Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 475: Zhang Tingting goes home 1

After Chen Xiayue dealt with the farm shop, she left the farm. She also knew that Tang Taizong Li Shimin brought his queen to the shop in the Tang plane, but she was not very excited.

As she said before, she doesn't chase stars, so even if she knows that Li Shimin has been here, she will not be very excited, and she has no idea of ​​seeing Li Shimin and Empress Changsun at this time.

If His Majesty the First Emperor came over, she would be able to meet with excitement, but Chen Xiayue didn't have much sense of worship for Qin Shihuang.

When Chen Xiayue left the farm, she had no intention of meeting the Li Shimin family at all. When she came out, she told Zhang Chengchuan that the new plane was the Tang Dynasty, and it was also during the reign of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of Zhenguan.

"It's Tang Taizong. I didn't expect the plane connected this time to be ancient, and it's also the ancient times of our Chinese history." Zhang Chengchuan was also very emotional. The planes connected to the farm before were either alien interstellar planes or later generations. , such as the 21st century, the 22nd century, or the world of fantasy and magic, but this time it turned out to be ancient China.

Of course, Zhang Chengchuan of the Tang Dynasty also knew very well. After watching the Internet and videos of the 21st and 22nd centuries, and watching a lot of film and television works, he also knew very well the status of the Tang Dynasty in the world.

It's just that Zhang Chengchuan, like Chen Xiayue, doesn't chase stars, and he doesn't chase stars like ancient emperors, and he doesn't admire any emperor very much. Tang Taizong Li Shimin is really powerful in the eyes of their husband and wife, but no one knows that the connected plane can make their husband and wife feel excited when they see him.

"After connecting to Datang, we can do our bit for Datang." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, "The high-yield grain alone can make the people of Datang full. In addition to high-yield grain, there are many other things that can help to Datang's technology."

Zhang Chengchuan nodded, "It's pretty good too."

As for whether it will change history or something, since it can be connected to the Tang Dynasty, it means that it is not the Tang Dynasty in the official history, but a parallel world. History is impossible to change, only parallel worlds or fan-derived worlds can be changed, and they are not afraid to change at all.

"I saw Li Chengqian, he is still a little guy under ten years old, but his temperament is quite good." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

"It's a pity." Zhang Chengchuan also understands that Li Chengqian is not a bad person. Few of the princes can become emperors smoothly, such as Li Jiancheng, Li Chengqian, and Aixinjueluo Yinreng, but none of them have become emperors. the prince.

Li Jiancheng is also a very good talent, but who made his younger brother Li Shimin better than him? Who made Li Shimin a better chess player?

As for Li Chengqian, he didn't want Yinren to be too many excellent younger brothers, and his father's longevity put too much pressure on him and drove people crazy. Li Chengqian was because there were too many officials staring at him, and then he People are driving crazy.

To be honest, Chen Xiayue sympathized with Li Chengqian when she found out the information about Li Chengqian. When he was stared at at every word and deed without any relaxation, as long as he did something wrong and did not meet other people's expectations, he would be scolded by others. , sprayed him to doubt life.

After so many years of this kind of life, if you are not crazy, then you may not be human.

Chen Xiayue also couldn't tell which one was better when Li Chengqian became emperor or Li Zhi became emperor. Anyway, Li Zhi became emperor in history, and she expected that Li Chengqian becoming emperor would not be possible.

And now this newly connected Datang plane will be Li Chengqian as emperor? She is actually not quite sure, what if the trajectory of history is fixed and Li Zhi becomes the emperor instead of Li Chengqian? Anyway, Chen Xiayue doesn't care so much.

"Have you done any research recently? Are you still studying?" Chen Xiayue asked.

Not all of the materials sent by Ans needed to be translated by Zhang Chengchuan. After all, there is actually a remote country on Earth with such a language, so if you look carefully for translation, you can still find it.

Now Zhang Chengchuan has handed over the translation work to others, and now he is studying hard, or doing some research.

"I'm trying to improve the plane." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile as he looked at his daughter-in-law, "I've found a lot of information. Some materials in the 21st and 22nd centuries are not available in our era, so I have to see if I can change it."

"Airplane? What kind of plane should I study? Passenger plane or fighter jet?" Chen Xiayue was very curious. To be honest, if there was a plane, she still hoped to be able to go out by plane. Taking the train was a bit too painful and too slow.

"The passenger plane and the helicopter have been studied together." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, "I just changed something that was already there. It didn't take so much time and energy, and it wasn't research from scratch."

Chen Xiayue thought about it and felt that what he said was very reasonable, so he didn't care so much, anyway, her husband was measured.

Time passed quietly, and soon it was January 10, 1972, which was Nuan Nuan's two-year-old birthday.

What's different from the first birthday is that Chen Xiayue and the others didn't have a big deal, that is, the Zhang family had a happy meal, even if it was a warm birthday.

After Nuan Nuan's birthday, it's almost time for the Chinese New Year. It's already the twenty-fourth day of the winter month and the twelfth lunar month. Unexpectedly, Zhang Tingting, who had been away from Yunhe Brigade for a long time, came home soon after Nuan Nuan's birthday.

After the divorce that year, Zhang Tingting left under the arrangement of Zhang Chengchuan in order to avoid the rumors in the village from hurting herself and her family, and went to study in a distant city.

Now Zhang Tingting is a student of a medical university. She is studying medicine with a teacher who is very good at medicine. Zhang Tingting has not graduated yet, but she has also practiced with the teacher for a long time. Although she is not rich in practical experience, it is not that she has no experience at all.

Zhang Tingting came back this time because she missed her relatives. She felt that after a long time, everyone should not pay as much attention to her as before. Even if she came back to see her parents, there would not be too much gossip.

The most important thing is that she wants to see her relatives. Once she left, she misses her relatives all the time for many years, and she always regrets that she was too young and took it for granted.

"Tingting is back?" Chen Xiayue was quite surprised when she heard the news. The girl had been away for several years and did not expect to come back at this time.

Also, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination at this time has diverted everyone's attention, and it has been several years since Zhang Tingting divorced, so now is a good time to come back.

"How is she doing?" Chen Xiayue was very curious. When Zhang Tingting left, she was not in a good condition. She was worried that the girl would still be on the horns after she left, and she didn't think about it.

"It's good, she looks like she's come out. What's more, she went to university and studied medicine with an old doctor and an old professor. How can it be bad?" Hu Xiaofang said with a smile.

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