular. The quality of life of the concubines after entering the palace is also very good, but the emperor and queen are frugal and they can surpass these two? They haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time.

And the concubines who didn't have children were all envious and jealous after hearing the news, and they also wanted to taste what the Queen's concubine rewarded.

The eighth prince Li Zhen was less than a year old, so the bread must have been eaten by his mother concubine Yan Defei. The seventh prince, Li Yun, was not very old, and their mother ate all their bread.

The third prince Li Ke and the sixth prince Li Min were the children of Concubine Yang, so both brothers were given bread. They were very filial and shared with the concubine Yang.

"Niang, do you know who made these food? How did Niang get it?" Li Ke asked while eating bread.

Li Ke and Concubine Yang were not worried about the uneatable bread that the Queen sent. It was so blatant that they sent so many people. If something went wrong, the Queen was also responsible, so they had to ensure that the food was safe.

"You just need to eat." Concubine Yang smiled and reassured her son, no matter where the food came from, it was also sent by the queen, and their mother and son should not care so much.

Li Ke looked at his mother and his younger brother, but didn't say anything.

There are many people in the harem who are talking about bread. The same is true of Wei Guifei and the others. They are all curious about where the baker came from. Why did the queen suddenly give the children something to eat on a whim?

In fact, Empress Changsun was just on a whim. She bought so much bread to give to the children, otherwise, when will she keep the five of them? The bread is quite big, one is a bit full, how about fifty?

Empress Changsun didn't care so much. She tasted a few candies with the children after the meal, and she felt a lot better after spending a while with the children.

What about Li Shimin? After having dinner with his wife and children, he went to China Hall to handle political affairs. Empress Changsun is also a little sleepy at the moment. Pregnant people are lethargic, and after playing with the children for a while, she can't hold it anymore.

Li Chengqian was very sensible. Seeing that his aunt was tired, he left with his younger siblings, so that aunt could rest in peace.

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