Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 481: Datang plane 9

On this day, the royal chefs in the palace dining room got several recipes, all of which were about tofu. Then the chefs used their skills to make several tofu dishes, such as pan-fried tofu, fish head tofu soup, tofu mixed with shallots, shrimp slippery tofu cabbage soup, and fresh shrimp tofu.

"It turns out that the tofu is so delicious." Li Lizhi was delighted to see the several tofu dishes in front of her. The tofu was actually not that bad.

Li Lizhi likes to eat sweet bean curd, but Aye and her eldest brother like salty bean curd. They even bought spicy sauce and meat sauce at the store and put it in the bean curd, which made Li Lizhi, a sweet party, look particularly uncomfortable.

Empress Zhangsun smiled at her child's appearance. She also liked sweet bean curd, but the tofu dish was delicious too.

Li Tai did not refuse. He liked sweet and salty beancurd very much. The battle between sweet and salty did not cause any trouble for him. He was not picky about food.

In addition to tofu, the recipe that Li Chengqian returned has a lot of ingredients, such as fish patterns, mutton recipes, pork recipes, rabbit, chicken, duck, and goose recipes.

Among them is a book called "200 Recipes for Chicken", in which Li Chengqian was dazzled by the various methods of chicken.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Chengqian to spend all his time translating simplified characters into traditional characters, so the recipes are all given to Empress Changsun, and the "Xinhua Dictionary" is also given to Empress Changsun. She has literate palace servants who can Help translate recipes.

The things Li Chengqian and Li Shimin exchanged were books and food, which made Li Tai and Li Lizhi not very satisfied.

"Brother, is there anything fun in that shop? Brother, I want to play." Li Lizhi pulled Li Chengqian coquettishly.

Of course Li Tai was embarrassed to act coquettishly with Li Chengqian, but his younger sister had already acted coquettishly, and he quickly echoed, "Brother, is there anything to play?"

"Brother, I'll give you my jewelry, can you help me change it?" Li Lizhi took off the silver bracelet from her hand and put it on Li Chengqian's hand, looking at him eagerly and said, "Brother, I want something fun."

"Brother, are there many other things in that shop? Not just food and books, right? Are there any other interesting things?" Li Tai asked, "Or are there any other books? Not farmers Books aren't the kind of recipes?"

Li Chengqian was entangled by his younger brothers and sisters. When he thought about other younger brothers and sisters in the harem, he felt that he should give them something that could be exchanged.

For example, Li Tai, if he is so interested, for example, ask the owner of the store if there is a book on the grid that he planned to teach him before, so that his fourth younger brother can learn.

"I'll see if there's anything suitable for you when I go there next time," Li Chengqian promised.

"Really, brother? Thank you so much." Li Lizhi was so happy that she jumped up and down with Li Chengqian's arm in her arms.

Li Shimin's sons are now only seven, and his daughters are not too few. Li Lizhi is the first daughter of the eldest grandson but not Li Shimin's first daughter.

Li Lizhi still has four older sisters, but the second sister died early, but there are still three older sisters. Then there are three younger sisters under Li Lizhi, and these sisters and sisters are only the youngest who are less than one year old.

Although Li Lizhi was a direct princess, the treatment she received was not so good. That is, Li Shimin respected Empress Changsun so much that Empress Changsun had great power. Those concubines and princesses in the harem could not bully Empress Changsun's children.

But Li Lizhi doesn't want anything. Sometimes the princess needs to be told by her mother to be a lady and be generous. Anyway, she can't care too much with her sisters and sisters.

Li Chengqian promised his younger brothers and sisters to bring them fun things. On the second day, Li Chengqian entered the room by himself, and entered the Xia Yue grocery store without Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

"Yo, little prince, why are you here?"

It happened that Chen Xiayue was checking what to add to the goods in the store, so Li Chengqian met her when he came over.

In fact, Zhang Chengchuan had just left. After all, the planes were different. When Zhang Chengchuan left, he went to the 22nd century to study and improve with the teachers. After Chen Xiayue coaxed her daughter to sleep, she came in to have a look.

Unexpectedly, I just met Li Chengqian and came over, but Chen Xiayue was a little surprised.

"Boss." Li Chengqian greeted Chen Xiayue politely, "Excuse me, boss, do you have anything suitable for children here? My younger siblings knew that I could come here to buy things, so they asked me to bring them something they could play with. something back."

"Is that so?" Chen Xiayue smiled when she heard the words. She just checked the information and knew that Li Chengqian had quite a few younger siblings. Even though there are still many younger brothers and sisters who have not yet been born, there are seven or eight sisters born, and there are six or seven younger brothers. As the eldest brother, he should be under a lot of pressure.

"Do you need to bring it to all your brothers and sisters?" Chen Xiayue brought Li Chengqian over with a smile and introduced, "Two or three-year-old children are more suitable to buy these enlightenment books, "Three Character Classic", "Pinyin", and of course A dictionary is fine too."

"And here are the picture-reading cards, and here are the colored pens. You can paint and draw for the children. Here are the toys. Would you like to see the little prince?"

"This is a tangram, a nine-link, a building block, and a Rubik's cube. There are also some relatively large facilities here. We definitely cannot accommodate such amusement facilities here, but there are blueprints. The little prince can buy the blueprints and make them. ."

"How is it? Do you need to buy the little prince? You don't have to worry about it being too labor-intensive for the people and money. If you are worried that some people say that you and your younger siblings are too extravagant, don't be afraid. Anyway, the money belongs to the little prince and your parents, not the treasury. Money, don't worry too much." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

Li Chengqian looked like he liked it, and then exchanged all the things he brought with him into exchange coins, and then bought a lot of things.

Li Chengqian also asked about the books on the matter, and Chen Xiayue gave a copy of "Tian Gong Kai Wu", as well as a primary school nature book, and asked Li Chengqian to take it back to his younger brother Li Tai to study.

Li Chengqian bought a few books and a lot of toys. Li Chengqian bought fifteen pieces of Rubik's Cube and other things, and then he also bought fifteen pieces of Tangram, Jiulianhuan, building blocks and the like, and then bought eight plush dolls.

When Li Chengqian brought these things back, he was welcomed by Li Tai and Li Lizhi. The brothers and sisters were very happy to find something they liked.

Each plush doll is different. There are eight different plush dolls, including tiger, cat, hamster, panda, cow, lion, brown bear, and teddy bear. Li Lizhi looked at a row of eight plush dolls. Dolls have hard choices.

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