Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 476: Zhang Tingting goes home 2

They are also from the Zhang family, and Hu Xiaofang also hopes that Zhang Tingting can live well. After all, they all belong to the Zhang family. If someone's family is too miserable, other people with the surname Zhang and close relatives will also be affected, right?

Hu Xiaofang has a good relationship with Zhang Tingting, so she hopes that the girl will live well, not to indulge in the past, hope her life can be good, and she will have a bright future.

Zhang Tingting had a really good life, so after returning home to have a good relationship with her family, she came to visit Chen Xiayue.

"Sister Xia Yue." Zhang Tingting greeted with a smile.

Chen Xiayue looked at Zhang Tingting, who looked a little different from her previous lively and cheerful appearance, and couldn't help but sighed in her heart that people really can change. She didn't expect that Zhang Tingting, who was originally simple and lively, would become the calm and calm appearance she is now.

Whether Zhang Tingting was temporarily disappointed in her relationship because of a failed marriage and worked hard to become a strong woman Chen Xiayue is not sure, but Zhang Tingting in front of her really has the temperament of a strong woman.

It's only been a few years, and Zhang Tingting has changed a lot.

"You seem to have changed a lot." Chen Xiayue looked at Zhang Tingting and said, her appearance has not changed much, but she is a little more mature than her 18-year-old appearance, but she is still young and beautiful.

Zhang Tingting's temperament has changed. Now Zhang Tingting gives Chen Xiayue a very calm and steady feeling. It is not as cold as Song Yu, but it is no longer the simple and pure appearance before.

Zhang Tingting smiled when she heard the words, "Everyone can change. I've been through so much. If it doesn't change at all, it's impossible."

"I came here this time to thank you, brother Achuan and sister-in-law. If it weren't for you, I didn't know what I would have become in the first place." Zhang Tingting said sincerely.

She is really grateful to Zhang Chengchuan and his wife for the way out for her. Obviously, Zhang Chengchuan and his wife did not go to college, but they put so much effort and kindness into arranging her to go to college. How could she not be grateful?

Zhang Tingting knew very well that if she didn't leave after the divorce, she would either be unable to bear to do stupid things because of the rumors of outsiders, or she would still find someone to marry casually because she couldn't bear the rumors.

Even though she divorced back then because Zheng Shunze and his children hurt her, many people don't care if it's her fault, anyway, she's not as popular as she was when she was divorced. , even if they remarry, it is impossible to find a good husband.

Don't say it was the time of the divorce, but now she has been divorced for so many years and left the Yunhe Brigade for so long. When I came back this time, some relatives came to look for her and said what to introduce to her, and the people who introduced them were all not very good.

Even those people told her that according to her situation, some widows under the age of thirty-five who have a regular job but who are widowed and have children do not look down on her, and she can only marry an old country man over the age of thirty-five. Either marry a fool or a man whose family is so poor that he can't help but have no money to marry his wife.

Zhang Tingting is about to be laughed at. Even if she is divorced, Zhang Tingting has not been reduced to this level, right? You must know that she also had many suitors when she was in school. Even if she said that she was divorced in order to avoid trouble, some people still pursued her.

It's just that she hasn't come out of the previous marriage completely, and she has suffered the loss of interrupting her studies once, so this time she plans to study hard and talk about her relationship after she successfully graduates and finds a job to stabilize.

Even though there were rumors that she had been divorced for a while, Zhang Tingting did not hide why she was divorced, so some people understood her choice later, and all her energy was devoted to her studies and did not contact any **** men in private. , so her reputation is not bad.

Unexpectedly, she has a good reputation in the school, and there are several suitors, and the other party's conditions are not bad. As a result, when she returned to the country, she could only marry an old man over forty years old, or she could only marry a fool?

"Did you live well at the school?" Chen Xiayue asked.

"It's very good. The atmosphere in our school is good now. The teachers are very attentive to teach, and everyone is studying very seriously." Zhang Tingting said with a smile.

Since the production of rice fruit trees, oil fruit trees and other crops, as well as sweet potatoes, potatoes and other crops, have been increased a few years ago, everyone's life has been much better. With the popularization in recent years, high-yield potatoes and sweet potatoes have been planted in almost the whole country, and although rice fruit trees and oil fruit trees have been cultivated, they have not yet produced fruit.

But even so, life at school was pretty good.

Although Zhang Tingting didn't know that Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan had found a lot of medical and technological materials from the 22nd century, and then let everyone study, but Zhang Tingting's teacher was originally sent to the devolved back then, but was found because of the need to study various materials. The old professor came back.

Zhang Tingting studied with the old professor, so she didn't have to worry about being involved, and she didn't have to worry that the old professors would be sent down again.

Everyone in the school studied very seriously. Even though some students were recommended by workers, peasants and soldiers, they also studied hard. In a medical university, there are no teachers who let students mess around.

After all, doctors need to be responsible for their patients. If medical students mess around, then they will also mess around when they become doctors. What should they do when they treat patients and mess around? Teachers with a strong sense of responsibility would not allow such a thing to happen.

Zhang Tingting told Chen Xiayue some interesting things about her in school. Even if she is a medical student, it does not mean that her study life is boring, and there are many interesting things.

There are not too many female students in the medical school. Zhang Tingting also made a few friends. Although there are some female classmates who dislike her, she doesn't care.

Chen Xiayue listened to Zhang Tingting's words and was really happy for her.

In the past, Zhang Tingting followed her to study pharmacology, but she fell in love before she learned anything. The whole person gave up to continue studying pharmacology with her because of her love. She has nothing to regret. After all, it is Zhang Tingting's business whether to study or not.

It was only after Zhang Tingting got married that it was revealed that her husband had been married to her, and that he had three children, and she felt sorry for Zhang Tingting.

This is also how Zhang Tingting got divorced and she also helped her find a way out. Back then, she followed Zhang Chengchuan to find a relationship and gave Zhang Tingting a letter of recommendation. It can be said that Zhang Tingting's university admission quota is the same as that of the University of Workers, Farmers and Soldiers.

Is it better to send Zhang Tingting to study than to remarry her? Who knows if this one will be worse than Zheng Shunze?

As for being sent to a factory as a worker, Chen Xiayue felt that Zhang Tingting was still young and should study hard, so she sent her to school.

Others, Chen Xiayue, are too lazy to care, who made Zhang Tingting have a good relationship with her, and it happened that such a thing happened, so she arranged it like this. It's useless for others to be jealous of Zhang Tingting. The time and place are right and people are right, and they just stand on Zhang Tingting's side.

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