Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 482: Datang plane 10

"Brother, can I have them all?" Li Lizhi looked at her eldest brother pitifully, these plush dolls are really cute, she wants them all.

"No, give it back to my sisters and sisters." Li Chengqian advised, "If you like these, just choose the one you like the most. There are other toys here, can you take a look?"

Li Lizhi pouted with dissatisfaction, but she was not so overbearing that she would not let her brother share it with other sisters and sisters. And what the eldest brother said is right, there are other toys.

"Brother, what books are these?" Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian's books on the desk, opened a book of nature, and the more he read it, the more he liked it.

"It was recommended to me by the owner of the store. To be honest, it is suitable for children of our age." Li Chengqian said, and then took the pinyin and reading pictures on the side and said, "The store owner said that these words are suitable for children who have just been enlightened. Watch it, if you're interested, you can watch it too."

Li Chengqian really worked hard not to favor one another over another. Even though Li Tai and Li Lizhi were his siblings, he was not too partial and prepared a lot of things for other half-brothers and sisters.

"Gao Ming has done a good job." Empress Zhangsun smiled, her eldest son is the crown prince, and he must have a mind that is tolerant of others. And half-brothers and sisters, he needs to be vigilant but can't really be ruthless and indifferent.

Li Chengqian was also very happy to be praised by his mother. Although he tried to maintain an expression on his face, he still showed it. Children like to be praised, especially from their parents, and Li Chengqian is no exception.

Empress Changsun asked people to go to the harem to call the other princes and princesses, and it was almost time.

"Meet the Empress, eldest brother." Li Ke and the others, even if they are princes, need to bow when facing Empress Zhangsun and Li Chengqian. Who makes their mother and son naturally have a high status?

Li Ke, who was the same year as Li Tai, is also very precocious, he knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and he also knows how to be respectful when facing Empress Changsun and Li Chengqian.

In the harem, no matter how favored concubines and concubines are, they can't contradict Empress Changsun, and the prince and princess can't fail to give Empress Changsun face. This is Emperor Li Shimin's respect for Empress Changsun, and it is the power that the emperor gives to Empress.

Even if Li Ke and the others resented that they were not the heirs, it was impossible for them to show these negative emotions when facing Empress Changsun.

"Come on, Ke'er, You'er, come and see that these are the things that your eldest brother bought, see if you like it or not, take it away if you like it." Empress Zhangsun greeted Li Ke and Li You with a smile.

"There are a few of you, come and have a look, this is the doll that your eldest brother bought for your sisters." Queen Changsun also called a few little princesses to come and look at the plush dolls and see what they like.

Although Li Ke and the others were somewhat restrained, they quickly integrated into the joy of playing with their brothers and sisters, especially the toys really interest them.

Toys like Jiu Lianhuan and Rubik's Cube are really mind-blowing, even Li Ke and the others who are a little older and don't plan to play with their younger siblings who are just one or two years old are very interested.

"I want this." Princess Six, who was younger than Li Lizhi, said happily holding a hamster doll about her size.

"I want this." Princess Seven said looking at the cute panda doll.

"Big sister, what about you, third sister? What do you like?" Li Li asked. She had taken a milk cat doll before, so she asked her sisters what they liked.

The eldest princess, the third princess, and the fourth princess have also chosen their favorite dolls, and then hugged the dolls and played with them.

Empress Changsun was relieved to see that the children were getting along well, but she still had to deal with palace affairs, so she couldn't stay here any longer.

Empress Zhangsun is pregnant but it doesn't mean she doesn't need to deal with palace affairs, that is, because she lacks energy for pregnancy, palace affairs are shared with Wei Guifei, Yinfei, Yande, and other concubines above the concubine rank to help.

"Brother, this is so difficult." Li Yun said unhappily with the Rubik's Cube twisting and twisting, but he couldn't twist the common colors of the Rubik's Cube together.

"Brother, what is this?" Li Ke looked at the long thing in a bag next to him and was very puzzled. Although the Rubik's Cube was also very interesting, Li Ke was still curious about what was next to him.

Li Chengqian looked over when he heard the words, saw the badminton racket, and explained to Li Ke, "This is badminton. According to the owner of the store where I bought things, it can be played. It is a sport like Cuju."

Li Ke's eyes lit up and he said with great interest, "Brother, can we play this badminton?"

Li Chengqian thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then you go out to play, you may hit something when you play in the house, let's play in an open place."

"Okay." Li Ke should be very refreshing.

Li Chengqian and Li Ke went out with a group of interested brothers and sisters. Li Chengqian bought about five pairs of badminton rackets, so the younger brothers and sisters can not play, and the younger brothers and sisters over five years old can play along.

Li Chengqian opened the bag and took out the badminton racket and shuttlecock, and then taught Li Ke and the others how to play the shuttlecock.

The eldest princess and the others were also very interested. After dividing the rackets, the two of them began to play.

"Big sister, big sister, can you play well? You don't want to play so far away from me, big sister!" The third princess who was playing with the eldest princess complained unhappily.

"I want to hit you, but what can I do if the ball doesn't obey my orders?" The eldest princess is also very difficult, she can't control the direction the ball is flying.

"Big brother - big brother, you just hit the line, why do you always just cross the line? I have a hard time catching the ball every time." Li Tai, who played against Li Chengqian, was very unhappy because Li Chengqian didn't just cross the line when he played. Just overtake him too much, and he never catches the ball.

"Okay, I will control my strength." Li Chengqian readily admitted his mistake and continued to fight with Li Tai.

"Qing Que, can you play well? You also say that I can't play well. Look at you. You either hit the wrong way or hit so hard that the ball will be broken by you." Li Chengqian was also very unhappy, Li Tai what's going on? Why do you hit so hard every time? The ball flew so far that he couldn't catch it at all.

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll be more restrained." Li Tai also wanted to play well, so he listened to Li Chengqian's complaints.

The fourth princess and Li Lizhi played well. Although most of the sisters would miss the ball when they were playing, they had at least received it a few times. In this way, when you come and go, it will be very interesting.

"It's great! The fourth sister is great!"

"Five elder sisters, fifth elder sisters are amazing!"

A few very young princesses and princes couldn't play, but they cheered and cheered for their brothers and sisters who supported them when they watched the ball next to them.

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