Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 509: buy a house 2

Chen Xiasong really doesn't feel that he needs to fight for his children. After all, he can allocate houses to the unit because of his outstanding ability, so his children must at least do this in the future, right?

Even if it doesn't work, if the child gets married and wants a house, he has to earn it himself. Chen Xiasong never thought about how much family business he would earn for the children and pass them on to them.

Chen Xiayue: "..."

Chen Xiasong touched his chin and said, "But what you said makes sense. We can buy a house by ourselves. Now that our county is not too big, we can buy a house or buy a piece of land to build a house by ourselves."

Chen Xiasong is serious, and his vision is also very long-term.

There are several factories in the county town, such as machinery factories and food factories, which are gradually developing better and better. Coupled with the resumption of the college entrance examination, Chen Xiasong believes that the opening of the market is not far away.

If their county town develops better and better, then the houses in the county town will definitely be built more and more, and the house price may become more and more expensive by then. In this case, why don't you buy a house or land early? If you don't live here, you can sell it.

Chen Xiasong understood after being reminded by Chen Xiayue, and discussed with Chen Xiayue where to buy a house and how to buy a house. Is there a ready-made house to buy, or should I buy a piece of homestead and build it myself?

Even the area that belongs to the suburbs of the county is not too far away. It is also very good to buy a piece of land in the suburbs of the county and build a house by yourself.

The two brothers and sisters discussed carefully and seriously, Chen Xiayue was so moved that she wanted to buy a piece of land and build a house by herself.

Even if she can't use it herself, can't she still give it to her children or grandchildren to live in later? Chen Xiayue didn't have to be rooted in the Yunhe Brigade all her life. If the market opened up, she would definitely plan to do some business.

Although she has studied pharmacology very seriously in her life, it does not mean that she does not like food. Maybe when the market opens, she can open a small restaurant or something.

Of course, with such a lazy personality, it is impossible for her to open a restaurant and cook non-stop all day. When the time comes, she invites people to cook some light meals. Isn't it very good that she cooks occasionally and then spends most of the time as a shopkeeper?

Oops, the more I think about it, the more excited I get.

Whether to buy a house or buy a land to build a house is not something that can be decided in a few words. After the two brothers and sisters talked for a while, they stopped talking.

Chen Xiasong also had classes in the afternoon, so after a few words with Chen Xiayue, he went to take a nap for a while, otherwise the class in the afternoon would be boring.

Chen Xiayue didn't take a nap with her. She didn't need to go to school or work in the afternoon, so she didn't need to take a nap.

She opened the operation panel to collect the mature crops on the farm, and then continued to collect the things in the farm. After finishing the affairs of the farm, she closed the farm operation panel.

Chen Xiayue took out the pharmacology book again, which is the interstellar version of various prescriptions, various medicinal materials, pharmacology, etc., which must be carefully studied and remembered.

There is too much pharmacological knowledge in Interstellar, and the translated books are very thick. Even if Chen Xiayue has a good memory, he has not read all the books.

Chen Xiayue looked at her daughter while endorsing, and soon Chen Xiasong and Li Xinmeng woke up. After washing up, the couple went to work, and gave Chen Guoqing, the milk baby, to Chen Xiayue for help.

Chen Guohua also went to school with his parents. A ten-year-old child still has to study seriously, and he can't play with his aunt just because he is home.

Chen Xiayue didn't care much about Nuan Nuan and Chen Guoqing, and after laying a layer of mat on the ground, she threw the toys to their sister and brother to play by themselves.

Chen Xiayue was very relaxed after returning to her parents' home. Although her mother Li Guifen had to go to work and didn't have much time to take care of her children, Nuan Nuan almost became the group pet in the family area with her cute face.

She looks so cute, so good-looking, and she is soft and cute unlike Chen Xiabai, an adult man of prosperous beauty. Of course, it is very popular.

Nuan Nuan just needs to go out to play, and it will attract the support of many children who have not yet gone to school, and they all want to play with beautiful little girls.

And the adults didn't think that Chen Xiayue was married to the country. Nuan Nuan was a country girl and wouldn't let the children in the family play with Nuan Nuan. The children in the countryside are so white and fat, cute and lovely, but they still dislike them, so their own parents are not good-looking. Can you still want a skinny little brat?

That night, Chen Xiasong and Li Xinmeng brought their children back to Lao Chen's house, planning to talk to their family about buying a house.

"Why do you want to buy a house all of a sudden? Don't you have a house to live in?" Li Guifen asked suspiciously.

What Li Guifen is most proud of is that his three sons are particularly promising. Even if the third son outside seems to be equivalent to joining the Wei family, they actually know what the situation is.

Moreover, although Chen Xiahua moved out and lived with Wei Chenxi in a house under Wei Chenxi's name after she got married, her work has continued to rise.

Chen Mingying is not too young, and his time in charge has been reduced a lot, except when he needs to develop products, he rarely cooks. And Chen Xiahua, a young man with outstanding talent who has learned cooking skills for a few years, became Chen Mingying's successor.

Chen Xiabai will not talk about it. This guy is now a well-known engineer in the machinery factory. Although he is not the chief engineer, he is also very powerful. Salary, benefits, everything is good.

And even if her only daughter Chen Xiayue is married to the countryside, her son-in-law can take good care of her.

Therefore, Li Guifen, who is very satisfied with her children and her work is also very smooth, feels very happy. Satisfied, there are not too many ideas.

As a result, his eldest son plans to buy a house? why?

You must know that your eldest son and daughter-in-law have a very good job, the house that the husband and wife are assigned is relatively large, and now the two children are still young enough to live, why should you buy a house?

"Guohua is ten years old now, and he will get married in about ten years. Not to mention that it is so far away, even if the National Day has grown up, the two brothers are quite aggrieved in the same room." Chen Xiasong said.

"When the three of you brothers lived together in one room, didn't they still grow up so big?" Li Guifen did not accept what his eldest son said.

"Mom, it's good to have more houses. What's more, we don't want to buy ten or eight houses, just buy one. What are you in a hurry?"

"My job with Xinmeng is very stable, but I think I still need to buy a house of my own." Chen Xiasong said seriously, "You must know that in our family, except for the house that my brother and sister's parents bought for her, all other houses are It's a unit."

"At that time, if anyone of us is accidentally laid off, can we continue to live in the house assigned by the unit?" Chen Xiasong said.

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