Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 477: Zhang Tingting goes home 3

Zhang Tingting told Chen Xiayue some interesting things about her in school, and also exchanged medical knowledge with Chen Xiayue.

Zhang Tingting studied Western medicine, but she studied pediatrics. Of course, Zhang Tingting worked very hard in her studies. She also studied internal medicine while studying pediatrics.

Chen Xiayue is studying pharmacology, but she can't see a doctor, can't take a pulse, can't diagnose, can't prescribe medicine, but she has studied all kinds of pharmacology, all kinds of pharmacy, and she doesn't have anything to talk about with Zhang Tingting. Still quite suitable.

"By the way, I haven't seen Nuan Nuan before. Do the clothes I gave Nuan Nuan fit before?" Zhang Tingting talked about Nuan Nuan while chatting.

Zhang Tingting lost a child. Although she had not had time to develop her feelings for the child at that time, she was also very sad after the loss. It is also because of the loss of a child that Zhang Tingting chose pediatrics when she chose her major.

She is not a person who likes children very much, but she feels that it is because of her inattention as a mother that she will lose that child, so she plans to study pediatrics, and then become a pediatrician in the future to treat more children.

"The clothes are very good, Nuan Nuan likes it very much." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

When Zhang Tingting heard that Chen Xiayue gave birth to a daughter, she sent her two sets of children's clothes, and they were made of cotton, very soft and suitable for children.

Those two sets of clothes have now been worn by Nuan Nuan. Later, Zhang Tingting occasionally gave Nuan Nuan some toys or something. Although it was not many, it was also her heart.

Zhang Tingting is still studying and has no income. She does not have much money, and the cost of reading has already made her a great burden. But even so, she was able to save money to send things to Nuan Nuan, and Chen Xiayue was very grateful to her.

"Are you planning to do something to eat and sell?" Chen Xiayue said after thinking about it.

Zhang Tingting is studying outside. At this time, it is not like students who are admitted to college after resuming the college entrance examination are still subsidized. Zhang Tingting was recommended to study, and she had to pay for tuition, living expenses, books and the like.

Zhang Tingting received compensation from the Zheng family before so she was able to study, but the money must have been spent in recent years. I just don't know what income Zhang Tingting relies on now, and whether she had a bad time at school.

Zhang Tingting was stunned when she heard the words, then smiled, "Sister-in-law, you also know that you can't do business now. If I do something to eat and sell, it might not be good..."

Chen Xiayue nodded, she was just on a whim, she also knew that the market had not been opened at this time, and it was impossible to do business. But Zhang Tingting is like this, and she doesn't know how she should live at school.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. In fact, I have a part-time job. I work part-time in the school's library. Although my income is not much, my living expenses are enough."

As for tuition fees, she had to think of other ways, but Zhang Tingting couldn't give up studying because of such a little difficulty. This was an opportunity that countless people dreamed of, and since she got it, she couldn't give up halfway.

She once gave up halfway, and now she will never again.

Zhang Tingting met Zhou Yunyue on the way home from Chen Xiayue's house. The woman who had married to the county town went back to her parents' house after knowing that Zhang Tingting had returned home.

"Yo, isn't this our Tingting? Why are you willing to come back? We didn't get along well outside and finally returned home in despair?" Zhou Yunyue mocked with an aloof look.

Originally, Zhou Yunyue had a bad relationship with Zhang Tingting. Later, she married into the Zheng family and became Zheng Shunze's third wife. She asked for it herself. However, Zhou Yunyue did not live as well as she imagined. Zheng Shunze's three children are not easy to get along with, especially Zhou Yunyue has not had any children since her marriage.

Of course, Zhou Yunyue wanted to have a child of her own, but the two Zheng family's three children could cause Zhang Tingting to have a miscarriage, so it was impossible for them to let their stepmother have children after their father remarried.

Zhou Yunyue had to face the difficulties of her mother-in-law and three stepchildren every day, but in order to stay in the county town, in order to stay in the Zheng family, she endured it. However, she endured it and swallowed her anger towards the Zheng family, but all her backlog of grievances rushed towards Zhang Tingting.

Zhou Yunyue felt that if it wasn't for Zhang Tingting, she wouldn't be so bad. If it wasn't for Zhang Tingting, she would definitely be hundreds of times better than she is now.

The only common topic between Zhou Yunyue and her mother-in-law in the Zheng family is to curse Zhang Tingting, the person she doesn't like. This is the only way she can release the pressure in the Zheng family.

Now that I heard that Zhang Tingting had come back, Zhou Yunyue hurriedly went back to her parents' house just to target Zhang Tingting in person.

Zhang Tingting looked at Zhou Yunyue, the eldest girl who was radiant when she was still unmarried, is now tortured and haggard by life. Compared with Zhang Tingting, a person who studies energetically every day, Zhou Yunye's state is really much worse.

Zhang Tingting was not offended by Zhou Yunyue's ridicule. To be honest, the people she met outside who disliked her and hated her were even worse, and she had already survived. Then Zhou Yunyue's low-level ridicule, she didn't take it to heart at all, and it wouldn't cause any harm to her.

"Seeing that you're not doing well, why are you embarrassed to come over and mock me?" Zhang Tingting said slowly, after sizing up Zhou Yunyue, she smoothed her braids and said, "Look at yourself, then look at me, you think I'm like Are you having a bad time?"

"You said I'm not doing well, then you're doing well after marrying the Zheng family? Looking at your haggard appearance, if you say that you are in your thirties, people will believe you, but aren't you in your early twenties?" Zhang Tingting She looked at Zhou Yunyue with a smile on her face.

Zhou Yunyue was annoyed by her words, especially after seeing that Zhang Tingting's mental state and skin condition were really good, she became even more angry.

Zhang Tingting is not someone who doesn't know how to take care of herself. When she followed Chen Xiayue back then, she was indoctrinated that many girls should treat themselves better, such as facial masks and maintenance, to make themselves look beautiful forever.

During the marriage period, she didn't take good care of herself because she was busy, but she also took care of herself once a week to take good care of her skin and her face.

Later, she got divorced. Even though she was very busy at school, she cared more about her face. As long as she is still young and beautiful, who would dare to call her an abandoned woman? Who dares to say that she is an old woman who was abandoned by the old Zhuhuang?

Because Zhang Tingting and Zhou Yunyue are standing together, some people think that they are ten years apart. However, Zhou Yunyue and Zhang Tingting are the same age.

"What about you, let's make yourself look more radiant and look much better than me, come and mock me again." Zhang Tingting ignored Zhou Yunyue and turned to go home.

At that time, she really liked Zheng Shunze, but when she got divorced, she had already packed up her mood. In the past few years, she has not come out completely, not because she still remembers Zheng Shunze, but because she has not come out of the shadow of losing that child.

Zhou Yunyue and Zheng Shunze don't care how much they love her, and it's even more impossible not to be angry that she lost her child but Zheng Shunze's wife and children are with her.

Zhou Yunyue stomped her feet angrily when she saw Zhang Tingting's back, and she wanted to continue chasing after her to ridicule. But just as Zhang Tingting said, the two of them are too different, and her taunting did not hurt Zhang Tingting at all.

As for saying that Zheng Shunze was very good to her, she had a good life in the Zheng family, so that Zhang Tingting knew that she was different from her? It's useless to say anything, just look at the state, she is not much better than Zhang Tingting.

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